Activity Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Wed, 20 Dec 2023 20:49:02 +0000 en hourly 1 Activity Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet for Athletes? Thu, 09 Nov 2023 14:24:43 +0000 In this episode we explore the idea that switching to a plant-based diet doesn't mean sacrificing athletic performance. In fact, incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet may even give you an advantage in your athletic pursuits. Join us as we chat with registered dietitian nutritionist Nichole Dandrea-Russert, MS, who authored "The Vegan Athlete's Nutrition Handbook." This comprehensive guidebook delves into the science behind plant-based eating and its impact on peak performance. Throughout the episode, we discuss the various topics covered in her book, including strategies for properly fueling your body while following a vegan lifestyle. Whether you're an athlete or simply someone interested in the benefits of plant-based eating, this episode will provide you with valuable insights and information. So tune in to learn how to maximize your athletic potential through a plant-based diet. 

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The post Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet for Athletes? appeared first on Lifestyle.

Six Habits To Feel Happier And More Fulfilled Thu, 26 Oct 2023 13:30:00 +0000 On the surface, life appears to be a combination of your thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and actions, where even the littlest and seemingly insignificant things can make huge impacts, triggering lasting effects. On a deeper level, your beliefs, behaviors, thoughts, and actions are a product of your identity, which we’ll leave for another time.  There’s an...

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On the surface, life appears to be a combination of your thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and actions, where even the littlest and seemingly insignificant things can make huge impacts, triggering lasting effects.

On a deeper level, your beliefs, behaviors, thoughts, and actions are a product of your identity, which we’ll leave for another time. 

There’s an effect for every cause (your beliefs, behaviors, thoughts, and actions). And how that “effect” affects you largely depends on your outlook and perspective – how you see things and what they mean to you.

Although we could venture deeply into this topic, let’s keep it simple because our goal is to learn what we can do to feel more fulfilled today.

According to studies, people with an optimistic mindset enjoy a more fulfilling, satisfying life because they don’t allow their negative self-talk to engulf their lives or poison their outlook. 

They acknowledge whatever comes along and deal with it with resilience, positive action, acceptance, and faith that everything will eventually work out.

That approach to life isn’t just for a select few who are more special or worthy; it’s available to all of us.

With that in mind, here are six daily routines to help you feel more satisfied and fulfilled in life and with life.

Daily Prayer & Meditation

Taking a few minutes daily for prayer and meditation is a grounding, centering practice that stabilizes your life. 

Prayer, meditation, and Bible reading are associated with improved physical, emotional, and mental health and reducing stress while promoting self-awareness and gratitude.

Researchers say that even 5–10 minutes of daily meditation makes a huge difference in your day because it facilitates inner peace and cultivates feelings of gratitude.

Prayer and meditation can also reduce negative emotions, giving you a new perspective on stressful circumstances. Thus, you become more capable of facing challenging situations with resilience and inner power.

Make a To-Do List

Some people don’t mind to-do lists, while others hate them; pros and cons exist. 

However, listing your home/work priorities and tasks for the day keeps you organized and more productive. It also encourages you to get done what matters most first. All the better if you schedule these tasks on your calendar. 

A to-do list guides your day, reminding you to follow through and stop putting things off. At the end of the day, you’ll feel good about what you crossed off and accomplished, perhaps even proud. It’s empowering!

Enjoy Nature

Research shows that spending time in nature has a marvelous effect on our emotional and psychological health. It amplifies positive feelings while reducing stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

As little as 10–15 minutes daily outdoors can improve mood and boost happiness, increasing feelings of life satisfaction. 

Relaxing in nature calms the mind and spirit. And adding prayer and meditation can make you feel connected to something bigger than yourself.

Another great benefit of spending time in nature is that it makes you more active, whether a brisk morning walk or a leisurely sunset stroll in the evening. 

Learn Something New

Staying curious and always learning something new is another way to feel more fulfilled and satisfied with life. 

Gaining new skills and experiences makes you more self-aware, well-rounded, wiser, and knowledgeable. 

With so much information at our fingertips, learning new skills has never been easier. There’s a video, book, documentary, podcast, handout, course, or online class for anything that interests you. 

Self-education enhances the quality of your life in so many ways, not to mention how it improves cognitive functioning by keeping your brain cells active and healthy, defeats boredom, and equips you to be of greater service and help! 


You might be the type that enjoys pushing yourself in the gym, bike, or trail, or you might have a laidback style and go where the spirit leads. You don’t have to do high-intensity sessions multiple days a week to reap health benefits. 

Just start moving your body. Why? Because you were designed to move, not rust!

Set a couple reasonable goals and get out and move! 

Take a five or ten-minute walk during your lunch break, follow along to a fun 15-minute workout routine in your living room, or get a gym membership. Or if you like sports, join a league. 

Physical activity relieves stress and boosts confidence. And it releases endorphins, which is one of the feel-good hormones.


We thrive when connected socially. Some of the longest-running research projects spanning decades reveal we’re happiest and healthiest when connected to others. 

Isolation and loneliness significantly increase the chances of early death because of the coping mechanisms we fall into to deal with the pain. 

Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, you’re a social creature. Connecting with friends, family, and co-workers in healthy ways should be a priority if you want to feel fulfilled because it gives you a sense of being cared for and loved. But it isn’t all about you because connecting with others gives you a chance to support and care for them, too. 

Another great benefit of social connection is that it serves as a kind of safety net when facing life’s challenges, and it also improves your ability to bounce back when life goes sideways. 

Social connection reduces stress, anxiety, and depression and strengthens the immune system. 

Social connection improves your overall health and well-being. 

Even a 10-minute phone or video call with a loved one will lift your spirits, promote a healthy lifestyle, improve sleep, and lower your risk of chronic diseases.

When you step back and observe your life, how are things spiritually in the area of prayer and meditation, getting things done and crossing off priorities, enjoying nature in all its beauty, being curious and learning new things, exercising your body, and connecting socially with loved ones in healthy ways or volunteering for a worthy cause? 

Are you living or existing? Surviving or flourishing? 

Only you have the answer. But even more importantly, only you have the power and authority to create and enjoy a more fulfilling, satisfying life through the power of choice. Today can be the day everything changes. 

As you review this list of six things you can do to enjoy a more satisfying, fulfilling life, what are one or two things you can add today or tomorrow that will help you unlock your best life? 

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Why Walking Is Amazing! Thu, 19 Oct 2023 13:30:00 +0000 Hippocrates said, “If you are in a bad mood, go for a walk. If you are still in a bad mood, go for another walk.” There are so many great reasons for adding walking to your routine. Besides being enjoyable and relaxing, it’s good for your overall well-being. Here are some of the incredible benefits...

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Hippocrates said, “If you are in a bad mood, go for a walk. If you are still in a bad mood, go for another walk.”

There are so many great reasons for adding walking to your routine. Besides being enjoyable and relaxing, it’s good for your overall well-being.

Here are some of the incredible benefits of walking.  

Walking Outside Supplies Fresh Air & Sunshine 

Walking outside in the fresh air and sunshine does wonders for your mind and body. Negative ions in the fresh air have a calming effect, and sunshine restricts the release of stress hormones and helps you get your daily prescription of Vitamin D. Plus, breathing deeply while walking supplies the bloodstream with oxygen. All of these things work together to make you feel so much better!

Walking Promotes A Trimmer Waistline

Maintaining a quick pace while walking burns more calories than a leisurely walk and helps maintain a healthy weight. Monitor how many calories you consume because walking doesn’t burn as many calories as strenuous activities, and you must adhere to a nutritious diet. Still, walking is a great tool to drop a few pounds and have a trimmer waistline. 

Walking is a great place to start for the person with a lot of weight to lose because they will burn more calories due to the extra weight. It’s also easier on the joints. As the pounds melt away, strength and endurance increase, allowing for longer, further, and faster walks. 

 Walking Improves Balance & Coordination 

Walking helps with balance and coordination, especially over rough terrain. However, you can turn your head to the right and left as you walk for a count of 30 and up and down for a count of 30 to improve your sense of balance without the potential hazards of rough terrain. You don’t have to do these exercises the whole time you’re walking to benefit; once or twice during the walk will enhance balance and coordination.

Walking Strengthens Bones & Muscles

Although walking is a low-impact activity, it helps to strengthen and tone your body. If you’re just starting to add physical activity to your routine, then simply begin with walking to get in better shape. But as you become fitter and more conditioned, you might consider adding resistance training to your daily walks, whether with weights or exercise bands, to continue growing stronger muscles and bones.

Walking Boosts Mood and Reduces Symptoms of Depression 

Walking releases endorphins that brighten mood and can even ease depression. So, grab your sneakers and take a short walk the next time you feel down.

Our bodies were designed for walking. Although walking might not be your only choice of physical exercise for getting in shape and staying fit, it’s an amazing activity for improving and boosting overall well-being. 

As long as the weather cooperates and you’ve found a safe place to walk, walking has hardly any downsides. 

Why not give walking a try? Pick a day this week to enjoy a five or ten-minute walk outside to feel calmer, happier, and more optimistic. All of which will help you to unlock your best life!

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How to Demolish All of Your Excuses Thu, 24 Aug 2023 11:38:23 +0000 In this episode of the Podcast, we meet Ashley Norton, an incredible woman who is on a mission to make Ironman history. Despite battling a multitude of physical challenges, including six heart surgeries and having two pacemakers, she has not let these obstacles define her. Join us as we delve into Norton's inspiring journey and discover how she plans to become the first woman with these conditions, as well as multiple sclerosis, to compete in the upcoming Ironman World Championship. Host Roy Ice and Norton delve into the topics of physical activity, extreme sports, and overcoming disabilities. This episode of the Podcast is a testament to the power of determination and serves as an inspiration for those who may feel limited by disabilities. Tune in to hear Norton's incredible journey and gain the hope and motivation to live life without fear or self-imposed restrictions.

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Connecting The Mind And Body For Greater Health & Happiness Thu, 06 Jul 2023 13:30:00 +0000 The mind-body connection is real and strong…very strong.  How you feel in your body physically affects your mind. And what you think and imagine affects how you feel physically and emotionally. We are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual creatures; everything is interconnected. How we move and interact with our surroundings affects how we feel, think,...

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The mind-body connection is real and strong…very strong. 

How you feel in your body physically affects your mind. And what you think and imagine affects how you feel physically and emotionally.

We are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual creatures; everything is interconnected.

How we move and interact with our surroundings affects how we feel, think, behave, and believe. 

The mind-body connection starts early in life. 

The earlier young children become mobile and reach cognitive milestones, the faster they develop and maintain their mental health. And it continues as we age. 

Physical activity in adults slows cognitive decline and promotes healthy aging. A fit body promotes a healthy mind, and a healthy mind promotes a fit body. 

Exercise and regular physical activity keep the body fit and stimulate the mind.

The Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection is the relationship between the body and the mind.

This connection is powerful; so powerful, in fact, that your body may experience a physical response, like nausea, crying, or a stress-induced headache if you think about a particular thing.

How Does The Mind-Body Connection Work?

The four primary parts of the brain that directly affect the mind-body connection are: 

The emotional cortex, which is responsible for dealing with your emotions.

The hippocampus, which deals with how you consolidate your memories. 

The prefrontal cortex, also known as the brain’s command center, which is responsible for long-term planning, strategizing, and deciding what to do.

Finally, the amygdala; it controls the fight-or-flight response. The brain activates this response mechanism when the body feels threatened, resulting in large releases of the stress hormone cortisol.

In times of danger or trauma, this hormone signals your lungs and heart to make you breathe faster and flood your muscles with adrenaline, helping you escape danger or fight your way to safety.

Each physical symptom you experience is also something you feel emotionally, and vice versa. 

So, for example, if you sprain your ankle, the physical pain can also be accompanied by a sense of anger, sadness, or loss.

On the other hand, if you experience a panic attack, the emotional pain can be accompanied by tightness in the chest, nausea, and achiness.

What Are The Benefits Of The Mind-Body Connection?

The Dalai Lama XIV once said, “If the mind is tranquil and occupied with positive thoughts, the body will not easily fall prey to disease.”

Science supports the mind-body relationship. Turns out so many of our emotions and thoughts are in constant communication. 

Everything from the immune, endocrine, and peripheral nervous systems, many of our organs, and all our emotional responses share common chemicals that go back and forth.

Here’s why the mind-body connection is so important, and how we can use it to improve our overall well-being and lifestyle.

Boost Attentiveness

Awareness of the mind-body connection makes us pay more attention to our thoughts and emotions, allowing us to use this connection to our advantage.

For instance, if you’re not doing well emotionally, your body will give off specific cues. If you’re in tune with them, you’ll know exactly how to react before you become overwhelmed.

One of the best ways to harness this power is by being mindful of your thought patterns and how you talk to yourself. 

Train yourself to be aware of when negative thoughts come into your mind and what triggers the negative self-talk.

Knowing this lets you stop them before they escalate and get out of hand. You can manage emotions more healthily, minimizing their physical toll on you physically. 

Learn to Release Emotions

It’s easier to cope with and release negative feelings if you know what provokes certain thoughts that, as a result, trigger certain negative emotions. 

Try finding activities that affect your mind and body, like learning various breathing techniques, positive visualizations, prayer, meditating, and gentle stretching, among other things.

As a result, you learn what your body is feeling and find potent ways to calm your mind, which is extremely helpful if you’re prone to stress, anxiety, or depression.

Negative emotions aren’t necessarily bad, although their effects on your body and emotions can be harmful because the positive side to negative emotions is they’re a warning that something needs to be addressed.

Create Healthy Habits

Learning to deal with difficult emotions puts you in charge of your thought patterns, boosting your overall well-being.

You will be more aware of your life and better understand what you need to address. You’ll also know what triggers you and why, so you won’t turn to drinking, drugs, or binge eating to cope emotionally when having a tough day or in a “bad” mood.

Instead, you will tend to engage in various physical activities to release negative feelings and pent-up emotions or avoid certain situations and people altogether. 

You’ll find yourself taking better care of yourself, eating and sleeping better, drinking more water, and being more consistent because you have a greater appreciation for your happiness and well-being. 

You can begin harnessing the positive, life-changing power of the mind-body connection by consciously forming healthy habits and living a balanced whole-person lifestyle emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, thereby unlocking your best life!  

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Top 10 Ways To Better Understand What Makes You Dissatisfied With Life Thu, 22 Jun 2023 18:51:56 +0000 How satisfied are you with your life? Maybe you’re more satisfied with certain areas of your life than others, but feeling dissatisfied with life is a common experience for many people.  Sometimes it’s glaringly apparent why you’re dissatisfied with life. But sometimes, it’s hard to put a finger on it. In those cases, by exploring...

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How satisfied are you with your life? Maybe you’re more satisfied with certain areas of your life than others, but feeling dissatisfied with life is a common experience for many people. 

Sometimes it’s glaringly apparent why you’re dissatisfied with life. But sometimes, it’s hard to put a finger on it. In those cases, by exploring common sources of dissatisfaction, you can start pinpointing areas of life where things aren’t really working for you so you can make changes and improve your overall well-being. 

In this article, let’s evaluate the ten most common areas of life dissatisfaction for many people so we can bring more contentment and joy into our lives.    

1. Reflect on your values and standards

Our personal values determine and reflect what’s important to us in life. So when feeling dissatisfied, look at your values to see which ones are being fractured or compromised.

Are your values being lived out? Which ones have been pushed aside, and why?

Evaluate your life to see how you can intentionally live out your values by aligning your priorities to what matters most.

For example, if you value creativity, add creative activities to your routine. 

If you value social connections, prioritize time with family and friends.

If you value consistency, compatibility, connection, commitment, and loyalty in your romantic partner, stop looking for people in the wrong places or settling for the kind of “intimacy” that feels good in the moment but quickly fades. 

Prioritize your values and ensure they function in your daily life by intentionally investing your time, love, and energy; cultivate a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

2. Take a deep look at your relationships

Our relationships have a deep impact on our happiness and satisfaction with life. 

What’s the quality of your relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues?

And, what’s the quality of your relationship with your romantic partner? If you’re unhappy in your marriage or romantic relationship, you’re probably unhappy and dissatisfied with life in general.

Consider the quality of ALL of your relationships. 

Are they meeting your needs? 

Do they support your standards and values? 

Are they adding to your life or taking away? 

Are you giving more than you are receiving? 

Do you have relationships that bring more negativity than positivity into your life? 

If some of your relationships are causing dissatisfaction, what can you do to improve them? Or is it time for a new beginning and new, uplifting relationships?

3. Examine your career

So many people hate their jobs. Life’s too precious to waste on stuff you hate, especially on a career you dread waking up to each morning. 

Do you have passion for your work?

Is your job a source of too much stress and negativity?

Does your career overwhelm you and steal your joy?

Does your career meet your needs, support your values, and align with your priorities? 

If not, maybe it’s time to explore new career paths that align more closely with your passions to bring a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment to your life.

4. Focus on your physical health

Your physical health is essential to your overall well-being. 

Neglecting your physical health affects your feelings of satisfaction with life. 

Physical activity boosts self-confidence, mood and yields a sense of accomplishment and capability. 

Give attention to your physical health through exercise, healthy eating, and regular check-ups with healthcare providers.

5. Explore spirituality

Spirituality offers a sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

You may explore the spiritual dimension of your well-being through practices like meditation, prayer, or attending religious services. 

Connecting with your Creator is one of the most potent ways to increase your sense of purpose, meaning, and satisfaction.

6. Examine your financial situation

Financial stress is a common cause of chronic worry and dissatisfaction. 

Does your financial situation align closely with your goals?

Do you have the resources to explore your dreams and new experiences, or are you just barely surviving? 

How can you manage your money better, or what can you do financially to cut back, save, invest, reduce debt, or earn a little bit more to empower this area of your life? 

Ignoring the financial area of your life causes distress and dissatisfaction, whereas facing your financial situation and taking action creates confidence and certainty.

And remember, it’s not just about having more money. The most satisfied and fulfilled people are those who give back by investing in others. Living for yourself is a surefire way to be dissatisfied with life; living for others brings profound joy and fulfillment. 

7. Assess your living situation

Our living situation can impact our overall satisfaction with life. 

Are you content with your current living situation? If not, what can you do to improve or enhance it?

Do you need a new living space or a new living arrangement, or perhaps relocate to a new area?

Maybe you need to clean and organize your place. 

We spend most of our time at work, in our car, and at home. So prioritize your living situation to ensure it aligns with your needs and values. 

Create a more comfortable, soothing, and satisfying living environment.

8. Identify your passions

Passions are activities or interests that bring you joy and fulfillment. 

Somewhere along the way, many people stop pursuing the things that make their hearts beat with happiness; they settle, exist, and survive. 

Identifying and integrating the activities or interests you enjoy most is important. 

What do you love, and what do you love to do? 

What are some small ways you can begin to use your time towards those passions? Identify areas of dissatisfaction where you’re just “doing life” instead of “living life!” to make changes that breathe life into your passions.

9. Practice regular self-reflection

Becoming more self-aware by reflecting on your thoughts and feelings is an effective way to identify patterns of dissatisfaction. You will know which areas of your life you need to address to improve your overall well-being and be more satisfied. 

How often do you take time for self-reflection?

Do you set aside time to think about your life and where you’re going?

In addition to setting aside time for self-reflection, consider journaling, practicing meditation, or seeking the guidance of a therapist or coach to guide your self-reflection. 

Gain a deeper, more meaningful understanding of your emotions and thoughts – why you think and feel the way you do. Identify those areas of your life you need to change or improve. 

Regular self-reflection will help you live more intentionally, become more self-aware, and create a more fulfilling life.

10. Seek the help of a professional

Seek the guidance of a counselor, therapist, or coach if you feel dissatisfied with your life but are struggling to identify the sources of dissatisfaction. 

The objective perspective of a trusted professional will help you see underlying issues that might be contributing to your feelings of discontent. 

By working through these challenges with a professional, you will better understand yourself and learn valuable skills to improve your happiness and well-being.

Enlisting the help of a qualified, trustworthy professional is a sign of wisdom and strength. Doing whatever it takes to prioritize your mental and emotional health pays off because it unlocks a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


It’s not uncommon to feel dissatisfied with life at some point, but this feeling shouldn’t be allowed to take up permanent residence in your life.

By exploring the common sources of discontent, you will identify which areas to focus on to be happier and more satisfied to enhance your overall well-being and, thereby, unlock your best life. 

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Chiropractor Care with Dr. Peter Silecchio and Dr. Anthony Silecchio Fri, 09 Jun 2023 07:00:09 +0000 With all the information we have access to, it can be difficult to decide what can benefit your personal health and wellness. Well, today we’ll talk with Dr. Anthony and Dr. Peter Silecchio about how you could potentially benefit from chiropractic treatment.

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With all the information we have access to, it can be difficult to decide what can benefit your personal health and wellness. Well, today we’ll talk with Dr. Anthony and Dr. Peter Silecchio about how you could potentially benefit from chiropractic treatment.

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Flexible Dieting with Alan and Jeana Aragon Sun, 09 Apr 2023 23:48:25 +0000 Are you looking to lead a more healthy, active lifestyle, but don’t know where to begin? Researching diets and exercise routines can be a daunting task. How do you separate the fads from what will actually work for you? Join us today as we meet with nutrition and fitness expert, Alan Aragon and his wife Jeana and discuss how his investigation into science-based health is paving the way for the fitness movement.

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Are you looking to lead a more healthy, active lifestyle, but don’t know where to begin? Researching diets and exercise routines can be a daunting task. How do you separate the fads from what will actually work for you? Join us today as we meet with nutrition and fitness expert, Alan Aragon and his wife Jeana and discuss how his investigation into science-based health is paving the way for the fitness movement.

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The Kinetic Link with Rephel Martin Sun, 12 Mar 2023 07:10:46 +0000 At Lifestyle Magazine, we want to help our viewers reach their full fitness potential. We’re thrilled to have with us, Rephel Martin, an elite level athlete, coach, and inventor who has created a device that helps strengthen and rehab your muscles in a way like never before. Join us today as we take a look at Rephel’s innovative device.

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At Lifestyle Magazine, we want to help our viewers reach their full fitness potential. We’re thrilled to have with us, Rephel Martin, an elite level athlete, coach, and inventor who has created a device that helps strengthen and rehab your muscles in a way like never before. Join us today as we take a look at Rephel’s innovative device.

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Trapeze, Spotlights and Animal Advocacy with Carolyn Hennesy & James Craigmyle Sun, 05 Mar 2023 07:42:43 +0000 We're excited today to have Emmy award-winning actress and New York times bestselling author, Carolyn Hennesy talk about her career, passionate love of animals, and even the flying trapeze fitness routine. We're also going to meet, James Craigmyle, actor and canine trainer with shows like Court TV, and America's Top Dog and News Nation.

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We’re excited today to have Emmy award-winning actress and New York times bestselling author, Carolyn Hennesy talk about her career, passionate love of animals, and even the flying trapeze fitness routine. We’re also going to meet, James Craigmyle, actor and canine trainer with shows like Court TV, and America’s Top Dog and News Nation.

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