brain Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Fri, 04 Aug 2023 18:23:47 +0000 en hourly 1 brain Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 4 Foods That Sharpen Focus and Concentration Thu, 04 Feb 2021 20:30:00 +0000 We live in an age of distraction and overwhelm. It seems everything and everyone is competing for our attention and mental bandwidth. In fact, experts estimate we’re bombarded with 5, 000 to 10,000 ads daily. And that’s not including everyone who comes into our lives wanting or needing something, spreading us way too thin. If...

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We live in an age of distraction and overwhelm. It seems everything and everyone is competing for our attention and mental bandwidth. In fact, experts estimate we’re bombarded with 5, 000 to 10,000 ads daily. And that’s not including everyone who comes into our lives wanting or needing something, spreading us way too thin.

If there were ever a time we needed to enhance and boost our brain’s ability to focus, it’s now. Regardless of what you do for a living or the hobbies and pastimes you enjoy, improving your ability to concentrate and focus gives you an edge.

As it turns out, surprisingly, your diet can give you an unfair advantage because of how certain foods are able to sharpen cognitive functions such as focus and concentration.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids help the brain function properly. Great sources of Omgea-3 fatty acids include cold water fatty fish, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, and plant oils like soybean and flaxseed oil.  Omega-3 improves the amount of oxygen available to the brain and boosts the ability to retain new information.

Vitamin D

Research shows that a Vitamin D deficiency is associated with cognitive impairment, especially in older individuals.

According to a recent study published in the journal, Trends in Neuroscience, healthy neurons in the brain are surrounded by what are known as perineuronal nets. These nets act as supportive structures that help maintain the connections between various neurons to facilitate the relay of information via synaptic pathways.

Researchers speculate that a vitamin D deficiency allows certain enzymes to degrade these nets, leading to cognitive deficiencies pertaining to focus and concentration.

Ginkgo Biloba

People have been using the ancient herb Ginkgo Biloba for thousands of years. Although research has yet to pinpoint exactly how this herb improves our ability to focus and concentrate, the working theory is that it helps to increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.

Green Tea

Caffeine is a hotly debated topic because it’s a stimulant than can have adverse side effects. In fact, consuming large amounts of caffeine can make some people feel like they’re on a jittery, out-of-control roller coaster ride with a mental crash at the end!

However, although green tea has caffeine, it contains a chemical called L-theanine which causes caffeine to be released more slowly into the bloodstream. This results in a sustained sense of focus and concentration without the unwanted “crash.”

We think it’s wise to consult with your health care provider before consuming green tea because of its potential harmful impact on the liver.

We live in a time when distractions and overwhelm are coming at us so fast that our brains can barely keep up. Why not give yourself an edge by consuming foods that will boost your focus and concentration?

Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay

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Rewire Your Brain to Get Rid of Anxiety and Depression Thu, 30 Apr 2020 20:30:00 +0000 Here’s the amazing thing about your brain: It’s always changing, reorganizing and making new connections between neurons, depending on how you use it. This phenomenon, known as neuroplasticity, is the brain’s natural response to new experiences, thought patterns, and habits. What does any of this have to do with mental health? Interestingly, neuroplasticity can work...

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Here’s the amazing thing about your brain: It’s always changing, reorganizing and making new connections between neurons, depending on how you use it. This phenomenon, known as neuroplasticity, is the brain’s natural response to new experiences, thought patterns, and habits.

What does any of this have to do with mental health?

Interestingly, neuroplasticity can work for or against you. Bad and good habits are equally capable of triggering changes in your brain.

Anxiety and depression can alter the structure of your brain. The hippocampus actually shrinks when you’re experiencing depression, and the volume of gray matter in your brain decreases when you’re experiencing anxiety. It’s a good thing these changes are reversible!

Avoidance isn’t the Answer

Physical or emotional avoidance provides instant relief and is most people’s go-to-solution for anxiety and depression. For instance, if you have social anxiety, staying home as much as you can seems like a good solution.

However, all this does is cause the neural pathways associated with social aptitude to die-off, making your anxiety worse. Continued exposure is the only way to protect those parts of your brain.

How to Rewire Your Brain

New Environments and Experiences

This is probably the last thing you want to hear if you have anxiety, but exposure to new environments can open up new pathways and connections in the brain. This is actually one of the hidden benefits of traveling; new friends, experiences, and memories trigger the release of dopamine. More dopamine means more motivation, and as a result, less depressive symptoms.

You don’t need to spend loads of money on an exotic vacation to get these benefits. Start with that new restaurant that you’ve been dying to try, a new hiking trail, or basically anything else that takes you to someplace you’ve never been.

New Skills

Always wished you could play an instrument but never had the motivation to learn? This could be the boost you need.

Learning new skills is the easiest and most effective way to trigger neuroplasticity. Ever heard the phrase “If you don’t use it you lose it”? Well, if you haven’t learned anything new in a while, the connections in the ‘learning center’ of your brain are probably close to dying off! Go ahead and sign up for some classes before they do! Art, cooking, language, and music classes are all beneficial as long as you’re learning something new.


Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which triggers an increase in the volume of gray matter and connections. According to a study with Parkinson patients, new brain cells can form after just two months of exercise. Also, while some exercise is better than none, higher levels of exercise get you faster results.

New experiences, new skills, and exercise are probably the most effective triggers of neuroplasticity, but they’re also a big undertaking. If you’re looking to start small, here are some tips for you.

● Read fiction – This requires using your imagination, which is probably something you haven’t had a chance to do in a while.

● DIY project – whether you decide to paint one of your rooms a different color, build a new cabinet or redecorate, it’s all beneficial for your brain.

● Sleep – Nothing kills brain cells and connections faster than lack of sleep. So, evaluate your sleep routine and find ways to improve it like having a set bedtime, or banning screens from your bedroom.

The volume of gray matter and connections in your brain play a major role in your mental health. Luckily, you have a lot more control over those two things than you think. Try exposing yourself to new environments, learning new skills, and committing to an exercise program for at least two months and see how much better you feel!

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

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Build Brain Power by Harnessing the Power of Neuroplasticity Thu, 21 Feb 2019 22:30:29 +0000 Human brains are moldable. They are constantly breaking and forming new neural connections between brain cells, and can shrink or expand as you learn new things. Just a few years ago, this was thought to be impossible. This isn’t just another cool fact that’s good to know. Knowing how your brain works can actually help...

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Human brains are moldable. They are constantly
breaking and forming new neural connections between brain cells, and can shrink
or expand as you learn new things. Just a few years ago, this was thought to be

This isn’t just another cool fact that’s good
to know. Knowing how your brain works can actually help you build brain power
and delay age-related dementia.

Neuroplasticity Works

The brain is made of a huge number of neurons that
work together to perform both simple and complex tasks. These neurons are
connected by a unique pattern of pathways.

When your brain needs to perform a task such
as recall the lyrics to your favorite song, the neural connections fire up in a
specific sequence until the task is done.

Neuroplasticity occurs when your brain
modifies existing neural networks and creates new ones. It deletes neural
connections that you haven’t used in a while and strengthens the necessary
ones. This process happens continuously throughout your life as you learn and
memorize new things. 

How to Build Brain Power

Keep learning new things

Nothing keeps your brain cells active like
learning new things. Studies show that enrolling in an art or dance class can
improve your attention, memory and promote neuroplasticity and growth.

Similarly, learning a new language activates
the hippocampus, which is the memory center of the brain,
and actually makes your brain bigger.


The benefits of working out go far beyond physical fitness. Regular exercise generates new neural connections in the hippocampus, and improves your thinking and memory.

This is because exercise improves blood,
oxygen and nutrient supply to the brain and stimulates the production of a
hormone that promotes the formation of new neurons and connections. It’s why
doctors prescribe physical exercises to ward off mental decline in patients
over 50.

You don’t have to work out for months before
you begin seeing changes in your memory and your brain’s ability to plan and
organize. If you do at least 150 minutes of moderate physical exercise a week,
you should start seeing results within 4 weeks.

Read regularly

You probably already know that reading is good for the brain, but do you realize just how beneficial it is?

Reading regularly keeps the part of your brain that deals with language active, and strengthens neural pathways in this area. This mental stimulation can help reduce stress, which is bad for your brain, and also reduces the risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Your Brain with Healthy Food

Your brain needs nutrients to make new brain cells and create new neural pathways. Important nutrients that boost brain function include omega 3 fatty acids, Magnesium and Vitamins D and E.

Eating lots of brain foods such as blueberries, nuts and seeds, whole grains and salmon helps to keep your brain well-nourished and healthy.

Modern science has revealed the marvelous
truth that you don’t have to play the cards that were dealt you. It’s within your
power to have a stronger, healthier and younger brain.

The post Build Brain Power by Harnessing the Power of Neuroplasticity appeared first on Lifestyle.
