All Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Fri, 19 May 2023 17:24:33 +0000 en hourly 1 All Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 3 Steps To Jump Start Happiness Thu, 22 Nov 2018 22:30:29 +0000 Everyone who is emotionally and mentally healthy wishes for a happy and fulfilling life, and to feel good about the future despite their current circumstances. Happiness is within reach; it just boils down to how willing we are to make any necessary changes in our lives to be truly happy. Although there can be many...

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Everyone who is emotionally and mentally healthy wishes for a happy and fulfilling life, and to feel good about the future despite their current circumstances.

Happiness is within reach; it just boils down to how willing we are to make any necessary changes in our lives to be truly happy.

Although there can be many steps involved in the process of pursuing and achieving happiness, these three will help you start feeling happier today

Step One: Embrace Forgiveness

As long as you’re alive, people will rub you the wrong way. Some people will hurt you intentionally, others unintentionally, but either way you will get hurt – it’s just a part of life.

It’s human to hold grudges and treat people exactly how they treat us. If they treat us nicely, we treat them nicely; hurt us, we hurt them. That’s how the world seems to work most of the time, unfortunately. But a wise teacher once said, “Treat others how you would like to be treated.”

Bitterness and grudges make the world a very unforgiving place. But who says that’s how we have to live?

Forgiveness increases health and happiness. Psychologists and physicians all around the world preach the wellness and longevity benefits of forgiveness.

Forgiving yourself and others is essential to health and happiness. In fact, you will never be truly happy or fully healthy until you forgive.

Embrace forgiveness.

Forgive people even when they don’t “deserve” it because even if they don’t, you do. Even if they won’t benefit from it, you will.

In addition to being forgiving, try to be less judgmental and critical; you’ll be happier with yourself and others. Have fewer rules and expectations. Offering grace and patience to others makes it easier for you to forgive yourself, letting go of any shame or guilt that’s been haunting you all these years.

Step 2: Take Better Care of your Health

Health and happiness go hand in hand. It’s so hard to be cheerful and happy when you’re in pain or fatigued.

You can increase happiness simply by drinking more water, increasing physical activity, eating healthier foods, and getting enough rest because these habits boost health.

Being healthy means you have the energy and vitality to live the kind of lifestyle that allows you to do the things that make you happy. Less pain and hurt equals more happiness and joy.

Here’s something else to think about. Being healthier means having more money in your bank account because you’ll be spending a LOT less of your hard earned cash on medical bills.

Step 3: Spend Time with Other Happy People

Happiness is contagious. The quickest way to be happier is to spend time with happy people.

It’s hard NOT to be happy and optimistic when surrounded by laughter and positivity.

Researchers have found that happiness spreads through three degrees of separation. This means that the happiness of your friend, your friend’s friend, and your friend’s friend’s friend affects your quality and quantity of happiness. So, who are your friends? (and, is it time to consider making some new friends?)

Happiness is attainable; in fact, happiness is already here. We can all be happier starting today by embracing forgiveness, taking better care of health, and surrounding ourselves with happy people.

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Seven Diet Tips & Tricks For Staying Healthy And Losing Weight Thu, 20 Sep 2018 22:30:12 +0000 Learning how to eat healthy isn’t nearly as complicated as people think. By practicing these simple habits, healthy eating will become second nature. Eat A Variety Of Foods Many diets don’t work in the long run because they either cut out healthy food groups entirely (example, carbs) or severely restrict what you can eat. With...

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Learning how to eat healthy isn’t nearly as complicated as people think. By practicing these simple habits, healthy eating will become second nature.

Eat A Variety Of Foods

Many diets don’t work in the long run because they either cut out healthy food groups entirely (example, carbs) or severely restrict what you can eat.

With few exceptions, there really isn’t anything you can’t eat as long as you consume these foods in small portions or only once in a while. For example, instead of adding two tablespoons of blueberries to your cup of ice cream, why not add two tablespoons of ice cream to your cup of blue berries?

Portion Control

With the exclusion of consuming large amounts of sugar, weight management is a numbers game. Energy in versus energy out.

This isn’t exactly the case for sugar and processed carbohydrates because they spike insulin, leading to metabolic syndrome and weight gain over time, even if the total amount of calories consumed is restricted. Eating 1300 calories of fruits and vegetables will create a much different outcome than eating 1300 calories of your favorite pie and ice cream; not all calories behave the same way with regards to energy in versus energy out.

In general, you must burn more calories than what you consume in order to lose weight. Portion control is a GREAT strategy for winning this game.

An easy trick is to switch larger plates for smaller ones. So instead of piling food onto a 12-inch plate, use a 9-inch one instead. Your eyes will tell your brain that the plate is loaded BUT there will be fewer calories. Enjoy your food but give yourself 20 minutes before getting seconds because this is how long it takes for your body to tell your brain that you’re full.

One more thing, this should make sense but it bears repeating: Avoid “supersizing” when dining out. The extra calories aren’t worth the trouble.

Make Vegetables And Fruits Your Friend

No one ever got fat by eating non-processed apples or broccoli. Fruits and vegetables fill you up while using fewer calories than other foods. As a matter of fact, some vegetables are negative foods, like celery, meaning it takes more calories to chew and digest them than what they contain.

Remember, when consuming fruit, choose whole fruit instead of juice because you will benefit from all of the fiber that the juicing process leaves out.  Fiber slows how fast sugar enters your blood stream, and it keeps you feeling full longer. So instead of reaching for a glass of juice or handful of chocolate candy, grab an apple instead.

 Go 100% Whole Grain

Not all grains are created equal – even those that are labeled “whole wheat.”

Tip: 100% whole grains keep the bran and germ that are otherwise lost during processing. You want “100% whole grain” or “100% whole wheat” to be listed on the product or that it carries the “Whole Grain Stamp” on its packaging.

 Reduce Added Sugar

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that food manufacturers are adding to their products. It’s being added to everything.

Tip: Look at the nutrition label to see if sugar has been added. Also look to see how much fiber is listed. If there’s more added sugar than fiber, it’s not a healthy choice.

The tricky thing is that these clever food companies like to stuff added sugars into their foods by hiding it under different names. Just know that if the ingredient ends in “ose” it’s most likely a hidden sugar.

 Eat Healthy Fats

There are three types of fats: saturated, unsaturated and trans.

Tip: Avoid trans-fats at all costs because over time they create disease in your body.

Trans fat is a “manufactured” fat that the body doesn’t know how to handle, so it stores it as bodyfat.

Also, replace saturated fat with healthy unsaturated fats, like olive oil or avocado.

Lastly, do your best to get omega 3 fats, which can be found in flaxseed, fish or daily supplements.

 Reduce Red Meat Consumption

You knew this one was coming didn’t you. Strive to reduce your intake of red meat. Many of the cuts are high in saturated fat, which is bad for your heart and cardiovascular system. If this sounds difficult, start slowly by going without red meat just one day a week. And as your system adapts, add more days.

Although we’ve covered a lot in this post, these seven habits are really easy to implement. Which one(s) would you consider trying this week? Just by reducing the total number of calories consumed each day, making sure they’re calories from primarily healthy foods, will help you lose weight and regain your health.

Add a little exercise to burn even more calories and pretty soon you’ll be fitting into those favorite pair of jeans again, which, by the way, will probably be out of style but that’s great news because can you say, “shopping spree?!”

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How Carpets And Rugs Harm Indoor Air Quality Thu, 30 Aug 2018 22:30:22 +0000 Carpets and rugs keep your home warm and cozy…but they can harbor dust, dust mites, fungal spores, pet dander and other allergens. Whether old or new, carpets and rugs can be a source of air pollutants, which affect indoor air quality negatively. Does that mean you need to rip them up and remodel with tile...

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Carpets and rugs keep your home warm and cozy…but they can harbor dust, dust mites, fungal spores, pet dander and other allergens.

Whether old or new, carpets and rugs can be a source of air pollutants, which affect indoor air quality negatively. Does that mean you need to rip them up and remodel with tile or wood? Thankfully, no.

New Carpets

There aren’t too many carpets that are made from natural products. Most carpets are made from chemicals, which is why they have that “new carpet smell.” The padding and glue used to lay carpets contain harsh chemicals, and when these chemicals are released into the air they can cause coughs, shortness of breath, headaches and skin rashes.

Thankfully, there are lower emission carpets, padding and adhesives for people who are sensitive to the smell of new carpet. Other things you can that help with lowering emissions and fumes include: airing out the carpet before installation, keeping windows and doors open and the air conditioning running for at least 72 hours after installation, and vacuuming more often; all of these things will get rid of chemical odors much faster.

Old Carpets

Old carpets and rugs have their own challenges. They can be packed with dust, mold and mildew, which are triggers for allergies and asthma. In fact, the National Center for Healthy Housing cautions against wall to wall carpeting for people with severe allergies and asthma.

Old carpets are especially harmful to babies and toddlers who spend a good portion of their lives with their faces near the ground! They can inhale up to 20 times more dust and other allergens than walking adults.

Should You Replace Your Old Carpet?

It depends on the condition of the carpet. If you’re still using the shag carpet that came with your house, consider upgrading.

Carpets are supposed to last about 10 years with proper care. After ten years, the carpet is faded, matted, wrinkled, uneven and lacks proper padding for support.

A lingering smell that doesn’t go away after proper cleaning is a sign that it’s probably time to replace your carpet. Stinky carpets are not only embarrassing but can be a warning sign that mold or mildew might be growing in the padding or subfloor. Sometimes it’s easier to replace the carpet than to try and find the source of the odor.

Stains can also be a sign that the carpet needs to be replaced. Most carpets have a stain resistant finish, so if your carpet is starting to look like a minefield, chances are that the stains have absorbed into the padding, resulting in the growth of mold or mildew.

If your carpet isn’t too stained, stinky, or more than ten years old, you don’t have to remove it as long as you clean it properly.

Vacuum at least once a week with a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter that controls allergen levels, and remember to schedule your carpet to be professionally cleaned with non-toxic cleaning products at least once a year.

Do this, and you’ll be able to lose yourself in your soft, cozy carpet for years to come.

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Keep Track to Stay on Track Thu, 26 Apr 2018 22:30:28 +0000 Everyone dreams of living their healthiest life and looking their best. In fact, the two most common New Year’s resolutions are to eat healthier and exercise more. Sadly, only 8% actually achieve those resolutions. One thing that separates achievers from the rest is tracking. Simply put, winners are trackers because they’re committed to measuring progress....

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Everyone dreams of living their healthiest life and looking their best. In fact, the two most common New Year’s resolutions are to eat healthier and exercise more. Sadly, only 8% actually achieve those resolutions.

One thing that separates achievers from the rest is tracking. Simply put, winners are trackers because they’re committed to measuring progress.

Coming up with health goals is easy. But staying on track and sticking with it until you’ve achieved those goals is the challenge.

Why You Should Track Your Health Goals

Tracking keeps you accountable. You might have a personal trainer or an exercise buddy you’re accountable to but you still need to be accountable to yourself because your accountability buddy might not know that you’ve increased your sugar intake, but you know.

The purpose of tracking isn’t to make you feel guilty. Tracking provides important feedback on your progress. This enables you to celebrate small wins and identify what isn’t working. Tracking makes it real.

Track What You Eat

The easiest way to stay on top of your healthy eating goals is to keep a food diary. Keep your food diary with you at all times and record everything you eat and drink throughout the day. Few things motivate you more than reviewing your food log and seeing all of the junk food you actually ate that day.

You might be tempted to leave your food diary at home and list everything you ate at the end of the day. But that’s not a good idea because it’s easy to forget the little things you ate, like the late-afternoon snack before dinner.

Some people prefer to keep a physical journal but there are plenty of apps from which to choose for those who prefer an electronic alternative. MyFitnessPal and Lose It! are two of the most popular tracking apps.

Track Your Exercise

There’s always the temptation to exercise a little bit less or skip an entire workout. Without a gentle nudge, your efforts decline slowly until you eventually give up on your fitness goals.

Most people use a combination of electronic devices and apps to track their workouts. There’s something motivating about having a tracker that tells you how many miles you’ve walked or calories burned that day. Combine it with a social app that allows you to share your stats and accomplishments, and cheer others on, and you have all the motivation you need!

Tracking might sound like more work but it’s the difference between staying on track and falling off the wagon. At the end of the day, if you want to achieve your health goals you have to be willing to go the extra mile and take advantage of all the tools that give you an edge by allowing you to measure the energy and effort you’re putting into making your dreams come true.

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Does Your Home Stress You Out? Thu, 29 Mar 2018 22:30:44 +0000 How do you feel when you get home after a long day? Relieved or more stressed? You probably already know that a messy, disorganized home can make it very difficult to relax and unwind. What may surprise you, though, is that a clean and organized home can be just as stressful if you make the...

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How do you feel when you get home after a long day? Relieved or more stressed?

You probably already know that a messy, disorganized home can make it very difficult to relax and unwind. What may surprise you, though, is that a clean and organized home can be just as stressful if you make the wrong design choices. However, most design mistakes are easy to fix.

First Things First

Your design choices won’t matter if your home is cluttered, so the first thing you need to do is get rid of the clutter. This is easier said than done because a messy home has a way of draining your energy and making you feel defeated before you even start.

The easiest way to begin organizing your home is to stop putting things down and start putting them away instead! Everything in your home should have its “proper place.” It probably won’t take more than a couple extra minutes to put things away, and within no time at all you’ll see a HUGE a difference.

Secondly, make a routine for your chores. It can be as simple as doing laundry on Tuesdays and Fridays, and deep cleaning on Sunday afternoons. Once you get into the habit of doing this you no longer have to think about it.

Knick Knacks

Filling every inch of your home with knick knacks can make your home feel cluttered even if everything is in its proper place. Think about it, a few extra pillows on the couch can feel cozy but…if you overdo it you’ll constantly have to arrange them or pick them up off the floor.

A better way is to only display items that make you happy or you really love; learn to love empty space.


Okay, now that we have that out of the way let’s talk about design for a few seconds. Having too many prints/pictures in your home can make it difficult to create a pleasing thematic design. However, you can successfully mix multiple prints if you follow the 60-30-10 rule. The dominant print should take up 60% of the home décor, the secondary print, 30% and the accent print only 10%.


Life stinks! Toddlers, pets and messy teenagers can leave your home smelling more like a frat house full of sweaty athletes rather than the soothing oasis you’d hoped for. Although you might get used to the smell(s), this doesn’t mean they’re not stressing you out on some level.

Fresh flowers, scented candles and essential oils are all easy ways to get rid of bad smells, even those that you no longer notice. It’s a lot easier to unwind in a room that smells like fresh lavender than one that smells like dirty socks.


A badly lit home is stressful. Natural light has a way of making you feel happier and boosting your energy. So if your home has windows, use them! However, if your home is not as well-lit as you would like, invest in a couple of nice lamps.


You might be drawn to bright colors like yellow and red but that doesn’t mean they’re the best colors for your home. It’s much easier to unwind in a blue or white room than a red or yellow one. There’s also scientific evidence that calming colors can reduce your blood pressure and make you feel sleepy.

We all want a relaxing home where we can unwind after a long day. With the above tips, you can change a stressful home into one that brightens your mood and replenishes your energy.

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How to Take Proper Care of Your Gums (AND Heart) Thu, 22 Mar 2018 22:30:04 +0000 Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is the main cause of tooth loss; one in three adults have it. Their gums are constantly irritated and inflamed, and bacteria is slowly destroying the tissues and bones that support their teeth! Gum disease occurs when bacterial plaque builds up along and underneath the gum line. The bacteria produces...

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Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is the main cause of tooth loss; one in three adults have it. Their gums are constantly irritated and inflamed, and bacteria is slowly destroying the tissues and bones that support their teeth!

Gum disease occurs when bacterial plaque builds up along and underneath the gum line. The bacteria produces toxins which irritate the gums and break down the connective fibers that hold the teeth to the gums. This causes “pockets” to form between the teeth and gums.

Do I Have Gum Disease?

The most obvious symptom is chronic inflammation of the gums. This causes the gums to bleed when you brush your teeth. The “pockets” between the teeth and gums, loosening of the teeth and bad breath are telltale signs of the disease.

Keep in mind that most people won’t experience these symptoms until they are at least 30 years old. This doesn’t mean that younger people cannot suffer from gum disease; they just suffer from a milder form known as Gingivitis.

If you have any of these symptoms, speak to your dentist as soon as possible. Only a dentist or periodontist can diagnose gum disease and determine how far it has progressed.

Gum Disease and Heart Disease!

As if losing your beautiful smile isn’t bad enough, scientists have also found a connection between gum infections and heart disease.

Apparently, the bacteria that causes gum disease can get into the bloodstream and cause clotting and blockages in the arteries. This leads to heart attacks and strokes.

Sounds horrible, right? Let’s find out how to keep that from happening.

Preventing Gum Disease

It’s really easy to prevent gum disease; just get rid of the plaque!

Brush your teeth thoroughly twice daily. Brush the surfaces with short gentle strokes, the top front teeth with downward strokes and the lower front teeth with upward strokes. It should take you about two minutes to get it done.

Floss daily. Flossing removes plaque between your teeth. If you haven’t been flossing regularly, your gums may bleed a little in the beginning but it should stop within a few days. If you don’t like flossing, get an interdental brush.

Rinse you mouth after meals with sterile water or mouth wash to remove food particles. However, be careful with mouthwashes as they can burn your mouth if used excessively.

Get regular dental checkups and cleanings, preferably once every six months. This helps to maintain healthy teeth and gums, and catch gum disease early.

Keep Gum Disease at Bay with Proper Nutrition

Reduce your intake of soda, candy, baked goods and other sugary foods. This keeps the bacteria in your mouth from feeding on the sugar and producing acids that break down enamel.

Eat foods that are rich in Vitamin C, A and E because these antioxidants can prevent inflammation. Vitamin C also helps to repair any connective fibers that may have been broken by bacteria.

Don’t forget calcium and Vitamin D too because they keep the bones that support your teeth healthy. 500 milligrams of calcium twice daily can reduce bleeding of gums and prevent tooth loss for those who are already experiencing symptoms.

Have a brighter smile and a healthier heart by using these tips today!

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Go Vegetarian & Live Longer (A Lot Longer…) Thu, 15 Mar 2018 22:30:03 +0000 There are many reasons to become a vegetarian. Although some people choose to do so for religious or ethical reasons, more and more Americans are choosing the vegetarian lifestyle for health reasons. The Benefits Vegetarians have a huge advantage over meat eaters in the long term. They live longer and are generally 30 pounds lighter....

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There are many reasons to become a vegetarian. Although some people choose to do so for religious or ethical reasons, more and more Americans are choosing the vegetarian lifestyle for health reasons.

The Benefits

Vegetarians have a huge advantage over meat eaters in the long term. They live longer and are generally 30 pounds lighter. That’s right, eating vegetables helps you maintain a healthy weight and can add up to 10 years to your life!

Vegetarians are less likely to get diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Plants, unlike animal products, do not contain cholesterol and saturated fats which have been linked to high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems.

Even among vegetarians, health outcomes vary depending on food choices.

There are three main types of vegetarian diets.

Lacto-ovo-vegetarians are the most common. They eat all dairy products and eggs in addition to vegetables. Lacto-vegetarians eat dairy products, no eggs, and ovo-vegetarians eat eggs, no dairy.

Strict vegetarians live solely on vegetables, pulses (lentils, beans, peas) and grains. They do not consume any animal products at all.

Go Vegetarian!

As you can imagine, completely overhauling your diet is not easy, so having a good reason why you’re doing it is a BIG help.

Better health is obviously a great reason to go vegetarian. Your health goals will keep you going when the going gets tough.

The first step to becoming a vegetarian is to find protein substitutes and recipes you enjoy making and eating. Here’s something fun: challenge yourself to try a new vegetarian recipe each week as you transition into this new lifestyle. And remember that many of your favorite restaurants offer vegetarian-friendly options. You can even check their menus online.

Stay Vegetarian!

It’s normal to have cravings during the transition period. One way to deal with these cravings is through the use of meat substitutes.

For instance, you don’t have to give up spaghetti and meatballs when you become a vegetarian because you’ll be able to find a variety of meatless substitutes at your local market. Granted, it might taste a little bit different at first but you’ll get used to it and reach the point where you like it even more because of how much better you feel.  Keep in mind that you will be adding up to ten extra quality years of life, on average, by adopting this diet.

Some people choose to avoid substitutes because they keep the cravings alive and don’t taste the same as meat products. They opt for alternative protein sources like lentils, beans, peas, dairy and eggs.

Living with Non-Vegetarians

It’s not easy to stick to a vegetarian diet when the rest of the family is eating meat. Sometimes it feels like you have to choose between enjoying dinner with your family or vegetarianism. But most families are glad to support their loved one’s healthier choices.

It’s totally possible to live with meat eaters and not give in to your cravings for burgers. All it takes is time and practice. Talk to them about your reasons for becoming a vegetarian and they will no doubt support you just as long as you’re not being critical or judgmental of their dietary choices.

At the end of the day, what healthy family wouldn’t want their loved ones to be around for an extra decade of laughter and joy? Keep the end goal in mind and you’ll do just fine as you transition into a vegetarian lifestyle.


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Smell Your Way to Better Health Thu, 22 Feb 2018 22:30:28 +0000 The sense of smell is our most sensitive sense. It is the first to develop and it influences our emotions, mood, memory and behavior. This is where aromatherapy comes in. Aromatherapy, derived from the French word “aromatherapie”, is the use of fragrant essential oils extracted from plants to promote physical and psychological health and wellness....

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The sense of smell is our most sensitive sense. It is the first to develop and it influences our emotions, mood, memory and behavior. This is where aromatherapy comes in.

Aromatherapy, derived from the French word “aromatherapie”, is the use of fragrant essential oils extracted from plants to promote physical and psychological health and wellness.

The most commonly used oils are lavender, lemon, peppermint and tea tree but there are about 150 essential oils in total.

The healing properties of essential oils have been studied since the 11th century. Science has shown over and over again that aromatic essential oils can relieve stress, improve memory, sleep and energy levels.

Stress Relief

When you inhale air that is infused with essential oils, your nose sends a message through your nervous system to the part of your brain where emotions are processed. This triggers the release of “feel good” chemicals like serotonin in your brain. These chemicals help you feel more relaxed.

Some experts also believe that putting essential oils in your bath, or massaging them into your skin, relaxes your muscles and joints. Some of the best oils for stress relief are basil, lavender, frankincense, rose and chamomile oil.

Better Sleep

If you are suffering from insomnia and looking for something to help you sleep like a baby, aromatherapy might just be the thing for you. Essential oils like lavender, bergamot and chamomile calm your nervous system so that you can sleep better.

No More Colds

Aromatherapy strengthens your immune system and keeps colds at bay. If you already have a cold, essential oils can relieve your symptoms and support the recovery process.

The best essential oils for strengthening your immune system include clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus and rosemary. Clove oil, for instance, has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties whereas eucalyptus stimulates antibodies to help fight infections.

Aromatherapy At Home

You don’t have to go to an expensive spa and pay and arm and a leg for aromatherapy. You can do it at home.

All you need to get started is essential oils. The most versatile ones are lavender, clove, lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree, sandalwood, peppermint and eucalyptus oil. Just pick one or two to get started and you are good to go!

The easiest way to get started is by adding the oils to your bath. But if you are more of a shower person, just add a few drops to your shower gel. If all you want to do is smell the essential oils, spring for a scent diffuser.

Consider giving aromatherapy a try and start smelling your way to better health with essential oils this week!

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Pilates For Getting In Shape? Thu, 14 Dec 2017 22:30:58 +0000 There are so many workout programs in the market today. How do you know which one to choose to get the results you want? Let me tell you about one that has stood the test of time. Pilates. It is one of the most popular fitness programs around and for good reason. This technique was...

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There are so many workout programs in the market today. How do you know which one to choose to get the results you want? Let me tell you about one that has stood the test of time.


It is one of the most popular fitness programs around and for good reason. This technique was developed in the early 1900s by Joseph H. Pilates to rehabilitate soldiers who suffered war injuries.

What Exactly is Pilates?

Pilates has little to do with aerobics; it is a combination of flexibility and strength training which focuses on strengthening the core.

While Pilates exercises are often performed on a thicker version of a Yoga mat, it is not a derivative of yoga.

For starters, Pilates is a lot more dynamic and doesn’t involve as much stretching and holding static poses as yoga does. It is more structured and involves more equipment including a footbar, a carriage, straps and springs. And there is absolutely no chanting involved!

Can Men Do Pilates?

Pilates may be more popular with women but there’s nothing about it that makes it more suitable for women than men. In fact, it was developed by a man for other men!

The best thing about it is that it can be adapted to different fitness levels and body types. It’s great for building muscle groups that might not always get enough attention, as well as for core strength. The flexibility training also helps to prevent muscle strains and injuries during other workouts.

Pilates Classes Vs. Pilates at Home

Many people worry they’re not coordinated enough, or are too self-conscious, for a Pilates class. Thankfully, other people in the class are usually too focused on breathing and maintaining balance to notice anyone else.

If you want to get the full benefit of Pilates, go to a studio that has all the necessary equipment. You might not be as coordinated as you’d like the first few times but your flexibility and coordination will improve quickly.

If going to a gym makes you nervous, start at home to get a feel for it before signing up for a class. There are many free videos of basic Pilates exercises on the Internet.

Find a Class

Pilates classes are cheaper if you have a regular gym membership. Without one, they can cost more than $100 a pop! But don’t let that discourage you. Groupon has more than enough Pilates classes that cost way less than $100.

What to Wear

You don’t really need a special outfit for Pilates. Any comfortable exercise clothes should do. However, it’s best to avoid very loose clothing since it might bunch up during certain exercises.

Pilates is a great way to strengthen your core and tone your body without lifting weights and bulking up. However, despite all its benefits, it isn’t for everybody. If you have back problems, check with your doctor before attempting Pilates.

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