social connection Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Fri, 04 Aug 2023 17:49:30 +0000 en hourly 1 social connection Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 Irrefutable Evidence: Isolation Causes Disease Thu, 06 Jul 2023 11:45:18 +0000 In this episode of "Irrefutable Evidence: Isolation Causes Disease," host Roy Ice talks to Dr. Matthew Lederman and Dr. Alona Pulde about connection and its relationship to physical health. The renowned physicians from "Forks Over Knives" recently released a new book titled "Wellness to Wonderful", which advocates for prioritizing connection with others and one's authentic self. Drs Pulde and Lederman assert that connection is an essential component to optimizing physical health and reversing physical disease. Their groundbreaking health paradigm is built on the first pillar of SELF, which they assert is the foundational component of feeling fully alive and experiencing a state of joy.

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6 Ways To Bring Out The Best In Others Thu, 23 Feb 2023 20:30:00 +0000 People often bring out the worst in each other – just look at our world and how we treat each other. When the truth is everyone has something that makes them special and unique. It’s easy to assume we’re not as good as others or inadequate or unable to be loved. It’s hard to bring...

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People often bring out the worst in each other – just look at our world and how we treat each other. When the truth is everyone has something that makes them special and unique.

It’s easy to assume we’re not as good as others or inadequate or unable to be loved. It’s hard to bring out the best in others when we have such a low opinion of ourselves. It’s hard to help others succeed when we believe we’re a failure. 

You can be the catalyst that helps people see the best in themselves – the hero that picks them up and helps them stand tall. 

Here are some ways to bring out the best in others. 

Be Generous

You must invest yourself in others to bring out their best. 

Invest your time, energy, and strength. 

Be generous in giving them the benefit of the doubt; believe in them, even when they fail or disappoint you; and be generous with your encouragement when they struggle to believe in themselves.

It’s easy to stand behind the winners of the world and cheer them on; anyone can do that. But it takes courage and compassion to help someone unearth the talents and gifts buried deep within, especially when they’re unaware they’re even there. 

Be Graciously Open-Minded

In other words, don’t write people off. 

Talent can take the form of the humblest people in the lowliest stations of life. 

Just because someone doesn’t look the part or seem to have very much to offer doesn’t mean they don’t have talents or gifts. We should treat everyone with dignity and respect, even the person outside our car window at the stop light holding a cardboard sign that says, “Please help, need food.” 

Perhaps the greatest talent of all is looking deeper into people, observing them, and identifying hidden talents waiting to be unlocked. 

Imagine the kind of world we’d have if we all tried to see the best in people, despite appearances, which can be misleading. 

Be Interested & Interact

To bring out the best in others, be interested in their lives, and interact with them. Be there for them. Collaborate with them to find ways and opportunities to deploy their gifts and talents. 

You don’t have to be the smartest or most capable person. You just have to let them know that you value them and the world needs them – that their gifts and talents matter. 

Be Patient & Persistent

The person you’re working with can be easily distracted and discouraged because unlocking their best takes a new level of belief and commitment.

Also, they can come to rely on you too much, expecting you to do most of the work rather than making an effort and taking the initiative to unlock their potential because of self-doubt or they don’t believe they have much to offer.

You must be patient and persistent, not letting them give up on themselves. But you shouldn’t do their work for them either because it stunts their growth, and they’ll never learn how to develop their gifts and abilities, reach their goals, or be proud of the person they’re becoming.  

Be Fully Present & Curious

Unless you’re fully present and aware, it’s easy to miss or overlook talent and potential when you see it.

Look for the slightest evidence or clues regarding someone’s true ability because chances are they don’t see what they’re capable of and live far beneath their potential; even so, there’ll be clues. 

So be curious. Be interested in people enough to discern what lies beneath the surface. And let them know you care, too – that you want what’s best for them. 


Bringing out the best in others involves seeing what they can become and helping them see it. It’ll take awareness, curiosity, being fully present, patience, generosity, and open-mindedness. 

But the investment and effort are worth it.

Imagine the kind of world you can create right where you are by bringing out the best in the people around you by helping them unlock their best life. 

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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5 Ways To Stop Feeling So Shy Thu, 17 Feb 2022 20:30:00 +0000 Is it really such a bad thing to be shy? Shyness used to be seen negatively as an unpleasant emotional state related to loneliness or social anxiety, a perspective that is being questioned. If you consider yourself shy, you’re not alone because about 40 to 60 percent of all adults consider themselves shy, according to...

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Is it really such a bad thing to be shy?

Shyness used to be seen negatively as an unpleasant emotional state related to loneliness or social anxiety, a perspective that is being questioned.

If you consider yourself shy, you’re not alone because about 40 to 60 percent of all adults consider themselves shy, according to a recent survey results report. 

 Regardless of one’s opinion regarding shyness or why they’re shy, here are five ways to be less shy.

Identify the “Thing” That Makes You Feel Shy

Look, chances are you don’t feel shy all the time, only in certain situations. There are social environments and situations where you feel relaxed and comfortable. 

So, to start to feel less shy, identify the “thing” or situation that makes you feel shy. 

Maybe it’s public speaking (which takes a toll on most people’s nerves, by the way), asking someone out, or simply being alone in a crowded or unfamiliar space. 

By identifying what triggers your shyness, you can form a game plan for dealing with such situations when they arise with action steps to push through your shyness. 

Be Informed

Staying informed on current events or certain topics helps boost your confidence in social situations to engage with people conversationally. 

For instance, if you tend to feel shy at parties, watch a trending video or do a little bit of research on a current event. By being well informed about an issue, you can join discussions or start your own.  

Set A Goal – Push Yourself 

You might admire and aspire to be like the person, that social butterfly, who seems to navigate social settings seamlessly and makes friends effortlessly. Who knows, perhaps they were as shy as you once. 

Set a goal to boost your confidence and hone that social skill. A good starting place to consider might be to share a story or piece of information with a group of friends the next time you’re together. Step into the spotlight; take center stage. Lead the conversation. Enjoy the experience a few times. 

Then, once you’re comfortable taking the lead with your friends from time to time, consider sharing valuable information or a report to a group of your colleagues. 

Finally, another goal to consider might be to go to the mall or another safe place and practice smiling and saying hi to five or six strangers. If a conversation ensues, enjoy it! 

Set small goals to push through your feelings of shyness.

Journal Your Successes

Pushing through your feelings of shyness is a big deal! Try to keep track of your successes. Celebrate your wins! Next time you’re feeling a little shy, read your journal to boost your confidence. 

Before long, you will be surprised by how far you’ve come and be inspired to keep pushing forward. Psychologists claim that reading how far you have progressed is a great way to stay motivated and keep trying. 

Be Kind To Yourself And Take It Slow

No one stops feeling shy overnight. Embrace the process and new person you’re becoming. And find ways to reward yourself. 

It’s important to take your time because rushing and “crashing and burning” could be so intimidating and painful that you stop trying. So take your time and be consistent in mastering your social abilities. 

Final Words

Shy people tend to spend a lot of time inside their heads, analyzing every little detail. It’s easy to read into situations and distort experiences, seeing things that weren’t even there. You don’t “think” yourself out of shyness. You “act” your way out of shyness. So, don’t beat yourself up; take as long as you need. With consistency and determination, you’ll eventually overcome any overwhelming feelings of shyness. Who knows…perhaps one day soon you’ll become the social butterfly that others aspire to be!

Photo by Joshua Eckstein on Unsplash

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Ease Anxiety and Stress by Asking for Help Thu, 20 May 2021 20:30:00 +0000 Very few people like to feel vulnerable (capable of being emotionally wounded) or ask for help (feeling weak or incapable). But we all have limitations. And besides, there’s not a person on the planet who knows everything there is to know, right? So why should we ever feel weak, helpless or vulnerable when asking for...

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Very few people like to feel vulnerable (capable of being emotionally wounded) or ask for help (feeling weak or incapable). But we all have limitations. And besides, there’s not a person on the planet who knows everything there is to know, right? So why should we ever feel weak, helpless or vulnerable when asking for help?

The simple fact is that asking for help reduces anxiety and stress. Period. So, when you think about it, asking for help might be one of the bravest things you can do.

Here are a few tips to encourage you to ask for help when you need it so that your life can have less anxiety and stress.

Acknowledge the truth: Everyone Needs and Deserves Help

We all need and deserve help at times. It’s a part of life. And if anyone says otherwise, well, they’re wrong (and need help!).

Not only do we need help, we deserve it too. No, we don’t deserve other people to live our lives or to take care of our responsibilities.

But if you’re facing a challenge or struggling with a situation, find someone, or an organization, that can help and ask before things get worse.

Each of us is at a different stage in life. And many of us have traveled further down the road of life than others because of age and experience. The great thing about humans is that most of us are willing to help each other – to share what we’ve learned so life can be a little easier for others! But how can we help if we don’t know and are not asked?

People would rather help you and see you succeed than to sit by and do nothing while watching you fail.

Have An Idea of What You Need

What part of your life do you need help with? Financial? Relational? Health? Spiritual? Emotions? It could be anything from learning how to buy a car or a house to healing an important relationship.

Knowing the kind of help you need, will steer you to the right people.

Be as Clear as Possible

According to Alice Boyes of, “When asking for help, make sure the person knows exactly what you want. For example, if you want your spouse to show you what to do, rather than just tell you, make sure you ask for that.”

But this just doesn’t work at home or in your personal like, it applies to work, too. Sure, work can be tough sometimes. And although there might be rare situations where a boss doesn’t want an employee to succeed, most organizations are filled with good people who understand that a healthy, supportive team is essential to success.

So, if you need help at work, please consider asking. Your boss and colleagues want you to succeed because it strengthens the team! When you do better, they do better!

Always try to be clear and specific both in your personal and professional life to receive the kind of help you need and deserve.

Be a Resource for Someone Else

Offering help is one of the best ways to not only make the world a better place but to also rise above your challenges. It’s almost as if miracles start happening all around you when you offer help and invest in others. So, strive to make time to help other people. It doesn’t even have to be anything big. Just have a compassionate heart for others, even if it’s filling grocery bags with food for hungry families.

Everyone needs and deserves help. It’s a fact of life. So ask for help when you need it, and be quick to offer it when asked or when you notice an opportunity to make a difference.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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4 Ways To Reintroduce Social Connection Back Into Your Life Thu, 08 Apr 2021 20:30:00 +0000 The year 2020 forced people into an introverted lifestyle. For some, “social distancing” has become social isolation. Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut spending too much time on your own? Are you tired of screens and functioning in a “virtual” world? Well, here are four ways to ease social connection back into...

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The year 2020 forced people into an introverted lifestyle. For some, “social distancing” has become social isolation.

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut spending too much time on your own? Are you tired of screens and functioning in a “virtual” world?

Well, here are four ways to ease social connection back into your life, whether you’re an introvert or someone who’s had the introverted lifestyle forced on you. Keep in mind that you need to manage your health risk regarding social exposure and becoming infected with COVID.

1) Get out there responsibly but within your comfort zone

Push yourself to try new things. But live responsibly for yourself and others.

Try new things in new places. Enjoy activities and events in venues that follow established health protocols. Do something that moves you outside of your comfort zone a little bit as you reintroduce yourself to the world.

Maybe it’s time to frequent your favorite restaurant or coffee shop. Maybe attend a concert or a birthday party but hang out in the corner with a friend.

If you’re a person of faith, maybe it’s time to visit your faith community. Be wise. Wear your mask. Keep sanitizer with you.

You want to push yourself but not too fast or too far.

2) Meet new people on YOUR terms

Start a conversation with a friendly person at your favorite store or restaurant. Go somewhere where you might make a new friend – someone with whom you share common interests.

3) Push yourself to participate in something new

Search online for fun things to do in your local area. Doing something new can be a great way to boost social interaction in your life.

4) Welcome the spotlight

This might not be for everyone. But have you considered small groups where you become the focus of attention at some point, like a book club, creative writing group, or karaoke?

Reintroducing yourself socially is difficult but not impossible. Practice pushing yourself to do new things but on your terms and without risking pushing you past your limitations.

The fears of 2020 may have created anxiety issues for some people. So meeting with a therapist can help with processing and managing those emotions.

Although mask-wearing and social distancing are some of the protocols that are still in effect, don’t let them lead you into a lifestyle of social isolation. Be responsible, and make social connection an important part of your day by living your life on YOUR terms.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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How to Disclose a Difficult Diagnosis to Your Loved Ones Thu, 13 Feb 2020 22:30:00 +0000 Having a serious illness like cancer, heart disease, or ALS can be very lonely, and no one should try to bear it alone. First, it isn’t practical to hide something that serious from friends and family without them noticing that something is troubling you. Second, acting like everything is okay when it’s not, requires energy...

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Having a serious illness like cancer, heart disease, or ALS can be very lonely, and no one should try to bear it alone. First, it isn’t practical to hide something that serious from friends and family without them noticing that something is troubling you. Second, acting like everything is okay when it’s not, requires energy you need for treatment and recovery.

However, sharing a difficult diagnosis with
loved ones makes it more real, which can be a huge challenge when still coming
to terms with the diagnosis yourself.

Get the Right

Misdiagnosis happens, so make sure you get a
second opinion. Until then, keep the news within your inner circle. You might
consider sparing the kids until you get confirmation. 

Tell Your Nearest and
Dearest First

Once you have the right diagnosis, talk to your
closest family members and friends. Leave your neighbors, childhood friends,
and coworkers out of it for now. 

It’s best to do it in person, if possible. If
you’re not feeling up to the task, ask your spouse, sibling, or any other close
family member to share the news on your behalf; follow up personally when

Ask them to keep the news confidential, at least
for now. You don’t want to be ‘outed’ in a heartfelt social media post before
you talk to the people outside your inner circle. 

Tell the Kids

The desire to shield your kids from the news is
natural. However, the kids probably already know something is wrong. Decide how
much to tell them depending on their ages and emotional maturity. 

Tell Friends and

Not everyone deserves to know about your
illness. You don’t need to and probably shouldn’t post about it on social
media. Proceed with caution and use your judgment. 

If you’re not ready for the world to know about
your health condition, only tell friends and acquaintances who’ve proven their
ability to keep secrets in the past.

Tell Your Coworkers

There’s a reason why your coworkers should be
among the last people to learn about your diagnosis. Although you should be
protected under the Americans With Disabilities Act, unethical employers and
coworkers could find a way to make you regret sharing your health condition
with them.

First, do some research. Find out how similar situations were handled in the past, and talk to a lawyer if needed. Second, depending on company policy, talk to your boss or HR department; it’s not good for them to hear it from your coworkers. Lastly, talk to a few trusted coworkers who will support you on this journey. 

Sharing a difficult diagnosis with your loved ones gives them the chance to support you in your treatment and recovery. Use the above guidelines to help decide when, who, and how to share your important health issues.

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4 Steps to Greater Health & Happiness Thu, 25 Jul 2019 22:30:44 +0000 Are you really healthy if you’re in great physical condition but other parts of your life are filled with pain or discomfort? Sure, you might’ve passed those doctor-ordered medical tests with flying colors, and were deemed healthy. But if you’re feeling stressed out or are struggling with relationships and loneliness, although you might be healthy...

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Are you really healthy if you’re in great physical condition but other parts of your life are filled with pain or discomfort?

Sure, you might’ve passed those doctor-ordered medical tests with flying colors, and were deemed healthy. But if you’re feeling stressed out or are struggling with relationships and loneliness, although you might be healthy technically, the truth is you’re not completely well.

Well-being includes emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health. To be your healthiest and happiest self, you must focus on the whole person. Use these four steps to start enjoying whole-person health.


Physical activity is essential for getting everything you can from life. If not already doing so, become more physically active even if it’s just walking a few minutes in the evening after dinner. Physical activity improves quality of life.

The minimum recommendation is 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity activity weekly. If you’re not a fan of the gym, don’t worry. You may accumulate these health-boosting minutes through various activities like swimming, walking, taking the stairs, etc. Just get moving!

Managing Stress

Stress wreaks havoc on the mind and body. It’s associated with high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It can cause mood swings, and increase risk of self-harm because of associated feelings of anxiety and depression. Stress is most dangerous when it becomes chronic, which happens when you’re under stress for a prolonged period of time without relief.

Here are some proven stress management techniques. Practice
them early and often to prevent stress from getting out of control:

  • Exercise
  • Meditation, or a few minutes of slow, deep breathing
  • Say “no” more often and create boundaries
  • Celebrate and share life with your family and friends
  • Take care of yourself, so there’s enough of you to go around
  • Make time for exercise and eating healthy because you’re worth it!
  • Live life! Enjoy a hobby, read a book, listen to music, travel, watch a movie

Boost Your Mental

We don’t give mental health the attention it deserves
because of associated stigmas. We don’t want people to think we’re unhinged or
unstable. Mental health affects every single area of our life! Without good
mental health, how can we be our best personally, or excel at work and home?

Here are four proven ways to improve mental wellness:

  • Engage in physical activity because it boosts
    mood for several hours
  • Get 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night
  • Make time for yourself by doing something YOU
  • Make it a point to socialize with friends and

Eat Healthy

Although you don’t have to eat perfectly all the time, what you eat affects your energy, mood, health, and how you feel about yourself.  So aim for a whole foods diet that fuels your body with the highest quality vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber.

Avoid sugary beverages, and consider eliminating alcohol. Lastly, monitor your sugar intake. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 100 calories of added sugar daily for women, which is about 6 teaspoons (25 grams; 4 grams of sugar per teaspoon), and 150 calories a day for men (about 37 grams, or roughly 9 teaspoons).  Also, increase your water intake to keep well hydrated.

Remember, although you might be considered healthy technically because you passed certain medical tests, you’re not completely well if you’re suffering discomfort in mind, heart, or soul.

Your path to living life to the fullest includes the whole

So, be kind to yourself by practicing self-care, get out and move, make better food choices most of the time, manage stress, enjoy life by doing fun things, and celebrate friends and family.

Choose to live each day to the fullest!

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