circadian rhythm Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Fri, 19 May 2023 17:03:48 +0000 en hourly 1 circadian rhythm Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 Is Late Night Snacking Really That Bad For You? Thu, 21 Jun 2018 22:30:17 +0000 There’s no shortage of nutrition experts who believe that late night snacking is bad for your health and causes weight gain. According to them, all late night snacks are a complete no-no, even healthy ones. On the flip side, some experts believe that late night snacking increases your metabolism and helps burn calories. To them,...

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There’s no shortage of nutrition experts who believe that late night snacking is bad for your health and causes weight gain. According to them, all late night snacks are a complete no-no, even healthy ones.

On the flip side, some experts believe that late night snacking increases your metabolism and helps burn calories. To them, a calorie is a calorie no matter when you eat it. So, who’s right?

Bad News for Late Night Snackers

Multiple nutrition studies have proven that eating at night causes weight gain as well as negative hormonal and metabolic changes. This applies for healthy eaters as well.

Your body has an internal clock, which typically wants you to be awake during the day and asleep at night. For this reason, the food that you eat during “normal waking hours” is metabolized much faster than food eaten at 3:00 am when your body clock is in sleep mode. Your liver also absorbs fats much faster during the day, so when you eat at night most of that fat gets stored causing weight gain.

What Time Of The Night Should You Stop Eating?

Consider having your main meal before 3:00 pm; so go ahead and have a hearty lunch. After 3:00 pm, most of the hormones that follow your natural circadian rhythm, your body clock, begin decreasing as your body prepares for the end of the day. Additionally, most experts do not recommend eating after 7:00 pm because most late-night munching has more to do with cravings than hunger. This doesn’t mean you should starve yourself if you’re legitimately hungry and didn’t have a chance to eat before 7:00 pm.

But, If You Do Have a Late Night Snack . . .

Obviously, all late night snacks are not created equal. If you can’t fall asleep because you’re hungry and have a bad case of the munchies, eat something that isn’t too sweet, salty or rich and has fewere than 150 calories. Have a piece of fruit, a glass of low fat milk or low fat yogurt (make sure it isn’t loaded with sugar), one or two squares of dark chocolate or a high fiber snack bar (again, check its sugar content).

Late night snacks to avoid include cereal, ice cream, fries, burgers, soda – basically anything that is high in sugar and fat. And stick to foods that don’t trigger overeating, like chips and cookies – anything you know you can’t stop eating once you’ve opened the floodgates! Even better, don’t keep junk food in the house to avoid late night temptations altogether.

If you must eat late at night, have a small, healthy snack. You’ll sleep better and your body (especially your waistline) will thank you for it!

The post Is Late Night Snacking Really That Bad For You? appeared first on Lifestyle.

Anyone can be a Morning Person Thu, 12 Apr 2018 22:30:13 +0000 What would you give to wake up feeling energetic, well rested and ready to conquer the world every single day? It goes without saying that your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. The more productive your morning, the likelier you will have a more productive rest of the day. Studies by...

The post Anyone can be a Morning Person appeared first on Lifestyle.

What would you give to wake up feeling energetic, well rested and ready to conquer the world every single day?

It goes without saying that your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. The more productive your morning, the likelier you will have a more productive rest of the day.

Studies by the American Psychological Association show that morning people are healthier, happier and often more successful than night owls! Remember the saying, “early to bed, early to rise . . .”, well, it’s actually true.

Additionally, it seems that morning people are more likable too! They score higher on agreeableness, cooperativeness and conscientiousness, and they procrastinate a lot less.

It’s Biology!

Let’s clear up some misconceptions first. Evening people are not lazy. Like everyone else, they are at the mercy of their internal body clocks / circadian rhythms. This rhythm is actually ingrained into the cells while still in the mother’s womb.

Although we might feel powerless against our respective biological clock, both larks and owls are capable of being creative and productive in their “off hours”.

Your circadian rhythm also changes as you get older. Most children are larks, most young people in their 20s are owls and most people above 50 are larks.

In addition, only about 25% of people are morning people. About 50% are somewhere in the middle, and the other 25% are evening people. So, you’re not alone in your struggle to not hit the snooze button.

Override Your Biology!

Hitting the snooze button multiple times is a sign of sleep deprivation and has little to do with your body clock. So create a consistent sleep schedule that involves going to bed early and waking up early.

If you decide to go to bed earlier in the evening, start by adjusting your bedtime by 15 minutes at a time. Before you know it, you’ll be going to bed earlier than you ever thought possible. Remember to adjust your sleep pattern in small increments because your body clock will fight any drastic changes.

Light shifts your circadian rhythm, so put away your electronics at least an hour before bed. This gives your body enough time to wind down making it easier to fall asleep when you finally do go to bed. If you need a little more help falling asleep, take melatonin 30 minutes before bed.

Exposing yourself to super bright light in the morning (about 2000 lux) lets your body know that it’s time to get going. The light calibrates your body clock, boosts your energy and makes it a lot easier for you to fall asleep in the evening. The light can be natural or artificial so long as it’s really bright.

Just because you were born an evening person doesn’t mean that you have to endure it for the rest of your life. With a few well-timed changes, you can train your internal clock into making you a morning person!

The post Anyone can be a Morning Person appeared first on Lifestyle.
