Food Labels Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Fri, 19 May 2023 16:11:41 +0000 en hourly 1 Food Labels Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 Foods That Should Lose Their Health Halo Thu, 24 Oct 2019 22:30:04 +0000 Some foods are wearing a “healthy” halo they don’t deserve. People mistakenly believe they’re the healthier option because that’s what the commercial claimed, and they eat them without question. Not all “health foods” are healthy but are considered healthy because of clever marketing. For instance, due to a successful marketing campaign in the 90s, many...

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Some foods are wearing a “healthy” halo they don’t deserve. People mistakenly believe they’re the healthier option because that’s what the commercial claimed, and they eat them without question.

Not all “health foods” are healthy but are considered healthy because of clever marketing.

For instance, due to a successful marketing
campaign in the 90s, many people still think of pork as “the other white
meat”. Never mind that pork is red in color.

With new “health foods” popping up every year, it’s difficult to figure out which health claims are backed by science and those that are the product of clever ad campaigns. Here is a list of 7 foods that are not actually healthy.

Bacon, Burgers and Deli Meats

Processed turkey can be just as bad as
processed beef. It contains loads of salt, preservatives and saturated fats,
which essentially negate the health benefits you could have gotten from
substituting red meat for white meat. At the end of the day, bacon is bacon even
if it’s made from white meat.


Vegetables are good for you but not when they’re deep-fried! Those green and yellow veggie sticks are just as bad as regular chips. After all, although potatoes are vegetables, no one is claiming that potato chips are good for you!


Some flavored yogurts have as much sugar as cake. When buying yogurt, always check the label to see how much sugar has been added. Even when buying Greek or Nordic yogurts, which are supposed to be low in sugar, read the label. Alternatively, opt for unsweetened yogurt.


The myth that margarine is healthier than butter has been debunked over and over again but it’s worth repeating. Margarine is basically a combination of chemicals and refined vegetable oils. It’s high in trans fats, which increase your chances of heart disease. You’re better off eating real butter.


People are constantly looking for healthier alternatives to sugar. A popular “natural” alternative at the moment is agave. However, this natural sweetener is worse than sugar AND high fructose corn syrup. Agave contains 70-90% fructose, and can cause severe metabolic problems.


Sports drinks have electrolytes but they also contain sugar. Why? Because they’re designed with athletes in mind and not people who are binging Netflix from the comfort of their couch.

However, many people view them as a healthier substitute for soft drinks, which isn’t the case because they’re only slightly lower in sugar.

and Protein Bars

On the surface, these bars look like healthy
snacks. However, they are loaded with sugar and hydrogenated oils, and can
cause type 2 diabetes, weight gain and heart disease if eaten regularly.

The solution is to become your very own food advocate to ensure you’re fueling your body with the healthiest options. Never trust marketers; the truth is in the label. So, do yourself a favor and always read the ingredients, giving special attention to the sugar and added sugar content.

The post Foods That Should Lose Their Health Halo appeared first on Lifestyle.
