Pets Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Fri, 17 Nov 2023 15:31:17 +0000 en hourly 1 Pets Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 Voice for the Voiceless with Kate Linder and Susan Olsen Fri, 17 Nov 2023 14:00:11 +0000 Are you an animal lover? It’s been said that the perfect companions never have fewer than four feet. Today’s guests truly have hearts for our furry friends and they use their platforms in the spotlight to make a difference. Susan Olsen best known as Cindy from the Brady Bunch and Kate Linder known as Esther from Young and the Restless join us with veterinarian Dr. Giselle Concepcion. We’re going to hear about several animal rescue organizations, Susan’s upcoming animal adoption, Kate’s next project, and then Dr. Concepcion is going to talk about preventive care for pets.

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The post Voice for the Voiceless with Kate Linder and Susan Olsen appeared first on Lifestyle.

5 Reasons Pet Owners Are Healthier & Happier! Thu, 15 Aug 2019 22:30:40 +0000 Pets. There’s just something about them that makes us feel good! So good, in fact, that pet owners visit their doctor less often than non-pet owners. While this is true, few people know the reasons why, until now. Healthier Heart and Lower Blood Pressure Pet ownership, especially dog ownership, is associated with a lower risk...

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Pets. There’s just something about them that makes us feel
good! So good, in fact, that pet owners visit their doctor less often than
non-pet owners.

While this is true, few people know the reasons why, until

Healthier Heart and Lower Blood Pressure

Pet ownership, especially dog ownership, is associated with
a lower risk of heart disease. Doctors think this is due to the feelings of
peace and contentment that come from spending time with a pet, especially after
a long stressful day.

Plus, it’s also thought that dog owners are likelier to get
the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week than non-dog owners.

A Welcome Distraction from Pain

Pets might help manage chronic disease by reducing pain,
anxiety and agitation. Studies have shown that a visit from a therapy dog can
energize patients, making them more responsive and active.

Even better, research shows that people who undergo “pet
therapy” when recovering from surgery need less pain medication! The same
applies to people suffering from fibromyalgia.

Prevents Allergies in Children

Growing up with a cat or a dog from birth greatly reduces
the risk of eczema and asthma in children. Pets are generally “dirtier” than people
so repeated exposure to their “dirt” keeps allergies and autoimmune diseases at

Emotional Connection

Pet owners enjoy a special bond and an emotional attachment
to their animals. In fact, most pets are considered family.

This bond helps pet owners feel less lonely and creates more
opportunities for social interactions. How? By getting people out of their
homes and into public spaces, creating opportunities for social connection and
conversation!  After all, it’s so
much easier having a conversation with a stranger when you share a love for


Pets depend on their owners for their physical and emotional needs. This added responsibility can provide the motivation to get out of bed in the morning, improves self-worth and keeps depression at bay. It’s harder to focus on negative thoughts when you have a pet that appreciates and loves you unconditionally.

These health benefits may not seem life-changing individually, but when combined, they add up to a healthier and happier you. So, if you’ve never given serious thought to pet ownership, now might be a great time to consider it.

Of course, this only applies if you don’t have serious pet allergies or phobias. Otherwise, it’d be foolish to make yourself sick while pursuing the health benefits of pet ownership.

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Hypoallergenic Dogs and Cats: Myth or Reality? Thu, 06 Sep 2018 22:30:42 +0000 About one in 10 people have pet allergies. They cannot be in the same room with a cat or dog without sneezing or experiencing other allergy symptoms. For these people, hypoallergenic pets may seem like the obvious solution. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. In fact, hypoallergenic dogs or cats might be a myth after all....

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About one in 10 people have pet allergies. They cannot be in the same room with a cat or dog without sneezing or experiencing other allergy symptoms.

For these people, hypoallergenic pets may seem like the obvious solution. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. In fact, hypoallergenic dogs or cats might be a myth after all.

A study of 60 dog breeds, including 11 of which were allegedly hypoallergenic, revealed that there is really no difference between regular and hypoallergenic breeds. Homes that have hypoallergenic dogs like Portuguese water dogs, poodles and schnauzers, have as much of the dog allergen known as Can F1 as homes with “regular” dogs. Any dog that has skin, saliva and urine can never be truly hypoallergenic!

There’s no comparable study on cats, but anecdotal evidence suggest that it’s pretty much the same story. Cat allergies are twice as common as dog allergies, so the chances of finding a hypoallergenic cat are really low.

Practical Tips For Pet Owners With Allergies

Having a pet allergy doesn’t always mean that you can’t be a pet owner.

Depending on the severity of your allergies, the benefits of pet companionship can sometimes outweigh the challenges of allergies. In fact, about a third of the people who suffer from these allergies live in a home with at least one pet.

If you have a non-life-threatening pet allergy and want to get a cat or a dog, start by figuring out the breeds that you’re least allergic to. It’s highly unlikely you will be equally sensitive to all breeds, so take your time and do your research. In fact, the only reason why people believe that certain dog or cat breeds are hypoallergenic is because those breeds are less irritating to some people than others.

If you already have a pet, create “allergy free” zones in your home and restrict your furry friend’s access to those areas. One of these areas should definitely be your bedroom.

Using a high-efficiency HEPA air cleaner can prevent dander from sticking to the furnishings. Moreover, using a “micro filter” bag in the vacuum cleaner, and washing curtains, pet beds and carpets regularly, can go a long way to reduce allergen levels in your home.

Bathing your pet every week is another great way to reduce allergen levels in your home. It can reduce the amount of allergens on the pet’s fur by up to 84%.

Lastly, allergy shots can also help to gradually desensitize your immune system to pet allergens. This will improve the symptoms but, unfortunately, it won’t eliminate them entirely.

The encouraging news is that a combination of allergy shots, treatments and good cleaning methods can make it much easier for animal lovers with allergies to live with pets.

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