emotional health Archives - Lifestyle https://lifestyle.org/tag/emotional-health/ Mind Body Soul Fri, 03 May 2024 14:47:34 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://lifestyle.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/cropped-logo-mark-32x32.png emotional health Archives - Lifestyle https://lifestyle.org/tag/emotional-health/ 32 32 218594145 Sailing Through Life: Letting Go And Trusting The Journey https://lifestyle.org/sailing-through-life-letting-go-and-trusting-the-journey/ Fri, 03 May 2024 14:47:33 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=14133 You can drift through life or sail through life. The difference is that one is aimless and undefined, and the other has a purpose and has direction. Life is challenging. There will be rough water. Pray for wisdom and batten down the hatches to navigate life’s storms, but never stop believing in yourself; trust the...

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You can drift through life or sail through life. The difference is that one is aimless and undefined, and the other has a purpose and has direction.

Life is challenging. There will be rough water. Pray for wisdom and batten down the hatches to navigate life’s storms, but never stop believing in yourself; trust the journey. 

Gain confidence from your faith in the One guiding you as you sail into uncertainty on the open sea. 

Let Go So You Can Sail

One of the biggest lessons that sailing through life can teach you is found in the art of letting go. 

You can only sail once you release the anchor. 

What’s keeping you from moving forward? What’s anchoring you? 

What do you need to let go of?

Do you need to let go of some fears, habits, attachments, or dreams that have become too small to start your voyage? 

Give yourself permission to let go of past traumas, release yourself from external expectations, and let go of the need for control. 

Control and comfort are two anchors that hold people back from sailing toward their dreams and a life of love and happiness.  

Start letting go of the weight of trying to control the things you can’t control because that mindset is an anchor that keeps you from growing and hinders your ability to adapt. 

Let go of the need to feed your comforts. There’s nothing wrong with relaxing and being comfortable. But comfort can become a nest that turns into a prison. Nothing great ever happened within the comfy confines of comfort. 

Remember, you’re in charge of the sails. So when life throws an unexpected storm in your path, adjust your sails and navigate accordingly.

And when you’re nearing the doldrums of comfort, catch the wind and sail away by choosing a more adventurous and fulfilling course. 

Use whatever you face along your journey to grow personally and spiritually as you master the seas of your life. 

The Beauty of Life 

Storms are temporary. Bask in the calm waters when the sea is serene. And celebrate life’s joys when things are tranquil. 

Change is inevitable.

Storms will come and go. You will have balmy days and billowy days. 

 Embrace both.

Take the wheel and learn to navigate every storm with resilience. Use the challenge to unlock your inner capabilities. Realize everything you face is an opportunity to grow, strengthening your faith and courage.  

So many stay anchored where they are because they don’t believe they have the skills to sail beyond the harbor.

You have the skills and what it takes to navigate life’s biggest challenges. So embrace the journey and enjoy the moments, especially the calm, sunny ones, so you may live life to the fullest. 

Final Thoughts 

On larger ships, a crew is needed to sail the ship. They work together to get the job done. So remember to appreciate your support network and social connections; if you trust them, they can help you thrive. Being a solitary captain is lonely; navigating the seas alone is perilous. Stay connected. 

As you navigate the seas of life, you will encounter giant waves, but you’ll have a lot more calm water than turbulent water. To make things go as smoothly as possible, let go of toxic attachments, embrace change, trust the process, and steer your life toward growth and fulfillment. 

There is strength in letting go, not weakness. 

Chart your course and trust the journey as you sail through the natural ebbs and flows of life – – your adventure will be remarkable, but only if you let go, trust, and enjoy the journey. 

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Three Ways To End Procrastination https://lifestyle.org/three-ways-to-end-procrastination/ Thu, 07 Mar 2024 13:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=13995 According to Psychology Today, people procrastinate – delaying what they know should be done – for many reasons. It cites three in particular: 1) Because we don’t think we’ll enjoy doing them, 2) We don’t think we’ll do them well, or 3) The task at hand is too complex; it’s estimated that 20 percent of...

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According to Psychology Today, people procrastinate – delaying what they know should be done – for many reasons. It cites three in particular: 1) Because we don’t think we’ll enjoy doing them, 2) We don’t think we’ll do them well, or 3) The task at hand is too complex; it’s estimated that 20 percent of the population falls into the category of “procrastinators” who put off doing things because they don’t feel like doing it right now. 

We can procrastinate by ignoring what needs to be done right now, but we can’t ignore the consequences of not doing it.

With that in mind, here’s a simple three-step process for getting up and doing it so you can achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Start With A Goal – Even If It’s Blurry

A blurry goal is better than no goal because it gives you a general idea of where to begin, helping you overcome the inertia of getting started. When you don’t have a goal and don’t know what you want, you have no idea where to even begin. 

What do you want to accomplish for yourself and others?

What do you want from your life?

Don’t wait for perfect clarity; get an idea and go! Getting started makes things less blurry and brings them into focus – and keeps you moving in the right direction.

Write It Down

We know that procrastinators don’t take action. Taking some action, no matter how small, is better than taking no action.

Writing your goals down is taking action.

It gets you moving; it activates your ambition. 

Write down what you want and give it a deadline for completing it. If it’s a big goal, write down a few things you’ll need to do to achieve your goal and then give those action steps deadlines. 

Most people in the United States know what’s coming in a few weeks: April 15th -Tax Day, which most of us dread because of the paperwork and millions of little details we must collect and submit. So break it down. You have a clear deadline, April 15th, and you might have an idea of the forms you’ll need. If you don’t, your accountant will. And each form will require certain data. So, to make it easier on yourself, organize your taxes into little tasks: 1) Get forms, 2) Collect income documents, and 3) Complete forms. This may be a bad example because there isn’t anything inspiring about taxes! But you get the idea. 

What’s one thing you must get done? Turn it into a goal by writing it down and giving it a deadline, and then keep it close by so you can look at it daily so you don’t forget. 


The secret to progress is to START!

Stop thinking about it, talking about it, analyzing it, and resisting it!

Stop thinking about it and just do it. 

If your goal is to get stronger and leaner, and you’ve decided to go to the gym three days a week but don’t feel like going when the time comes, stop thinking about it, put on your sneakers, and get yourself to the gym!

You must create momentum. Life doesn’t hand you momentum on a silver platter. It’s up to you to get started.

So go do it!

Today Matters, Make It Count

Life isn’t waiting for you. You only have so much time before it’s over. Today matters—this very moment matters! 

So, stop talking yourself out of living your dreams! Write down two or three major goals and dreams that will unlock your best life, and get started! It will be messy and frustrating at first, but keep going. Don’t put off living your life another day. 

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The Science Of Happiness: Strategies For A Joyful Life https://lifestyle.org/the-science-of-happiness-strategies-for-a-joyful-life/ Thu, 08 Feb 2024 13:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=13880 Life is messy and unpredictable sometimes. We don’t make the best decisions, or things spiral out of our control, or we suffer the unfortunate consequences of other people’s choices.  How we react to certain triggers and situations and show up in life either fills our life with more or less hope, joy, or misery. To...

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Life is messy and unpredictable sometimes. We don’t make the best decisions, or things spiral out of our control, or we suffer the unfortunate consequences of other people’s choices. 

How we react to certain triggers and situations and show up in life either fills our life with more or less hope, joy, or misery. To have more hope, joy, and happiness is an intentional choice. 

As the famous quote goes, “It’s not what happens to you, it’s how you react to it that matters.“-Epictetus.

Here are some strategies for your consideration for living a joyful life: 

Find and prioritize your purpose.

There’s joy in finding your purpose and living it. You have a calling, an assignment, something to do to serve and improve the world. Finding a purpose is vital to living a joyful and fulfilled life. Some people may find purpose in their work and jobs, but you can also find it by volunteering your time and resources for the good of the community or society. 

Take a moment to think about some things you’re passionate about that contribute positively to the world; maybe your gift or passion is something you do well and allows you to make an income. There’s a good chance this is your calling. When you find and prioritize your purpose, you have something to look forward to and wake up to every morning. Fulfilling your purpose fills your life with joy and meaning, leading to a happy and satisfied life. 

Nurture relationships.

When we look at the centenarians from the Blue Zones, we see that they highly prioritize and nurture their social relationships with friends and family. They live a simple life, and one of their main focuses is building and nurturing supportive relationships. 

Even at 90, these people are seen to be fit, healthy, happy, and free of chronic diseases due to their lifestyle and familial support. We learn from these people of the Blue Zones the wisdom of nurturing healthy relationships; it’s a pillar of living a happy life. We all need support, a shoulder to cry on, and like-minded friends to share the joys of life with. 

Release things that no longer serve us. 

Life has different stages, each requiring a different and more evolved version of you. To live a joyful life, learn to let go of things, people, situations, and memories that no longer serve you or support your faith and values. Be brave and clear on who and what deserves to move forward into the next season of your life. 

Embracing the process of letting go leads to a happier life. To live more joyfully, learn to let certain attitudes go, too, like perfectionism and how you think life ‘should be’ or what ‘could have been.’ Embrace the present moment and declutter your life, heart, soul, and mind of habits, negative mindsets, toxic relationships, and feelings of regret, guilt, or shame from the past. Learn to let go of any emotional baggage that may deter you from living a joyful life. 

Be kind and compassionate to yourself.

Nurturing your relationship with yourself is essential to living a happier life. This can mean being kind and compassionate to yourself by not talking negatively to or about yourself. It can mean showing yourself compassion and forgiveness and treating yourself well, like taking time out of work to rest and wind down instead of overworking yourself, improving your mental and emotional well-being, taking care of your body, and whatever else enriches your life and soul. 

To be happier and emotionally healthy, you must ditch the negative self-talk, rewire and reframe your mindset to be more positive and supportive of yourself. And observe how your life shifts from misery to joy. 

Joy can look different to every person. What you perceive as joy may not be the same for someone else. Some may find joy in nurturing relationships, while others may prefer some ‘me time’ in solitude. 

Lastly, remember to fill your cup first so you have something to give and pour it into others. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so find your purpose, do activities that enrich your life, release whatever isn’t serving you anymore, lean on others, and laugh more to live a joyful life. Find your version of joy to unlock your best life!

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Seven Steps to Unlock Your Best Life in 2024! https://lifestyle.org/seven-steps-to-unlock-your-best-life-in-2024/ Thu, 25 Jan 2024 13:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=13848   Imagine achieving your dreams and goals and living a flourishing life. When you activate your potential, that kind of life can be yours. Many people fall short of their potential because they don’t want it bad enough and they lack mental and emotional toughness.   Unlocking your best life requires time and effort, dealing with...

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Imagine achieving your dreams and goals and living a flourishing life. When you activate your potential, that kind of life can be yours. Many people fall short of their potential because they don’t want it bad enough and they lack mental and emotional toughness.  

Unlocking your best life requires time and effort, dealing with obstacles, and taking risks to achieve the desired result. However, the benefits are powerful. 

Here are seven steps you can take to begin unleashing your full potential.

Define Your Goals

What do you want and why?

When you know what you want and why, you have a map for pursuing your goals and dreams. 

What do you want to accomplish in your life? Why do you want it – what do you think you’ll gain by achieving it?

Make a list of goals that motivate you; you will have some short and long-term ones. 

Evaluate them to determine the steps you’ll need to take to achieve them. 

Landing on the moon by the end of the 1960s was a dream, but NASA needed to take a million little steps to achieve it. You must do the same with your goals, especially your big ones.

Set a mission accomplished date to make your goal more than a dream. Then, track and measure your progress daily, weekly, or monthly – whatever it takes because what gets measured gets done.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is optimistic and solution-focused; it sees challenges as stepping stones to success.

A person with a growth mindset knows their weaknesses, and they receive constructive criticism. They keep the end result in mind but focus on the process because it bridges the gap from where they are to where they intend to go. 

They’re not jealous of the success of others; it motivates them instead. 

They remember why they want what they want to keep going when they want to quit. 

And they’re constantly learning, applying, experimenting, and adapting. 

Journal Your Thoughts and Ideas

Journaling is a great way to get to know yourself, see patterns, and remember what works and doesn’t work and why. 

Journaling boosts creativity, improves mental health, and inspires you to stay the course when things get hard. 

Pay close attention to your feelings and record them in your journal. Evaluate them to see what thoughts, people, or situations triggered them. Examine your life to learn about yourself and to discover what you can do better moving forward.

Don’t Waste Your Mistakes

A mistake is an opportunity for growth. You’ll make mistakes, so you might as well explore and learn from what went wrong. Sticking your head in the sand accomplishes nothing. There’s truth to the old adage “fail forward.”

Opportunities and Risk

Risk comes with opportunity. The bigger the goal, the bigger the risk. Regardless, there’s always some risk. 

For example, assume you have a limited budget to achieve your goal. You might run out of money before you reach it. 

Some people worry themselves to death in that scenario. However, excessive worry depletes energy and decreases productivity, and it can make you feel like giving up.

There are four things you can do with risk: accept it, avoid it, reduce it, or transfer it. 

Minimize worry by identifying the types of risks that could occur and listing what you can do to reduce risk. If the potential benefit outweighs the risk, accept it after doing all you can to reduce it. But be honest with yourself because some opportunities and experiences are not worth the risk.   

Take Care of Yourself

Nurturing your well-being increases motivation because you feel mentally strong and emotionally healthy. You’ll have less stress and be happier, too. So, eat healthy, exercise, and get your sleep.

Manage Your Time & Priorities

Make the most of time management by focusing on your priorities. Don’t use time as an excuse for not following through on your dreams and living your life. 

At the very least, plan ahead the evening before by making your to-do list and prioritizing each task. Eliminate any tasks that are not essential; delay low-priority tasks to another day.

Remember: first things come first. Your life changes when you change what you do during your day.

Discourage interruptions by finding a quiet place to focus and temporarily turning off social media, phone calls, texts, and emails. 

Share your boundaries with those you know so they are aware and can support you. You’ll accomplish more in less time without unnecessary interruptions.

Start with a few minutes if you have to, but follow this plan to make consistent progress. Ten or fifteen minutes here and there add up over the course of a week. 


You must know your goals and why you want them to unlock your best life; be persistent and consistent. Ask yourself today, what vision do I have for my life? Where would I like to be this time next year? And what do I need to start doing or stop doing to get there? Answering these questions puts you on the road to success and unlocking your best life.  

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Detox Your Mind: The Importance Of Letting Go Of Negative Thoughts https://lifestyle.org/detox-your-mind-the-importance-of-letting-go-of-negative-thoughts/ Thu, 18 Jan 2024 13:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=13829 Negativity doesn’t just suck up precious mental space; it leaks into every area of your life, undermining your hopes, dreams, and plans.  Pessimism and negativity are toxic to your mental health, physical health, and social health. Let’s have a look. Mental Health Besides making you feel miserable, negative thoughts compromise your long-term mental health. These...

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Negativity doesn’t just suck up precious mental space; it leaks into every area of your life, undermining your hopes, dreams, and plans. 

Pessimism and negativity are toxic to your mental health, physical health, and social health. Let’s have a look.

Mental Health

Besides making you feel miserable, negative thoughts compromise your long-term mental health. These are some consequences of letting negative thoughts occupy your mind:

• Major Depressive Disorder
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder
• Social Anxiety Disorder
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Psychosis

But even if the condition of your mental health doesn’t result in an official diagnosis, being pessimistic and having negative thoughts create numerous other mental health symptoms. Some of these include:

• Depression
• Anxiety
• Panic attacks
• Low self-esteem
• Perfectionism

Whenever a negative thought invades your mind, use your will to shift your focus to something positive and hopeful, like a blessing or a promise in the Bible or finding something good in someone.  

Physical Health

Your mind exerts a powerful influence over your body, probably more than you realize. How you think and the quality of your thoughts impact how healthy your physical body is. These are examples of how negative thinking can affect the body:

• Increased risk of diagnoses such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure
• Decreased immune system strength
• Healthier weight
• Healthier blood sugar levels

There’s something to the old adage “mind over matter.” You can use the power of your mind to manage the body’s physical reactions to external stimuli.

Negative thinking and a pessimistic imagination will always make your physical well-being and health outcomes worse. So, even if the situation seems bleak, put the odds more in your favor by focusing on something positive. 

Social Health

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to have a healthy and happy relationship when it’s filled with negativity and pessimism? Negativity ruins relationships.

Indulging in negative thinking tends to blind you to the positive experiences and good in others. And when you see something good, it’s stained with skepticism or cynicism.

Worse yet, negativity and pessimism can make you see things that aren’t even there, causing you to believe things about the other person that aren’t true. Unfortunately, assumptions are made, or devastating scenarios are created in your mind that make you think and behave in ways that damage the relationship, sometimes irreparably.

Negativity and pessimism can make you overly sensitive to jokes and comments because you take them too personally. This negativity damages your trust and connection with the other person and causes you to treat others negatively. Examples of social relationships that can be affected include:

• Your marriage
• Romantic partners
• Friends
• Family members
• Coworkers and/or supervisors
• Neighbors
• Teammates and hobby club members
• Classmates

How to Let Go of Negative Thinking

People only change when they want to or have to, like when diagnosed with a severe disease that requires them to change their lifestyle habits. 

Therefore, the first step in detoxing your mind from negative thoughts is to create the desire and motivation to overcome negativity and pessimism by replacing it with positivity and optimism. 

Desire is key. Without desire, you will never change your habit of thinking.
It will take effort and commitment on your part. But as long as you’re consistent and persistent, you’ll make it. 

Try these tips for overcoming negative thinking and pessimistic thoughts:

• Keep a journal: List your negative thoughts and emotions daily. Why put them on paper? Because it gets them out of your head and keeps them from lingering in your mind.

• Play Detective: Look at your list of negative thinking for patterns and clues of underlying causes that need attention and healing.

• Schedule a time of day to review negative thoughts. The last thing you want is to obsess about your negative thoughts the whole day. Scheduling a time to process your negative thoughts frees up your mind to make the most of your day instead of wasting precious mental energy on endless problems and negativity.

• Acknowledge negative thoughts when they occur and replace them with positive ones. For example, instead of beating yourself up for being late, be thankful that your friend is willing to be flexible.

• Be intentional about receiving and giving love and positivity.

• Take care of your physical health. Remember the powerful mind-body connection. Taking care of one takes care of the other.

• Use Bible promises and positive affirmations for yourself and others. Focus on what’s possible when you and God work together as an unstoppable force. And remember to celebrate your wins no matter how small.

• Be grateful for your relationships, possessions, achievements, and opportunities.

• Avoid negative news and media. Add humor and heartwarming media to your life.

• Consider making meditation and prayer a daily habit to connect with Divine power.

Optimistic people are happier, healthier, more successful, and have pleasing personalities, attracting opportunities and like-minded people. Negative, pessimistic people are like a cold and foggy day; they repel people and opportunities. Where would you rather be, on a sunny beach or where the weather is dismal and dreary? Exactly.

Detoxing your mind of negativity and pessimism is one of the best things you can do to unlock your best life in 2024!

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Use Criticism To Your Advantage https://lifestyle.org/use-criticism-to-your-advantage/ Thu, 16 Nov 2023 13:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=13616 Norman Vincent Peale said, “The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” How often do we seek praise over criticism? While no one likes being criticized, a critique can be a gift, depending on how you see it and what you do with it. ...

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Norman Vincent Peale said, “The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.”

How often do we seek praise over criticism? While no one likes being criticized, a critique can be a gift, depending on how you see it and what you do with it. 

Here are four ways to make criticism build you up instead of tearing you down.

Create Emotional Space Between Yourself and the Comment

Criticism can hurt your feelings and make you angry. It’s easy to get defensive and lash back, so you must create some emotional space between you and the critical comment. Why? To gain objectivity.

Becoming offended immediately gets you nowhere. 

The philosopher Epictetus said, “If someone in the street were entrusted with your body, you would be furious. Yet you entrust your mind to anyone around who happens to insult you and allow it to be troubled and confused. Aren’t you ashamed of that?”

Don’t let someone take charge of your thoughts and feelings with their words of criticism or praise! Don’t allow yourself to be easily manipulated like an animal being led around on a leash. 

Look at it this way: someone’s opinion only has the power you give it; you decide what impact their words will have on your life. You get to decide how YOU will feel about the matter; letting other people manipulate or control you with their words is dangerous and unwise. 

Creating emotional space between you and your self-worth and what people say is a powerful tool to help you navigate the minefield of social opinion and the societal pressure that can often lead to disapproval and rejection if you don’t conform or comply with their views and beliefs.

Let Life Educate You

Transform criticism into a learning experience; let life educate you. Learning from every experience is empowering because you maintain control of your life; no one else gets the privilege of being behind the wheel. 

Must you agree with what people or pay lip service to their “intelligence?” No. But you can be grateful because every interaction is a teaching moment. When someone criticizes you, it’s a great learning opportunity. 

Because of the emotional space you’ve created between yourself and their comment, you can evaluate what they’ve said to see if there’s anything useful to learn. This growth mindset transforms encounters from defeats to victories that support your life. 

Be Patient With the Process

Pride is a stumbling block to learning; humility goes a long way. 

No one is perfect or has “arrived; we’re all works in progress. Instead of feeling attacked, embarrassed, or belittled when someone criticizes you, remind yourself that you’ve embraced this process of examining what people say because you’re committed to growing and improving. 

Embrace the process of creating space and evaluating what people say because you might find something beneficial. Listen, evaluate, keep what’s helpful, and delete what isn’t; grow and move forward. 

Criticism and Creativity

Criticism can create new perspectives that lead the way for innovation. What if you saw criticism as feedback instead of rejection? Truth is, you choose whether to accept or reject criticism; the final say is yours. 

For example, when someone raises objections or points out problems in a proposal or presentation, their comments might ignite your thinking to see new ideas or solutions. Why not give yourself the opportunity for expanded thinking? 

According to Harvard Business Review, there’s a sweet spot in criticism that recognizes the flaws in something without discarding the idea altogether. They refer to this process as “yes, but, and.” In this scenario, the “yes, but” portion presents the issue with a presented idea, while the “and” part presents potential solutions.[1]

This approach allows leeway for criticism to be evaluated to find solutions and improvements before discounting it altogether because we feel offended or rejected.

Final Thoughts

Ideally, it would be nice if people were more considerate of other’s feelings and perspectives when doling out their constructive criticism. It would make communication more effective and create better outcomes. But even when that isn’t the case, we can make the most of the situation by embracing this process.  

Being criticized can be positive, even if the critic has questionable intentions. When we choose to evaluate their comments to see if there’s anything we can learn for our growth or improvement instead of taking them personally, we’ve created a productive encounter and reduced the sting of criticism.  

This approach to criticism is freeing and empowering! Criticism can be something that shuts you down or something you use to unlock your best life! 

1 Harvard Business Review, https://hbr.org/2019/07/why-criticism-is-good-for-creativity.

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The Art Of Finding The Positive In The Negative https://lifestyle.org/the-art-of-finding-the-positive-in-the-negative/ Thu, 02 Nov 2023 13:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=13543 It’s November when this article is being published, a season of thanksgiving for many regions worldwide. Times are difficult for many people as they face financial and relational hardships. And with so much tension and unrest around the world and new fears and uncertainties facing us daily, it can be quite a struggle to be...

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It’s November when this article is being published, a season of thanksgiving for many regions worldwide. Times are difficult for many people as they face financial and relational hardships. And with so much tension and unrest around the world and new fears and uncertainties facing us daily, it can be quite a struggle to be thankful sometimes. 

So, today, let’s shift our focus from our problems, and everything that seems so wrong, by looking at how to find something positive in negativity.

Everyone has bad days that are filled with the negative emotions of anger, anxiety, depression, discouragement, uncertainty, worry, resentment, bitterness, and fear. 

These negative emotions are so powerful they can cause mental, emotional, and physical illness.

Ready for some good news? We can choose whether to allow them to dominate our spirit or take charge and put them in their place and find something positive, a blessing, if you will, in the situation. 

Often, negative emotions result from us blaming someone or something for our unfortunate, negative situation. 

Holding onto these negative emotions and nurturing them is the problem; they’re like slivers in the soul that fester and create a gloomy atmosphere within our mind, blocking all hope of brighter days. 

Finding Something Positive

We must take charge of our mind and condition it to think and look for the positive – the blessing – in every situation, even if we’re searching for it through blurry, tear-filled eyes.

Finding something positive takes practice.

We must constantly remember that our thoughts control our feelings; our feelings shouldn’t control our thoughts. 

Our emotions are often triggered by an event or something we’ve chosen to believe to be true about something that has happened or is happening to us. 

The Art of Finding The Positive

The next time you find yourself in a negative situation, remove yourself from the environment as quickly as possible and find a place where you feel safe and calm; put some distance between you and the situation to create emotional space.

This allows you to put the incident into perspective and be more rational and objective by asking these questions:

Am I overreacting?

What is the worst thing that can happen?

How serious will this be in a month or a year from now?

Could I lose a friend over this?

Could I lose my health, job, or family because of this?

Is being angry about this really worth my time and energy?

How would the situation be different if I just let it go?

If this situation is severe and requires my attention, what are two or three specific actions I can take to remedy it or initiate resolution?

What is the silver lining in this adversity I’m facing? 

What could be the silver lining if I chose to find it?

Asking these questions processes your emotions and has a calming effect, helping you be more objective about what you’re facing. 

Although you may not be happy the incident occurred, by taking charge of your emotions, you will know whether you can change it or should leave it alone and walk away. Either way, you’ve taken ownership of your life and have regained the power of choice, which is a positive result for which to be thankful; what you do next in the situation is all up to you. 

Another approach is to “work the problem” by finding a solution when walking away isn’t an option or the best choice. 

Searching for solutions shifts you into an optimistic frame of mind that expands your thinking and creates several possibilities for how this problem might be solved, transforming it from something negative into something positive. Not only will you see the situation differently, but you might also see the “problem” as an opportunity to learn something new.

You Have Control

Feeling controlled and at the mercy of life’s situations and circumstances is a recipe for misery; indeed, it’s a self-made prison of discontent and joylessness. 

You, my friend, can control your thoughts and emotions, which will be extremely difficult at times, but nonetheless, you have that power; it’s a gift from the Creator. 

You are in charge of how you will respond to the negative situation, which is something to be thankful for.

Even if you didn’t have anything to do with creating the negative situation, and even if you were forced into it by no choice of your own, you are still responsible for how you respond. Even though it isn’t fair, it’s even more important to look for the positive – to find the silver lining. 

How do you find the positive in the negative situations? By choosing to search for and find the blessing. Remind yourself that there’s an equal or greater blessing hidden somewhere in there, which is something to be thankful for, too, when you stop and think about it, that will help you see the situation differently. 

Unlock your best life every day this month by choosing to find the blessings contained in life’s seemingly negative circumstances and situations, and give thanks. 

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Living with Bipolar Disorder with Maurice Benard and Dr. Gary Small https://lifestyle.org/episode/living-with-bipolar-disorder-with-maurice-benard-and-dr-gary-small/ Thu, 17 Aug 2023 18:27:18 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?post_type=episode&p=13273 Are you tired of letting all the negativity around you affect your positivity? Maurice Benard knows all about how to reframe the bad into the good, your favorite bad boy, multiple daytime Emmy and Soap Opera Digest Award winner known for his role as Sonny Corinthos on General Hospital. We're also joined by Behavioral Health Physician in Chief, Dr. Gary Small, to discuss what it's like living with bipolar disorder.

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Make Your Dreams Come True! https://lifestyle.org/make-your-dreams-come-true/ Thu, 17 Aug 2023 13:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=13268 As kids, we all had big dreams of what our lives would be like when we grew up.  We wanted to be astronauts, doctors, actors, and more.  We wanted to explore the world, make a difference, and achieve something great. We believed that anything was possible and that we could make our dreams come true!...

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As kids, we all had big dreams of what our lives would be like when we grew up. 

We wanted to be astronauts, doctors, actors, and more. 

We wanted to explore the world, make a difference, and achieve something great. We believed that anything was possible and that we could make our dreams come true!

However, as we got older, the realities of life began to set in. 

We realized that our dreams might not come true and our paths might not be as straightforward as we’d hoped. 

We encountered obstacles and roadblocks, and our dreams slowly began fading. 

We had to accept that some of our dreams weren’t meant to be and that we had to adjust our expectations. We had to learn to be content with our life and make the most of the opportunities we were given.

Dreams are an integral part of life, yet, as adults, it can be challenging to hold onto them. 

Life can be busy and overwhelming, and it can be easy to lose sight of the dreams we had as children. But that doesn’t mean we should stop dreaming and striving to make our dreams come true.

Pursuing our dreams takes courage and determination. It can be a long, challenging, tiring journey. 

Unexpected challenges and circumstances can be roadblocks to success, whether financial, family, or educational. But with some creativity and determination, it’s possible to find a way to overcome them — to shape them so they serve us instead of defeating us. 

Many have been told their dreams are too big, unrealistic, or unreachable. 

It can be discouraging.

But it’s your dream, not theirs; don’t let them brush it aside. 

So, we’re here today to offer you the motivation you need with five fundamentals and tips that will help you stay hopeful and inspired to pursue your dreams. 

Fundamental #1: Setting goals keeps you focused on the future and gives you something to strive for. Goals give you direction. 

Fundamental #2: Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and your dreams and are a source of motivation and inspiration. 

Fundamental #3: Take time for yourself. Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life gives you the clarity and perspective you need to stay motivated. 

Fundamental #4: Practice self-care. Taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health is essential for staying motivated. 

Fundamental #5: Find a mentor. Someone who can guide and support you on your journey can be invaluable.

These five fundamentals lay the foundation and help keep you motivated. But to reach your dreams, you have to do more. Consider these five tips: 

1. No More Excuses: Take Action Now!

The fear of failure prevents people from achieving their dreams. People may be scared of not meeting expectations, not being good enough, or not having the support they need to succeed. And so what do they do? They make excuses!

Fear gives birth to feelings of helplessness and overwhelm and causes people to give up on their dreams before they even start.

Two of the worst things about fear are that fears rarely come to pass and, secondly, fear is almost always a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Fear paralyzes people into inaction. And it leads to procrastination, lack of focus, and feeling stuck. 

With time, fear makes people give up. How many dreams have you or someone you know abandoned because of fear?

Although no one wants to fail, failure can be a valuable learning experience. We grow by reflecting on what went wrong and what could have been done differently. It can include gaining new knowledge, insights, seasoned experience, skills, and better, stronger relationships and new opportunities. 

If you can’t eliminate your fear, take action anyway; don’t let fear stop you. Action tames fear. 

2. Conquer Challenges with Courage

Venus Williams is an American professional tennis player and one of the most successful female athletes ever. She has won seven Grand Slam singles titles, fourteen Grand Slam doubles, and four Olympic gold medals. 

Her success and drive have inspired many, and her quote, “I don’t focus on what I’m up against. I focus on my goals, and I try to ignore the rest,” has become a mantra for many.

Chasing your dreams takes courage and lots of it!

Williams’ success is a testament to her courage, dedication, and determination; her quote reminds us to bravely go after what we want and to never give up on ourselves and our goals.

When something comes up unexpectedly, don’t hide, deny, or ignore it; face it head-on courageously. 

The relentless determination to push through a difficult task or situation is the difference between success and failure. 

3. Work To Create the Life You Envision

Dreaming is a beautiful thing! It allows us to imagine and create the life we want for ourselves. And it’s a source of inspiration and motivation when feeling stuck or overwhelmed. 

It can also be a great way to relax and find peace. The dreaming part is easy, fun, and exciting! AND risk-free; nothing is at stake, and it costs nothing. 

But without work, dreaming turns into wishful thinking. 

Bringing your dreams to life takes work and effort; it’s a little thing called sweat equity.

You must take risks, face challenges, and step out of your comfort zone.

You must shift from needing certainty to embracing uncertainty because no dream is guaranteed; it might not work out, but so what? That’s life.  

Just take the first step; the rest will follow. 

You can make your dreams come true with dedication, sheer focus, commitment, hard work, and perseverance. 

The “get something for nothing” mentality must die for your dream to come to life. 

4. Take Responsibility: Hold Yourself Accountable

Your dream is unique to you and uniquely yours. Only you have the power to turn it into reality. No one understands it better or is more passionate about it than you. 

Are you willing to put in the effort and take the necessary risks to make it happen?

Are you willing to hold yourself accountable or find someone who can?

Are you hungry – how bad do you want it?

All of this requires you to have faith in yourself and your dream!

With the right attitude and motivation, you can make it happen. 

And remember, achieving your dream not only benefits you, but it will impact others!

5 Work the Process. Enjoy the Benefits

So many people dream about success, wealth, and fame, but these goals require dedication, focus, and patience, as do most goals worth achieving.

Embrace the process; enjoy it! Appreciate the small victories along the way. 

Bringing your dreams to life is a journey, not a destination. You won’t be the same person you were when you started; you’ll have grown and evolved, and by the time you reach your dream, you’ll have an even bigger dream being birthed in your heart.

Embrace the process and stay the course; be grateful, humble, and patient.

People sabotage their dreams by cutting corners and taking shortcuts. But big dreams take time because they require deep roots.

Will you feel like giving up? Yes! Will you get tired? Yes! So surround yourself with people who will encourage and support you and be there to help when needed. 

The journey to success is rarely easy. 

You will suffer moments of self-doubt and frustration along the way. But, if you stay true to your dreams and keep pushing forward, you will reach your goals. 

Have faith in yourself and your abilities, seek God’s help and guidance, and never give up. 

As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” 

You are in control of your own destiny. 

You have the power to choose how you will respond to any situation that arises. You are responsible for reaching your goal and have the power to make it happen. 

So make your dreams come true and unlock your best life!

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5 Ways To Boost Emotional Growth https://lifestyle.org/5-ways-to-boost-emotional-growth/ Thu, 03 Aug 2023 13:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=12600 Emotional maturity is understanding your feelings and wisely applying that understanding in your life.  People with emotional maturity are good at handling difficult situations calmly and in a non-inflammatory manner. Emotionally mature people know when to reach out for help or acknowledge they need a break to avoid burning out.  This level of self-awareness is...

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Emotional maturity is understanding your feelings and wisely applying that understanding in your life. 

People with emotional maturity are good at handling difficult situations calmly and in a non-inflammatory manner.

Emotionally mature people know when to reach out for help or acknowledge they need a break to avoid burning out. 

This level of self-awareness is the ability to step back from your feelings to identify your emotions and those of the people around you to analyze the situation and rationally evaluate what needs to be done. 

As a result, you can enjoy stronger, happier relationships and live a more satisfying and fulfilling life because you’re in charge of your emotions instead of your emotions controlling you.

Several studies have been conducted on the value of emotional growth, especially in the workforce. Their findings show that the highest performers displayed high levels of emotional maturity.

So, it’s not just about regular intelligence anymore. Emotional growth is just as crucial in both your professional and personal lives.

Let’s take a look at five ways to boost emotional growth.

Become More Self-Assured

Emotionally mature people know how to communicate their thoughts and beliefs assertively yet respectfully. They earn people’s respect because they’re neither passive nor aggressive. They’re direct and get straight to the point while considering others’ opinions and respecting their perspectives and what they offer.

Learn to Listen

There’s a difference between hearing someone speak and listening to what they’re saying. Most people just “half listen” while nodding and waiting their turn to speak.

An emotionally mature person pays close attention to what someone is saying before offering a valid response; they hone in on the speaker’s nonverbal clues to avoid any misunderstanding or mix-up that might take place during the conversation.

Maintain a Positive Mindset

Your thoughts determine your mindset and outlook on life, which determines your behavior. Knowing your mood and doing what needs to be done to have a good day is a great way to nurture your emotional growth.

For example, imagine being late for a meeting because you got stuck in traffic. Rather than complaining and being frustrated all day over what happened, acknowledge what happened and keep an open mind.

An effective way to shift from something frustrating to a more peaceful state is writing down an uplifting quote that makes you smile that you keep nearby to read. You can also practice mindfulness meditation or take a walk during your lunch hour.

Be Your Own Motivator

People who work on emotional intelligence are self-motivators because they know that success comes from the inside. They don’t wait for others to cheer them on or favorable circumstances.

Instead, they set goals, and work hard to reach them. They remain steadfast when facing challenges and don’t let setbacks get them down.

Empathize with Others

Being empathetic isn’t always easy. First, it requires that you pay close attention to your emotions and self-worth, which can be intimidating at first. But you’ll find that it’s quite liberating once you break through those initial barriers. 

Being empathetic with others is hard if you’re out of touch with your emotions. 

But empathy is more about empowerment and emotional strength than anything else.

Being able to relate to others emotionally is almost like a superpower. It’s a great way to find common ground based on mutual respect, despite any differences in opinion or belief people may have.

A Final Note

Emotional growth, or maturity, is awareness of your feelings and subsequent actions. 

It’s how you interact with others, listen to what they say, and empathizing and identifying with them on a basic human level.

By nurturing your emotional growth, you will better understand how you see yourself and those around you. As a result, you will achieve more, learn to be proud of your accomplishments, and give yourself the confidence and encouragement you need to unlock your best life!

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