physical activity Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Fri, 04 Aug 2023 18:15:39 +0000 en hourly 1 physical activity Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 Connecting The Mind And Body For Greater Health & Happiness Thu, 06 Jul 2023 13:30:00 +0000 The mind-body connection is real and strong…very strong.  How you feel in your body physically affects your mind. And what you think and imagine affects how you feel physically and emotionally. We are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual creatures; everything is interconnected. How we move and interact with our surroundings affects how we feel, think,...

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The mind-body connection is real and strong…very strong. 

How you feel in your body physically affects your mind. And what you think and imagine affects how you feel physically and emotionally.

We are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual creatures; everything is interconnected.

How we move and interact with our surroundings affects how we feel, think, behave, and believe. 

The mind-body connection starts early in life. 

The earlier young children become mobile and reach cognitive milestones, the faster they develop and maintain their mental health. And it continues as we age. 

Physical activity in adults slows cognitive decline and promotes healthy aging. A fit body promotes a healthy mind, and a healthy mind promotes a fit body. 

Exercise and regular physical activity keep the body fit and stimulate the mind.

The Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection is the relationship between the body and the mind.

This connection is powerful; so powerful, in fact, that your body may experience a physical response, like nausea, crying, or a stress-induced headache if you think about a particular thing.

How Does The Mind-Body Connection Work?

The four primary parts of the brain that directly affect the mind-body connection are: 

The emotional cortex, which is responsible for dealing with your emotions.

The hippocampus, which deals with how you consolidate your memories. 

The prefrontal cortex, also known as the brain’s command center, which is responsible for long-term planning, strategizing, and deciding what to do.

Finally, the amygdala; it controls the fight-or-flight response. The brain activates this response mechanism when the body feels threatened, resulting in large releases of the stress hormone cortisol.

In times of danger or trauma, this hormone signals your lungs and heart to make you breathe faster and flood your muscles with adrenaline, helping you escape danger or fight your way to safety.

Each physical symptom you experience is also something you feel emotionally, and vice versa. 

So, for example, if you sprain your ankle, the physical pain can also be accompanied by a sense of anger, sadness, or loss.

On the other hand, if you experience a panic attack, the emotional pain can be accompanied by tightness in the chest, nausea, and achiness.

What Are The Benefits Of The Mind-Body Connection?

The Dalai Lama XIV once said, “If the mind is tranquil and occupied with positive thoughts, the body will not easily fall prey to disease.”

Science supports the mind-body relationship. Turns out so many of our emotions and thoughts are in constant communication. 

Everything from the immune, endocrine, and peripheral nervous systems, many of our organs, and all our emotional responses share common chemicals that go back and forth.

Here’s why the mind-body connection is so important, and how we can use it to improve our overall well-being and lifestyle.

Boost Attentiveness

Awareness of the mind-body connection makes us pay more attention to our thoughts and emotions, allowing us to use this connection to our advantage.

For instance, if you’re not doing well emotionally, your body will give off specific cues. If you’re in tune with them, you’ll know exactly how to react before you become overwhelmed.

One of the best ways to harness this power is by being mindful of your thought patterns and how you talk to yourself. 

Train yourself to be aware of when negative thoughts come into your mind and what triggers the negative self-talk.

Knowing this lets you stop them before they escalate and get out of hand. You can manage emotions more healthily, minimizing their physical toll on you physically. 

Learn to Release Emotions

It’s easier to cope with and release negative feelings if you know what provokes certain thoughts that, as a result, trigger certain negative emotions. 

Try finding activities that affect your mind and body, like learning various breathing techniques, positive visualizations, prayer, meditating, and gentle stretching, among other things.

As a result, you learn what your body is feeling and find potent ways to calm your mind, which is extremely helpful if you’re prone to stress, anxiety, or depression.

Negative emotions aren’t necessarily bad, although their effects on your body and emotions can be harmful because the positive side to negative emotions is they’re a warning that something needs to be addressed.

Create Healthy Habits

Learning to deal with difficult emotions puts you in charge of your thought patterns, boosting your overall well-being.

You will be more aware of your life and better understand what you need to address. You’ll also know what triggers you and why, so you won’t turn to drinking, drugs, or binge eating to cope emotionally when having a tough day or in a “bad” mood.

Instead, you will tend to engage in various physical activities to release negative feelings and pent-up emotions or avoid certain situations and people altogether. 

You’ll find yourself taking better care of yourself, eating and sleeping better, drinking more water, and being more consistent because you have a greater appreciation for your happiness and well-being. 

You can begin harnessing the positive, life-changing power of the mind-body connection by consciously forming healthy habits and living a balanced whole-person lifestyle emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, thereby unlocking your best life!  

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Flexible Dieting with Alan and Jeana Aragon Sun, 09 Apr 2023 23:48:25 +0000 Are you looking to lead a more healthy, active lifestyle, but don’t know where to begin? Researching diets and exercise routines can be a daunting task. How do you separate the fads from what will actually work for you? Join us today as we meet with nutrition and fitness expert, Alan Aragon and his wife Jeana and discuss how his investigation into science-based health is paving the way for the fitness movement.

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Are you looking to lead a more healthy, active lifestyle, but don’t know where to begin? Researching diets and exercise routines can be a daunting task. How do you separate the fads from what will actually work for you? Join us today as we meet with nutrition and fitness expert, Alan Aragon and his wife Jeana and discuss how his investigation into science-based health is paving the way for the fitness movement.

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6 Hobbies That Boost Your Physical Health Thu, 12 Jan 2023 20:30:00 +0000 Ghandi said, “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”  Although exercise is proven to change our body, mind, attitude, and mood, how many people get physical activity regularly?  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 46.9 percent of adults aged 18 years and over meet the...

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Ghandi said, “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” 

Although exercise is proven to change our body, mind, attitude, and mood, how many people get physical activity regularly? 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 46.9 percent of adults aged 18 years and over meet the guidelines for aerobic physical activity, and 24.2% meet the guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity. 

If you love working out and going to the gym, keep going. But if you’re someone who doesn’t fancy adhering to an exercise program, here are six enjoyable hobbies that will add more physical activity to your life. 


Cycling is relaxing and fun!

You don’t have to ride a hundred miles in a pack of sweaty people wearing flimsy spandex or train like you’re competing for the next Tour De France.

You can take a nice ride along the beach on a cruiser, invest in a Peloton to enjoy group classes with people from around the world, enjoy the thrill of a downhill race on a mountain bike, or take a bike cross country; it doesn’t really matter. There are so many ways to enjoy cycling, and each offers health benefits, social interaction in a community of like-minded enthusiasts, and a fun way to exercise your body.


Dancing is fun and can burn over 300 calories an hour. You can take a class, attend an event like salsa night, or go to a concert and enjoy yourself. You can even find dance-themed workouts online. And if you’re a little shy, play some music and dance in the privacy of your own home!

A study for Complementary Therapies In Medicine found that exercise is as good as drug interventions for reducing the risk of overall mortality. In addition, they found that dance was a more enjoyable, easier-to-maintain, form of exercise that helps people to lose weight, improve flexibility, gain muscle tone, improve cardiovascular health, and convey social/emotional benefits.


Okay, I know, running sounds an awful lot like exercise, but the great news is that you can run just about anywhere. All you need is a pair of good running shoes and the will to take a run! Easy! And running is a great way to explore new places. Running has meditative aspects to it, too, because of breath awareness, gait, and fresh air that soothes your nervous system, all of which, when combined, ground you in the present, enriching the moment and your life as a whole. 

Couples Yoga 

Full-body stretching is good for you, and it’s relaxing. There are even postures you can try with a partner that would be impossible alone. Not to mention the social aspect that enhances relationships, which is another essential pillar of good health.


Immersing yourself in nature relaxes the mind, body, and soul. And birding is a great way to do just that. Plus, the benefits multiply when you add to that immersive experience the mindful awareness of another species. According to some estimates, there are about forty-five million bird watchers in the United States. One of the reasons people enjoy bird watching is because it feels like a kind of treasure hunt, and who doesn’t love treasure hunts?


Swimming covers all the bases: it’s challenging and intense, has many variations, is low impact, and immerses you in one of nature’s most fundamental elements. Besides, something is soothing about being in the water. 

The Takeaway

When they were kids, most people didn’t exercise; they played. So, making play out of physical activity makes it more enjoyable and less likely that they will quit. 

It doesn’t matter what you choose to do; what’s important is that you keep moving. So, consider using these six hobbies for physical health as a springboard to explore your own ideas. 

Let your life be an incredible adventure, and may you make it a fun and exciting one. 

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

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Exercise and the Brain Thu, 03 Dec 2020 20:30:00 +0000 Exercise benefits every aspect of our health. It works for weight management, boosts energy, and builds a healthier heart (not to mention you’ll look better and have more confidence.) But exercise benefits more than just the body; it’s good for the brain and improves cognitive function; a fit body generally leads to a fitter mind....

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Exercise benefits every aspect of our health. It works for weight management, boosts energy, and builds a healthier heart (not to mention you’ll look better and have more confidence.)

But exercise benefits more than just the body; it’s good for the brain and improves cognitive function; a fit body generally leads to a fitter mind.

Coping with Daily Stress

Consider the stresses of daily life and its distractions, such as annoying phone alerts that never seem to stop chirping, or construction and traffic noise, and the endless onslaught of commercials and marketing, all competing for your mind’s limited bandwidth. It’s exhausting.

Turns out, exercise is a great coping strategy for dealing with mental stress and distractions because it recharges your mind.

Researchers divided students into three groups to measure the effect of exercise on attention span. One group did two twenty-minute moderate exercise sessions between morning classes; another group performed one twenty minute exercise session. The third group didn’t do anything – they just sat in their chairs while the others exercised.

The students who did two exercise sessions scored highest on attention span.

It Doesn’t Take Much

It seems that even a little bit of exercise is healthy for the mind. A 2007 research project involving students studied the ability of exercise to improve focus and concentration. Students with at least 56 hours of physical activity each school year had higher scores than their counterparts who only had 28 hours of exercise.

Physical activity should be an essential part of the educational experience. Usually, exercise proponents cite student obesity and diabetes rates for the inclusion of exercise. However, it’s cognitive benefits are equally important.

How Exercise Works Its Magic

Here’s how physical activity sharpens the mind. During exercise, a chemical called BDNF is released into the brain. BDNF nourishes brain cells and facilitates the formation of new neural pathways.

In addition to releasing BDNF, regular exercise boosts norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter, resulting in a heightened state of alertness, increased energy, and sharper concentration.


Physical activity helps us thrive mentally and physically; we’re designed to move! Without exercise, many important physiological and cognitive functions suffer. The benefits of physical activity are essential to protecting and maintaining quality of life.

So, if you’d like to rise above the constant onslaught of never-ending distractions while strengthening your mind and body, get moving! Give yourself the gift of physical activity.

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4 Ways to Enjoy Life More! Thu, 02 Jul 2020 20:30:00 +0000 There are so many ways we can improve the quality of our life. Usually, it starts by choosing a healthier lifestyle. What is a healthy lifestyle? Many people think that diet and exercise are pretty much the only important factors when creating a healthy lifestyle, but that isn’t so. A healthy life includes your physical,...

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There are so many ways we can improve the quality of our life. Usually, it starts by choosing a healthier lifestyle.

What is a healthy lifestyle?

Many people think that diet and exercise are pretty much the only important factors when creating a healthy lifestyle, but that isn’t so.

A healthy life includes your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

And although a “healthy lifestyle” can mean different things to different people, today’s post gives four ways to begin enjoying life more.

  • Healthy diet

The food we eat has a major impact on our health.

Strive to eat a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Supplement with vitamins, minerals, and fiber as needed.

When you get off track (and you will – everyone does), just get back on track by starting to eat healthy again with your next meal.

Also, regarding nutrition, remember to increase your water intake to make sure your body is well- hydrated.

Lastly, avoid alcohol, soda, and sugar because they’re known to be toxic to the body.

  • Exercise

Exercise improves your quality of life immensely because it gives you so many benefits, both physically and mentally.

Invest your time and effort on a regular exercise program that you enjoy.

Your target is to get moderate-intensity exercise for a minimum of two and a half hours a week (WebMD).

You don’t have to spend all your time at the gym. You can walk in the park, jog, cycle, swim, play sports, or start living a more active lifestyle by taking the stairs, etc.

  • Improving your mental health

People who’ve not experienced mental health issues don’t usually give much thought to mental well-being.

But, mental well-being should be a top priority because it impacts almost all other aspects of our lives.

When our mental health suffers, we’re unable to function well at home or work. If our mental health deteriorates into depression, we might not even be able to care for ourselves adequately.

Here are some easy ways to improve mental well-being;

  1. Get adequate sleep
  2. Improve fitness through regular exercise
  3. Enjoy hobbies
  4. Go out and socialize
  • Manage your stress 

Long-term stress is proven to be harmful to health.

It can lead to a variety of health issues such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, and obesity. Stress can trigger feelings of anxiety and depression, which may lead to mood swings and even deliberate self- harm.

Reducing and managing stress must be an ongoing priority in today’s world. Consider these ways to minimize your stress:

  1. Practice good self-care
  2. Meditation and relaxation techniques
  3. Getting quality time for yourself
  4. Regular exercise
  5. Enjoy hobbies like reading, music, watching your favorite movies and traveling
  6. Set limits and learn to say “No.”
  7. Get support from friends and family

Although the idea of a healthy lifestyle can mean different things to different people, everyone will benefit from a healthy diet, regular exercise, improving their mental health, and reducing their stress.

Lastly, one other thing, avoid people, activities, and situations that compel you to sacrifice your personal needs.

Your life matters. Practicing self-care and loving yourself (not in a selfish, me-first kind of way) is vital for healthy living.

Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

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How To Push Past Your Physical Limits Thu, 12 Dec 2019 22:30:00 +0000 Few people push their bodies past their physical limits like Olympic athletes, who’ve proven over and over that when it comes to endurance, strength, and speed, our bodies are capable of far more than we ever thought possible. What if we could learn from these athletes and incorporate their best practices into our workouts? Understanding...

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Few people push their bodies past their physical limits like Olympic athletes, who’ve proven over and over that when it comes to endurance, strength, and speed, our bodies are capable of far more than we ever thought possible.

What if we could learn from these athletes and incorporate their best practices into our workouts?

Understanding Your Physical Limits

Our physical limits are both physical and mental. For instance, if your muscles aren’t conditioned to lift twice your body weight, they will tear if you try.

However, this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. You need to train your body to withstand the pain that comes with pushing your body incrementally towards achieving that goal while simultaneously recalibrating your brain’s self-imposed limitations.

Your physical limits are just as much mental as they are physical. Your brain tends to say “enough” before you reach your actual limit because its primary goal is to protect and keep you safe. Your brain works to keep you within a safe comfort zone.

As such, pushing past your physical limit is as much about believing what’s possible as it is about physical performance. This is why runners use less energy and can run longer and farther when they imagine feeling relaxed.

What You Can Learn from Elite Athletes

Have a goal
Olympic athletes spend four years training for their next medal. However, to stay motivated on a day-to-day basis, they break down their Olympic goal into smaller goals.

Adopting a similar technique helps you to stay on track too. For instance, if you’re training for a marathon, start by running three miles a day up to 5 times a week and build towards 20 miles.

Compound movements and cross training
Compound movements are exercises that use multiple muscles and joints at the same time. They help build strength much faster than isolated exercises.

Cross training, on the other hand, refers to varying your workout routines to engage different muscle groups. The goal is to pair workouts that support each other while also exercising muscles that are neglected during your typical workouts.

For example, if you’re a runner, start incorporating cycling or swimming into your workout sessions. Cycling will strengthen your heart and leg muscles, which will come in handy when you’re running. On the other hand, swimming provides a total body workout while giving your joints a rest.

The right attitude
While you probably can’t devote multiple hours a day to training like an Olympian, you can adopt an Olympian’s attitude during your workout. This means approaching your workout with single-minded focus and discipline.

For the duration of your workout, the only thing that matters is striving to improve your personal best. Put all other thoughts relating to your job, family, and other commitments out of your mind.

Be present, focused, and intentional. Concentrate on your goal. You’ll be surprised how this laser-focused approach accelerates your gains and improves performance.

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Why Everyone Should Run a 5K Thu, 08 Aug 2019 22:30:24 +0000 More than 8 million people run 5Ks every year, making it the most popular race in America. If you’re not a runner, you’ve probably wondered what’s so special about a 5K.   The K in 5K stands for kilometer; a 5K is basically a 3.18-mile run. It’s the perfect run for a beginner because it...

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More than 8 million people run 5Ks every year, making it the most popular race in America. If you’re not a runner, you’ve probably wondered what’s so special about a 5K.  

The K in 5K stands for kilometer; a 5K is basically a 3.18-mile run. It’s the perfect run for a beginner because it isn’t too easy or hard.  It provides a reasonable physical challenge that new runners can complete in as little as 7 weeks of training.

Benefits of Running a 5K

There are three main reasons why everyone should consider
running a 5K.

  • Cardiovascular function

Preparing for and running a 5K improves cardiovascular function. The heart becomes more efficient at doing its job. Also, you’ll be gradually increasing your stamina and reducing your cardiovascular risk as you train.

  • Weight loss

Running a 5K helps to get rid of stubborn fat by forcing the body to use up energy reserves. It also helps with controlling insulin and blood sugar, and lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

  • Mental health benefits

Running a 5K can be exhausting, especially if you’re a beginner. However, physical exhaustion triggers the release of neurotransmitters, which give you a sense of relief and boost mood, making it a great way to reduce stress.

From couch to 5K

You don’t have to be an experienced runner to run a 5K. Even a complete beginner can run one as long as they’re committed to prepare for it.

Start with a medical check-up

Obesity and certain heart conditions can be a hindrance to running long distances. If you’ve not been exercising and have chosen the 5K as your entry point into the world of fitness, you should get a medical examination first.

When you’ve been cleared medically, start with short distances and progressively build up. And remember, it’s not a good idea to endure chest or joint pain when running.

Keep it simple

Although you might be tempted to buy the latest running gear when first starting, it might not be necessary. Start with the basics like a good pair of running shoes and some music. Give yourself a chance to fall in love with running before investing a lot of money.

Train progressively

Keep track of your progress each time you go running; set a goal to run a little bit farther each time. You can start with jogging and then advance to running once your body has adapted to this new activity.

Pay attention to rest and recovery

As a novice, don’t run two days in a row. In fact, to avoid
injuries, start by running once or twice a week and then every other day until
your body adapts to the new training schedule.

Pay attention to hydration and proper nutrition

Dehydration makes you feel exhausted and gives you muscle cramps. So stay hydrated during and after your run. You’ll also have more energy if you follow proper nutrition by eating fruit, vegetables, and healthy proteins.

Don’t wait too long

You don’t need to run the entire 5K every time you do your practice run to be ready for the race. You’ll know it’s time to sign up for a race when you can run more than 2 miles continuously.

Remember, a 5K is meant to be completed and not necessarily won. So, the most important thing of all is to have fun!

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High Intensity Interval Training Will Change the Way You Exercise! Thu, 11 Jul 2019 22:30:13 +0000 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the top five fitness trends in the world, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. It combines short bursts of intense activity with periods of less intense activity or rest. High intensity exercise raises your heart rate to above 90% and forces your body into an...

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the top five fitness trends in the world, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. It combines short bursts of intense activity with periods of less intense activity or rest.

intensity exercise raises your heart rate to above 90% and forces your body
into an anaerobic state. This depletes the glycogen in your muscles much faster,
and forces your body to start burning fat for energy.

Why is HIIT so Popular?

It’s Faster

You can be
in and out of the gym in less than 30 minutes. Sounds like a dream, right?

Twenty minutes of HIIT exercise is equivalent to 40-50 minutes of regular cardio exercise. This makes it ideal for people with busy schedules who only have time to squeeze in a short workout.

It Works

HIIT is one
of the best ways to get in shape within a short time. Your body burns more fat
during HIIT and keeps burning it for up to 48 hours after your workout. This
means that you’ll see results much faster!

HIIT is also one of the few workouts that burns fat while retaining muscle mass. This makes it the perfect cardio exercise for bodybuilders or anyone wanting to preserve their hard-earned muscles.

It Can be Done Anywhere

for work and don’t have access to gym equipment? No problem, just do a HIIT
workout. As long as you can do a high intensity activity
such as sprinting, jumping jacks, burpees or mountain climbers, you can do a
HIIT workout.

HIIT Workouts for Beginners

Running + Power Walking

This starter
workout involves running as fast as you can for one minute (or a few seconds)
and then power walking for 2 minutes. Repeat these two exercises five times for
a short but effective 15-minute workout. You can do this work outside or on a treadmill.


Tabata is a
type of HIIT exercise that involves pushing yourself hard for 20 seconds and
resting for 10 seconds. This cycle is repeated 8 times for a total of 4

The high
intensity exercises can be jumping jacks, burpees, pushups, mountain climbers
or squats. If you do a 4-minute round of each of these exercises, you should
have a 20-minute HIIT workout. 


You can do a
HIIT workout when cycling by simply alternating between standing and sitting
pedaling. Stand and pedal as fast as you can for 30 seconds and then sit and
pedal at a moderate pace for 30 seconds.

If you’re doing conventional cardio but haven’t been seeing the results you want, try HIIT. It might just be the jolt your body needs!

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Boost Your Mood In Minutes Thu, 04 Jul 2019 22:30:55 +0000 We’ve known for a while that exercise boosts mood. That’s why going for a walk at the end of a stressful day makes us feel better and happier. But, just how many minutes of physical activity does it take to improve mental wellbeing? Are we talking about an hour or two? Turns out, scientists have...

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We’ve known for a while that exercise boosts mood. That’s
why going for a walk at the end of a stressful day makes us feel better and

But, just how many minutes of physical activity does it take to improve mental wellbeing? Are we talking about an hour or two?

Turns out, scientists have been asking this question and have found the answer!

Some Activity is
Better Than No Activity!

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends at
least 30 minutes of exercise, five days a week for good health. However, a
little bit of physical activity is better than no activity.

As little as 10 to 15 minutes of aerobic exercise
can improve your mood, especially if you opt for vigorous activities like
running or cycling. It’s better to commit to a few minutes of exercise everyday
than to skip several days until you’re able to spare 30 minutes for a full

Cardio Vs. Strength

If your primary goal for working out is to improve your mood, which one is better: cardio or strength training? Well, the jury is in and strength training is a better picker-upper than cardio. So if you only have 10 minutes for a mood-boosting workout, you’re better off pumping iron than pounding the pavement.  

We’re not saying that cardio doesn’t boost mood. It’s just
that the benefits of cardio, with regards to mood, are less consistent than
strength training. Scientists think this might be because strength training
increases a substance called BDNF, which causes beneficial changes in the brain.

Getting Over the
Mental Obstacles

Motivating ourselves to work out when we’re in a good mood is hard enough! But it seems twice as hard when we’re stressed or in a bad mood. It’s pretty clear that simply knowing the mood boosting effects of exercise isn’t always enough motivation to take that first step.

One way to get over this hump is to schedule your workout for
the time of day when your energy is highest, which is likeliest in the morning,
or at lunch before the afternoon slump. Scheduling your work out for the
evening creates too many opportunities for other priorities and people to infringe
on your time. So try to get it in earlier in the day.

When you’re having second thoughts about working out or going to the gym, remember this,  although you might not feel like it, you will rarely, if ever, regret having gotten your workout in.

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Raising Fit Kids & Teens Thu, 21 Mar 2019 22:30:13 +0000 Raising Fit Kids & Teens Physical activity is such an important part of a child’s development. Sadly, less than 25% of American children get the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity a day. Most kids and teens have too much screen time and too little physical activity. As a result, one-third of...

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Fit Kids & Teens

Physical activity is such an important part of
a child’s development. Sadly, less than 25% of American children get the
recommended 60 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity a day.

Most kids and teens have too much screen time
and too little physical activity. As a result, one-third of American children
are overweight or obese.

Raising fit kids in today’s society is no easy
feat. Many homes have limited space for kids to roam and play, and schools are
cutting back on physical education.

However, the benefits of physical activity on
a child’s development far outweigh the inconvenience of accompanying the kids
to the park or driving them to soccer practice a couple of days a week.

Kids Need Exercise

Active kids are less likely to be overweight
or obese. They have more muscle strength and stronger bones, and are less
likely to suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes.

Active kids also have higher test scores in
reading and math. This is because aerobic activity supports the development of
essential brain structures and neural connections.

Lastly, kids who exercise are less likely to
suffer from anxiety and depression. Frequent physical activity stabilizes their
moods and improves emotional response, making life a lot more enjoyable.

Much Exercise do Kids Need?

The amount of exercise kids need varies
depending on their age. School-age kids and teens need at least 60 minutes of
moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. Preschoolers, on the other hand, need
120 minutes of active play per day, whereas toddlers need 60 minutes of active

What Kinds of Exercises are Suitable
for Kids?

adults talk about exercise, the first thing that comes to mind is the gym.
However, for kids, exercise doesn’t mean running on a treadmill or lifting
weights; it just means being physically active.

Play-based activities are totally adequate for kids under the age of five. This could be anything from dancing to music to playing tag as long as it gets them moving, increases their heartbeat and improves their flexibility. Play-based activities are fun, inexpensive and can involve adults.

Older kids require more structured exercise like a class or a team sport. This helps them to develop specific skills such as dancing, soccer, gymnastics or swimming. In addition, interaction with other kids improves their social skills.

How to Get Your Kids to Exercise

kids to exercise can be a real challenge. Many of them would happily forgo
physical activity in favor of more screen time!

The most effective way to get your kids to exercise is to adopt a healthier lifestyle yourself. Exercise regularly as a family and enjoy outdoor activities; be a positive role model for your kids. Also, make it fun so they keep coming back for more!

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