Attitude Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Thu, 29 Aug 2024 17:14:42 +0000 en hourly 1 Attitude Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 50 Years on the Prairie Thu, 29 Aug 2024 17:12:58 +0000 We have a double treat for you today. Two actors from one of TV's most iconic shows. A versatile actress, comedian, and author best known for her role as Nasty Nellie Oleson, and an accomplished actor, producer, and author best known for his portrayal of Almanzo Wilder. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Little House on the Prairie, we are thrilled to have Alison Arngrim and Dean Butler share their inside experiences working with Michael Landon on the show and the impact he made by crafting stories. You’ll also learn how each have used their fame to help battle a deadly disease that they are very passionate about.

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How To Break-Free From Old Habits And Unlock Your Best Life! Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:30:00 +0000 Why does it seem so hard to kick procrastination to the curb for good? Beating procrastination is hard. We knuckle down, and things are great for a few days. But then we fall back into old habits or get frustrated with our lack of progress. Minor setbacks can be enough to derail us from working...

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Why does it seem so hard to kick procrastination to the curb for good? Beating procrastination is hard. We knuckle down, and things are great for a few days. But then we fall back into old habits or get frustrated with our lack of progress. Minor setbacks can be enough to derail us from working on what we wanted to get done in the first place.

Ready for some good news? One word dramatically improves your chances of success: Accountability. 

Measure Your Progress 

Start by measuring your progress. Be guided by data and not controlled by emotions.

Track your habits. A simple way is to use a journal or a box for each day of the week. Check off each thing you did that you said you were going to do. If you were going to go to the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and you went, then keep a record of it.

In fact, make a list of the things you must do tomorrow, schedule them in a calendar, and keep track of what you actually do.

Do this daily until it becomes a habit or until the project is done. 

For larger projects, organize your goals into milestones. Record your progress toward reaching those milestones as you inch closer to your goals.

What gets measured gets done.

Make Weekly and Daily To-Do Lists 

Take time on the weekend to plan your week based on the major things you need or want to get done; schedule days and times in your calendar to do them.

If that seems overwhelming, make a to-do list the day before. Play around with how many items you put on that list. Too many items will overwhelm you, but challenge yourself to get more done.

Weekly and daily to-do lists keep you accountable because you can look back and see what you’re putting off. If you’ve been “slacking” on certain things, decide if they’re still important to you. If they are, prioritize them in your schedule by working on them before anything else.

Tell A Trusted Friend About Your Plans 

If you’re struggling to get something done, tell a trusted friend about it and ask them to hold you accountable.

Make sure it’s someone who is in your corner and supports you – someone who will hold you accountable in a supportive, encouraging manner.

Sometimes, this gives you the little nudge you need to get you to stop procrastinating and start following through more consistently.

Find An Accountability Buddy 

What’s the difference between asking someone to hold you accountable and finding an accountability partner?

An accountability buddy is someone else who’s also procrastinating. You agree to hold each other accountable. It could be as simple as checking in once in the morning to share what you’re committed to doing that day or following up in the evening to see if you followed through on your to-do list.

Knowing someone else is in the trenches with you is motivating and gives you courage.

Defeating procrastination doesn’t have to be so difficult. Remember, procrastination is a habit you can break one tiny action at a time. You have the power to conquer it and unlock your best life!

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Did You Forget This? Thu, 06 Jun 2024 13:30:00 +0000 2024 is nearly half over. If you’re actively crushing your goals, congratulations, you’re in the top 9% of goal achievers on the planet! But if you’re like most people… chances are when you read that question, it’s probably the first time you’ve thought about your New Year’s goals in a long time. Remember how motivated...

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2024 is nearly half over. If you’re actively crushing your goals, congratulations, you’re in the top 9% of goal achievers on the planet!

But if you’re like most people… chances are when you read that question, it’s probably the first time you’ve thought about your New Year’s goals in a long time.

Remember how motivated and excited you were about the possibilities when you made your New Year’s resolutions?

You were focused and clear about your intentions and the changes you wanted to make.

And chances are you still want to take charge of your life and make those changes, so it’s not a lack of desire.

The Culprit

So what’s the culprit? It’s what gets in the way of most of us when we’re trying to learn anything new or uncomfortable:


Resistance comes in the form of self-doubt, fear, discomfort, worry, procrastination, lack of commitment, comfort, etc.

Reflect on the first few months of 2024. What headwinds of resistance have been keeping you from reaching your goals?

The bad news is that the year is nearly half over. The good news is that you still have six months to make 2024 your best year.

There’s still time.

Setting Goals

Most people need to become more familiar with how to set appropriate goals.

In January every year, people usually write down two to three goals in each of the following categories: personal finance, relationships, jobs/business, spiritual, and personal.

In fact, this year, the top six New Year’s resolutions were to improve fitness, improve finances, improve mental health, lose weight, improve diet, and make more time for loved ones.

But here’s what typically happens: We’re told to prioritize our goals and set a deadline to achieve them. Then, make a list of tasks to accomplish those goals by the allotted date.

Unfortunately, this type of goal-setting only leads to failure.

Consider how many Januarys have come and gone where you’ve written goals; June arrives, and you’ve barely looked at them; December arrives, and you’ve not achieved them. This is because they are overwhelming and out of reach.

Goal-Setting That Works

Setting goals is more than dreaming about the kind of life you want.

Goal setting is about creating a life vision for yourself where you successfully achieve your goals without any specified time limits.

Not setting a time limit for your goals may be a new concept.

However, by setting a time limit for achieving your goals, you are setting yourself up for failure, and here’s why.

If you set a time limit on a goal that is sooner than you could conceivably expect to achieve it, your mind will tell you that it is impossible, you will feel overwhelmed, and your productivity will plummet.

On the other hand, if you set your goals for a time that is considerably out of reach, then your mind will tell you that you have a significant amount of time to achieve this goal and that you can “start tomorrow” and not have to work towards it anytime soon.

The Power of A Life Vision

When you create a life vision in which you see yourself accomplishing your goals or enjoying the fruits of your labor, you are more likely to work towards achieving those goals and avoid failure.

Next, set “process tasks” that take you in the right direction and into the reality of your vision.

It’s almost a cliche, but fall in love with the process not the payoff.

The chasm between where you are and where you want to be is bridged by a process—by a batch of certain habits and tasks—that gets you there.

These tasks will have a timeline and strategies, which you should initiate and track using as many time management productivity tools as you find necessary. Unless you measure your progress regularly, you will never follow through. And this time next year, you will be in the same place you are today.

Accomplishing your goals is a matter of keeping them at the top of your mind and in your current consciousness, where you will continue to make forward movement in your task list daily to sustain momentum, much like standing next to a fire to keep warm.

Setting goals isn’t about identifying tasks but discovering what you truly want in life and the person you want to become and establishing a road map to the final destination that unlocks your best life.

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Stop Letting People Trigger You Into Procrastination Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:33:37 +0000 You jump out of bed in the morning, ready to tackle your day. You’re on fire and intend to attack whatever you’ve been putting off. Or you’ve finally mustered up the courage to start that new project or business and are excited. You shower, dress, meditate, and drink your favorite morning beverage, and just as...

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You jump out of bed in the morning, ready to tackle your day. You’re on fire and intend to attack whatever you’ve been putting off. Or you’ve finally mustered up the courage to start that new project or business and are excited. You shower, dress, meditate, and drink your favorite morning beverage, and just as you’re about ready to launch into it, something happens.

This Keeps You Stuck

You decided to check your email really quick, or worse yet, scrolled through social media for a second only to get sucked into problems, conversations, requests, or some other kind of drama that you really don’t need in your life right now.

Or a good friend might call and ask you to do something or go somewhere with them. It’s hard to say no to a friend.

Or, and hopefully, this doesn’t happen, but you get an alert that your favorite TV show dropped on Netflix, and although you know you shouldn’t, you log in and have a quick look… and a quick look turns into one or two episodes.

Life is full of distractions that can keep you from your dreams and goals. If you’re not careful, you’ll fall into the rut of procrastination and be precisely in the same place come this time next year.

This Moves Your Forward

But what if I told you there’s a simple strategy you can use to keep this from happening?

It’s simple. Almost so simple that you might not take it seriously, but here it is: Take the project or task you’ve been procrastinating on and make it the first thing you work on in the morning before answering emails, taking calls, checking social media, or anything else that typically trips you up.

The world will still be there an hour or two later.

Put your dreams and goals first; you’re not being selfish.

To make this work, you must start the night before. Make a list of what you want to get done tomorrow. Identify the three most important tasks and which one you will begin with first.

Maybe your tasks pertain to the same project or are three separate things you’ve been putting off but want to start, like going to the gym or responding to important correspondence.

The important thing is to have a plan by making a list and deciding which task to begin with first. Review your list in the morning, begin with the first task before doing anything else, and then move on to the next two.

Don’t check email or let your phone distract you. Depending on your work situation, this may or may not be possible, but don’t answer the phone or attend meetings before these three tasks are finished. Make them your number one priority.

A New Day Is Here…

If you hold yourself accountable to this process, you’ll be amazed at the huge difference it makes in how your day goes and your productivity.

Your days of standing still will be over.

Decide that putting things off until you feel like doing them is no longer an option.

It’s very simple, really. Become aware of how people and things interact with you and your day, and ask yourself one question: Is this person/thing moving me forward or holding me back?

Does this mean you need to cut them out of your life?

Maybe, but probably not.

It just means you must prioritize yourself and be more intentional about when, where, and how other people and things fit into day-to-day life.

When you catch yourself putting something off, evaluate what’s happening to pinpoint what is causing it. Then, take action to prevent it from happening again.

Don’t let procrastination keep you from unlocking your best life!

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Stop Letting Procrastination Bury Your Dreams Thu, 14 Mar 2024 13:30:00 +0000 Someone said, “Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.” When the end comes, some people look back over their lives, and all they see is a graveyard of regrets, largely due to procrastination and putting things off until tomorrow. Don’t let that be you. Here are seven ways to get busy living your...

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Someone said, “Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.”

When the end comes, some people look back over their lives, and all they see is a graveyard of regrets, largely due to procrastination and putting things off until tomorrow.

Don’t let that be you.

Here are seven ways to get busy living your life and stop burying your dreams. 

Try one each day for the next seven days. And whenever you procrastinate, revisit this list and use one of these hacks to get unstuck, and watch your productivity soar. 

Go Small 

They say, “Go big or go home.” But that approach can be overwhelming, one reason we put things off, which is a very unproductive and self-sabotaging coping mechanism. So, pick something small you can do right now that moves you in the right direction. Don’t have time to write the entire article? Write a paragraph. Don’t have the energy to clean the whole house? Wipe down a counter. Don’t feel like going to the gym? Lace up your shoes. These small actions create momentum and get you into action. 

Start Your Timer

This hack works like a charm to get you into action. Don’t feel like doing something? Set a time for 7 minutes, or 13 or 19, whatever it takes to talk you into doing it. Then, work on the task until the timer goes off. This tip works great for stuff like decluttering, cleaning, starting to learn a new language, or even going for a walk to get some exercise or paperwork you dread doing. Start small if you have to – even five minutes. The goal is to get started. 

Bribe Yourself 

What’s wrong with bribing yourself to motivate you to do something? Nothing, that’s what. Work on something you’ve been putting off for an hour or two, then watch a favorite movie or show. Or if it’s a big project like redecorating a room, promise yourself a new gadget as your reward, or a new shirt or pair of shoes for losing ten pounds. And if tempted to procrastinate, remind yourself what’s waiting for you. 

Get An Accountability Partner 

Finding someone you trust who supports you and asking them to check in regularly to see how much you’re getting done can be a great motivator. You might even tell them in advance how much you plan to do this week and have them check in with you during the middle and end of the week; if you’re really serious (and you are, aren’t you?), ask them to check in with you daily. Knowing you have to report to someone else makes you take action.

Measure Your Progress 

What gets measured gets improved. Say you want to lose twenty pounds. Weighing yourself daily and tracking your progress weekly keeps you in the game. Otherwise, it’s easy to forget and keep putting things off until “tomorrow.” Stay motivated by measuring how much progress you’re making. You can use your phone, make a chart or spreadsheet, or tape a piece of paper to the bathroom wall that you make notes on every morning. 

Remind Yourself Of Your Why 

When you lose your “why,” you lose your motivation. Why did you want to do this thing in the first place? You had a great reason for doing the very thing you keep putting off. Remember your why and remind yourself of it often. Did you want to make more money so you could go on a special vacation, start a side hustle to leave your job eventually, or be strong and healthy to keep up with your grandkids? Get clear on your why, write it down, and look at it every morning and every night before you go to bed.

Just Get Started

This is the most powerful hack of all: Just get started. What’s the old saying? An object in motion tends to stay in motion. So, get yourself into motion! Do something – anything! Even if it’s something really small or even something that turns out to be a mistake! 

Get busy living your life! Don’t wait until you’re ready or feel like it or else you’ll never start!

And don’t wait until you’ve satisfied all your uncertainties because all that does is bury one opportunity after another, creating one huge graveyard of regret that will become your life. 

Use one or all seven of these hacks to end procrastination and get yourself into motion so you can finally unlock your best life! 

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Three Ways To End Procrastination Thu, 07 Mar 2024 13:30:00 +0000 According to Psychology Today, people procrastinate – delaying what they know should be done – for many reasons. It cites three in particular: 1) Because we don’t think we’ll enjoy doing them, 2) We don’t think we’ll do them well, or 3) The task at hand is too complex; it’s estimated that 20 percent of...

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According to Psychology Today, people procrastinate – delaying what they know should be done – for many reasons. It cites three in particular: 1) Because we don’t think we’ll enjoy doing them, 2) We don’t think we’ll do them well, or 3) The task at hand is too complex; it’s estimated that 20 percent of the population falls into the category of “procrastinators” who put off doing things because they don’t feel like doing it right now. 

We can procrastinate by ignoring what needs to be done right now, but we can’t ignore the consequences of not doing it.

With that in mind, here’s a simple three-step process for getting up and doing it so you can achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Start With A Goal – Even If It’s Blurry

A blurry goal is better than no goal because it gives you a general idea of where to begin, helping you overcome the inertia of getting started. When you don’t have a goal and don’t know what you want, you have no idea where to even begin. 

What do you want to accomplish for yourself and others?

What do you want from your life?

Don’t wait for perfect clarity; get an idea and go! Getting started makes things less blurry and brings them into focus – and keeps you moving in the right direction.

Write It Down

We know that procrastinators don’t take action. Taking some action, no matter how small, is better than taking no action.

Writing your goals down is taking action.

It gets you moving; it activates your ambition. 

Write down what you want and give it a deadline for completing it. If it’s a big goal, write down a few things you’ll need to do to achieve your goal and then give those action steps deadlines. 

Most people in the United States know what’s coming in a few weeks: April 15th -Tax Day, which most of us dread because of the paperwork and millions of little details we must collect and submit. So break it down. You have a clear deadline, April 15th, and you might have an idea of the forms you’ll need. If you don’t, your accountant will. And each form will require certain data. So, to make it easier on yourself, organize your taxes into little tasks: 1) Get forms, 2) Collect income documents, and 3) Complete forms. This may be a bad example because there isn’t anything inspiring about taxes! But you get the idea. 

What’s one thing you must get done? Turn it into a goal by writing it down and giving it a deadline, and then keep it close by so you can look at it daily so you don’t forget. 


The secret to progress is to START!

Stop thinking about it, talking about it, analyzing it, and resisting it!

Stop thinking about it and just do it. 

If your goal is to get stronger and leaner, and you’ve decided to go to the gym three days a week but don’t feel like going when the time comes, stop thinking about it, put on your sneakers, and get yourself to the gym!

You must create momentum. Life doesn’t hand you momentum on a silver platter. It’s up to you to get started.

So go do it!

Today Matters, Make It Count

Life isn’t waiting for you. You only have so much time before it’s over. Today matters—this very moment matters! 

So, stop talking yourself out of living your dreams! Write down two or three major goals and dreams that will unlock your best life, and get started! It will be messy and frustrating at first, but keep going. Don’t put off living your life another day. 

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Forgive Yourself For Procrastinating Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:30:00 +0000 It’s not too late to turn things around and salvage this year. Maybe you’ve lost motivation or have procrastinated on starting your life-changing goals. If so, so what? It’s no big deal. Get up and get going because life does not wait!  Many of us put things off. And if that sounds like you, don’t...

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It’s not too late to turn things around and salvage this year. Maybe you’ve lost motivation or have procrastinated on starting your life-changing goals. If so, so what? It’s no big deal. Get up and get going because life does not wait! 

Many of us put things off. And if that sounds like you, don’t beat yourself up for getting a slow start. The last thing you should do is identify yourself with something that disempowers you. So you’re not a procrastinator; you’re someone who never gives up!

If you’re ready to make this a great year and to make the most of the remaining months (we still have three seasons ahead of us, by the way – there’s a LOT of time left in 2024), then you’re in the right place. 

People punish themselves for procrastinating and putting things off. That ends today. How? By forgiving yourself.

It might seem like a strange place to start, but forgiving yourself must be the first step because you’re the only one who can give yourself a clean slate and a fresh start. 

The Way It Is…

You can’t do anything about the past except learn from it. Beating yourself up for not following through on your goals and plans or calling yourself ugly names for not even getting off the starting blocks is pointless. 

You’re in a war with yourself that you will IF you don’t give up.

Stop Stressing…

Stressing about what you could’ve done by now had you started or followed through or engaging in negative, disempowering, self-limiting self-talk is the worst thing you can do. Why? Because ALL of that negativity reinforces your habit of putting things off until tomorrow. 

Acknowledge Procrastination…

Get friendly with procrastination the next time it happens. Take a few minutes to evaluate why you might be procrastinating because maybe delayed action is protecting you from making a mistake. Get curious about it. Thank procrastination for stopping by, and then tell it “goodbye” because you have work to do and dreams to make happen.

Procrastination isn’t the end of the world. You’re learning a learned skill – the habit of taking prompt action and following through. Take action, no matter how small, because it gives you momentum and weakens the power of procrastination. Expect this to happen a few times. Just repeat the process because this is how you become a person of strength and action; keep going.

You might be frustrated by your slow progress. But so what? You’re making progress! Someone said, “Forward is progress.” And sooner or later, you will reach the finish line! All of this is normal because you’re learning to “walk.”

Let Frustration Motivate You!

You will reach the point where you’ll be so frustrated that you’ll have had enough! Make frustration serve you. Let it stoke the inner fire of motivation. Step up and say commit to doing better next time. Examine your setbacks, failures, and mistakes to learn what caused you to procrastinate this time. Learn, adjust, improve, and perform better next time. 

For example, maybe you have a big goal to achieve with many smaller tasks. You threw yourself into it, started crossing tasks off, and made great progress, but then you missed a day. That’s okay. It’s not ideal, but it’s not the end of the world. Honor how well you did. And then learn where things went off the rails and fix it. Or, maybe you discovered your pace was too intense or unreasonable and that occasionally missing a day or taking a day off is good!

Set Yourself Up For Success

As long as there’s breath in your lungs, you’re in a life-long learning process; there’s always something new to learn or discover; it’s what makes life exciting and fulfilling! And if you slip back into a bad habit, maybe it’s an opportunity to see what’s not working or that it’s time to try a new and better approach to ensure greater success. Perhaps it’s as simple as adopting a healthier pace with fewer to-dos on your daily list. Or maybe you’re not pushing yourself hard enough, or you get bored quickly and need a lot of items to check off because it gives you such an incredible feeling of accomplishment. 

Be Kind To Yourself…

Life is tough enough without you coming down hard on yourself and beating yourself up for not getting things done. The world can be harsh; why pile on more misery? So, remind yourself that today is a new day… a fresh start… a new beginning.

Forgive yourself for procrastinating, take a deep breath, collect your thoughts, and get back to work, unlocking your best life. Life doesn’t wait. And neither should you.

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The Science Of Happiness: Strategies For A Joyful Life Thu, 08 Feb 2024 13:30:00 +0000 Life is messy and unpredictable sometimes. We don’t make the best decisions, or things spiral out of our control, or we suffer the unfortunate consequences of other people’s choices.  How we react to certain triggers and situations and show up in life either fills our life with more or less hope, joy, or misery. To...

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Life is messy and unpredictable sometimes. We don’t make the best decisions, or things spiral out of our control, or we suffer the unfortunate consequences of other people’s choices. 

How we react to certain triggers and situations and show up in life either fills our life with more or less hope, joy, or misery. To have more hope, joy, and happiness is an intentional choice. 

As the famous quote goes, “It’s not what happens to you, it’s how you react to it that matters.“-Epictetus.

Here are some strategies for your consideration for living a joyful life: 

Find and prioritize your purpose.

There’s joy in finding your purpose and living it. You have a calling, an assignment, something to do to serve and improve the world. Finding a purpose is vital to living a joyful and fulfilled life. Some people may find purpose in their work and jobs, but you can also find it by volunteering your time and resources for the good of the community or society. 

Take a moment to think about some things you’re passionate about that contribute positively to the world; maybe your gift or passion is something you do well and allows you to make an income. There’s a good chance this is your calling. When you find and prioritize your purpose, you have something to look forward to and wake up to every morning. Fulfilling your purpose fills your life with joy and meaning, leading to a happy and satisfied life. 

Nurture relationships.

When we look at the centenarians from the Blue Zones, we see that they highly prioritize and nurture their social relationships with friends and family. They live a simple life, and one of their main focuses is building and nurturing supportive relationships. 

Even at 90, these people are seen to be fit, healthy, happy, and free of chronic diseases due to their lifestyle and familial support. We learn from these people of the Blue Zones the wisdom of nurturing healthy relationships; it’s a pillar of living a happy life. We all need support, a shoulder to cry on, and like-minded friends to share the joys of life with. 

Release things that no longer serve us. 

Life has different stages, each requiring a different and more evolved version of you. To live a joyful life, learn to let go of things, people, situations, and memories that no longer serve you or support your faith and values. Be brave and clear on who and what deserves to move forward into the next season of your life. 

Embracing the process of letting go leads to a happier life. To live more joyfully, learn to let certain attitudes go, too, like perfectionism and how you think life ‘should be’ or what ‘could have been.’ Embrace the present moment and declutter your life, heart, soul, and mind of habits, negative mindsets, toxic relationships, and feelings of regret, guilt, or shame from the past. Learn to let go of any emotional baggage that may deter you from living a joyful life. 

Be kind and compassionate to yourself.

Nurturing your relationship with yourself is essential to living a happier life. This can mean being kind and compassionate to yourself by not talking negatively to or about yourself. It can mean showing yourself compassion and forgiveness and treating yourself well, like taking time out of work to rest and wind down instead of overworking yourself, improving your mental and emotional well-being, taking care of your body, and whatever else enriches your life and soul. 

To be happier and emotionally healthy, you must ditch the negative self-talk, rewire and reframe your mindset to be more positive and supportive of yourself. And observe how your life shifts from misery to joy. 

Joy can look different to every person. What you perceive as joy may not be the same for someone else. Some may find joy in nurturing relationships, while others may prefer some ‘me time’ in solitude. 

Lastly, remember to fill your cup first so you have something to give and pour it into others. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so find your purpose, do activities that enrich your life, release whatever isn’t serving you anymore, lean on others, and laugh more to live a joyful life. Find your version of joy to unlock your best life!

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Seven Steps to Unlock Your Best Life in 2024! Thu, 25 Jan 2024 13:30:00 +0000   Imagine achieving your dreams and goals and living a flourishing life. When you activate your potential, that kind of life can be yours. Many people fall short of their potential because they don’t want it bad enough and they lack mental and emotional toughness.   Unlocking your best life requires time and effort, dealing with...

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Imagine achieving your dreams and goals and living a flourishing life. When you activate your potential, that kind of life can be yours. Many people fall short of their potential because they don’t want it bad enough and they lack mental and emotional toughness.  

Unlocking your best life requires time and effort, dealing with obstacles, and taking risks to achieve the desired result. However, the benefits are powerful. 

Here are seven steps you can take to begin unleashing your full potential.

Define Your Goals

What do you want and why?

When you know what you want and why, you have a map for pursuing your goals and dreams. 

What do you want to accomplish in your life? Why do you want it – what do you think you’ll gain by achieving it?

Make a list of goals that motivate you; you will have some short and long-term ones. 

Evaluate them to determine the steps you’ll need to take to achieve them. 

Landing on the moon by the end of the 1960s was a dream, but NASA needed to take a million little steps to achieve it. You must do the same with your goals, especially your big ones.

Set a mission accomplished date to make your goal more than a dream. Then, track and measure your progress daily, weekly, or monthly – whatever it takes because what gets measured gets done.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is optimistic and solution-focused; it sees challenges as stepping stones to success.

A person with a growth mindset knows their weaknesses, and they receive constructive criticism. They keep the end result in mind but focus on the process because it bridges the gap from where they are to where they intend to go. 

They’re not jealous of the success of others; it motivates them instead. 

They remember why they want what they want to keep going when they want to quit. 

And they’re constantly learning, applying, experimenting, and adapting. 

Journal Your Thoughts and Ideas

Journaling is a great way to get to know yourself, see patterns, and remember what works and doesn’t work and why. 

Journaling boosts creativity, improves mental health, and inspires you to stay the course when things get hard. 

Pay close attention to your feelings and record them in your journal. Evaluate them to see what thoughts, people, or situations triggered them. Examine your life to learn about yourself and to discover what you can do better moving forward.

Don’t Waste Your Mistakes

A mistake is an opportunity for growth. You’ll make mistakes, so you might as well explore and learn from what went wrong. Sticking your head in the sand accomplishes nothing. There’s truth to the old adage “fail forward.”

Opportunities and Risk

Risk comes with opportunity. The bigger the goal, the bigger the risk. Regardless, there’s always some risk. 

For example, assume you have a limited budget to achieve your goal. You might run out of money before you reach it. 

Some people worry themselves to death in that scenario. However, excessive worry depletes energy and decreases productivity, and it can make you feel like giving up.

There are four things you can do with risk: accept it, avoid it, reduce it, or transfer it. 

Minimize worry by identifying the types of risks that could occur and listing what you can do to reduce risk. If the potential benefit outweighs the risk, accept it after doing all you can to reduce it. But be honest with yourself because some opportunities and experiences are not worth the risk.   

Take Care of Yourself

Nurturing your well-being increases motivation because you feel mentally strong and emotionally healthy. You’ll have less stress and be happier, too. So, eat healthy, exercise, and get your sleep.

Manage Your Time & Priorities

Make the most of time management by focusing on your priorities. Don’t use time as an excuse for not following through on your dreams and living your life. 

At the very least, plan ahead the evening before by making your to-do list and prioritizing each task. Eliminate any tasks that are not essential; delay low-priority tasks to another day.

Remember: first things come first. Your life changes when you change what you do during your day.

Discourage interruptions by finding a quiet place to focus and temporarily turning off social media, phone calls, texts, and emails. 

Share your boundaries with those you know so they are aware and can support you. You’ll accomplish more in less time without unnecessary interruptions.

Start with a few minutes if you have to, but follow this plan to make consistent progress. Ten or fifteen minutes here and there add up over the course of a week. 


You must know your goals and why you want them to unlock your best life; be persistent and consistent. Ask yourself today, what vision do I have for my life? Where would I like to be this time next year? And what do I need to start doing or stop doing to get there? Answering these questions puts you on the road to success and unlocking your best life.  

The post Seven Steps to Unlock Your Best Life in 2024! appeared first on Lifestyle.

Detox Your Mind: The Importance Of Letting Go Of Negative Thoughts Thu, 18 Jan 2024 13:30:00 +0000 Negativity doesn’t just suck up precious mental space; it leaks into every area of your life, undermining your hopes, dreams, and plans.  Pessimism and negativity are toxic to your mental health, physical health, and social health. Let’s have a look. Mental Health Besides making you feel miserable, negative thoughts compromise your long-term mental health. These...

The post Detox Your Mind: The Importance Of Letting Go Of Negative Thoughts appeared first on Lifestyle.


Negativity doesn’t just suck up precious mental space; it leaks into every area of your life, undermining your hopes, dreams, and plans. 

Pessimism and negativity are toxic to your mental health, physical health, and social health. Let’s have a look.

Mental Health

Besides making you feel miserable, negative thoughts compromise your long-term mental health. These are some consequences of letting negative thoughts occupy your mind:

• Major Depressive Disorder
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder
• Social Anxiety Disorder
• Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Psychosis

But even if the condition of your mental health doesn’t result in an official diagnosis, being pessimistic and having negative thoughts create numerous other mental health symptoms. Some of these include:

• Depression
• Anxiety
• Panic attacks
• Low self-esteem
• Perfectionism

Whenever a negative thought invades your mind, use your will to shift your focus to something positive and hopeful, like a blessing or a promise in the Bible or finding something good in someone.  

Physical Health

Your mind exerts a powerful influence over your body, probably more than you realize. How you think and the quality of your thoughts impact how healthy your physical body is. These are examples of how negative thinking can affect the body:

• Increased risk of diagnoses such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure
• Decreased immune system strength
• Healthier weight
• Healthier blood sugar levels

There’s something to the old adage “mind over matter.” You can use the power of your mind to manage the body’s physical reactions to external stimuli.

Negative thinking and a pessimistic imagination will always make your physical well-being and health outcomes worse. So, even if the situation seems bleak, put the odds more in your favor by focusing on something positive. 

Social Health

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to have a healthy and happy relationship when it’s filled with negativity and pessimism? Negativity ruins relationships.

Indulging in negative thinking tends to blind you to the positive experiences and good in others. And when you see something good, it’s stained with skepticism or cynicism.

Worse yet, negativity and pessimism can make you see things that aren’t even there, causing you to believe things about the other person that aren’t true. Unfortunately, assumptions are made, or devastating scenarios are created in your mind that make you think and behave in ways that damage the relationship, sometimes irreparably.

Negativity and pessimism can make you overly sensitive to jokes and comments because you take them too personally. This negativity damages your trust and connection with the other person and causes you to treat others negatively. Examples of social relationships that can be affected include:

• Your marriage
• Romantic partners
• Friends
• Family members
• Coworkers and/or supervisors
• Neighbors
• Teammates and hobby club members
• Classmates

How to Let Go of Negative Thinking

People only change when they want to or have to, like when diagnosed with a severe disease that requires them to change their lifestyle habits. 

Therefore, the first step in detoxing your mind from negative thoughts is to create the desire and motivation to overcome negativity and pessimism by replacing it with positivity and optimism. 

Desire is key. Without desire, you will never change your habit of thinking.
It will take effort and commitment on your part. But as long as you’re consistent and persistent, you’ll make it. 

Try these tips for overcoming negative thinking and pessimistic thoughts:

• Keep a journal: List your negative thoughts and emotions daily. Why put them on paper? Because it gets them out of your head and keeps them from lingering in your mind.

• Play Detective: Look at your list of negative thinking for patterns and clues of underlying causes that need attention and healing.

• Schedule a time of day to review negative thoughts. The last thing you want is to obsess about your negative thoughts the whole day. Scheduling a time to process your negative thoughts frees up your mind to make the most of your day instead of wasting precious mental energy on endless problems and negativity.

• Acknowledge negative thoughts when they occur and replace them with positive ones. For example, instead of beating yourself up for being late, be thankful that your friend is willing to be flexible.

• Be intentional about receiving and giving love and positivity.

• Take care of your physical health. Remember the powerful mind-body connection. Taking care of one takes care of the other.

• Use Bible promises and positive affirmations for yourself and others. Focus on what’s possible when you and God work together as an unstoppable force. And remember to celebrate your wins no matter how small.

• Be grateful for your relationships, possessions, achievements, and opportunities.

• Avoid negative news and media. Add humor and heartwarming media to your life.

• Consider making meditation and prayer a daily habit to connect with Divine power.

Optimistic people are happier, healthier, more successful, and have pleasing personalities, attracting opportunities and like-minded people. Negative, pessimistic people are like a cold and foggy day; they repel people and opportunities. Where would you rather be, on a sunny beach or where the weather is dismal and dreary? Exactly.

Detoxing your mind of negativity and pessimism is one of the best things you can do to unlock your best life in 2024!

The post Detox Your Mind: The Importance Of Letting Go Of Negative Thoughts appeared first on Lifestyle.
