anxiety Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Fri, 04 Aug 2023 17:48:24 +0000 en hourly 1 anxiety Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 How To Overcome Procastination Thu, 16 Feb 2023 20:30:00 +0000 It’s been said, “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.” Procrastinators have learned the habit of delaying something they must do until the last minute or until it’s past due. Sometimes it’s not a big deal and might even be helpful. But it can create anxiety and stress, harming...

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It’s been said, “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”

Procrastinators have learned the habit of delaying something they must do until the last minute or until it’s past due. Sometimes it’s not a big deal and might even be helpful.

But it can create anxiety and stress, harming one’s career and relationships. 

Imagine suffering from the side effects of chronic procrastination, living under the crushing weight of mounting pressure and frenzied work hours, feeling rushed and unprepared, and plagued by guilt, resentment, and missed opportunities, always under the gun.

Who in their right mind would want to live like that? 

It’s an exhausting lifestyle of overwhelming stress and anxiety, haunting pressure caused by perfectionism, anger, lack of motivation, poor time management skills, and nagging frustration. 

Imagine waking up every day to the crippling fears and regrets of procrastination.

Dealing with Procrastination and Stress

Procrastination creates stress. 

Some people use recreation and physical activity to reduce their stress levels to manage and enjoy life more while dealing with the fallout of procrastination as they learn to stop procrastinating and be more productive. 

Other stress-relieving activities include listening to soul-soothing music, lighting candles, and creating a more relaxing environment.

Putting a stop to procrastination is the best antidote. 

Dealing with Procrastination and Perfectionism

Perfectionism is an underlying cause of procrastination for many people that paralyzes them, keeping them from unlocking their best life.

Perfectionism is faulty thinking.

Use deadlines to put perfectionism in its place.

Without a deadline, you can get trapped in a loop of perfectionistic thinking that delays you indefinitely; you never get off the starting blocks.

Besides using a deadline to snap you out of the doldrums of perfectionistic thinking, give yourself permission to be human! 

No one is perfect. 

An imperfect plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. So get moving!

If you find yourself stuck in an endless loop of perfectionistic thinking that you know is keeping you from achieving your dreams and goals, realize that progress is a process. 

A commitment to constant and never-ending improvement gets you much farther than a commitment to making sure everything is perfect. You can’t get to the next level without getting through this level first.

Be committed to taking action now and revising along the way. 

Dealing with Procrastination and Poor Time Management Skills

Time management is really about organizing your time effectively. 

It’s hard for a distracted or disorganized mind to organize time effectively because it isn’t clear on what it wants, needs, or should do; the target is always fuzzy or moving.

We an be disorganized internally and/or externally.

A disorganized environment drains energy and can make people avoid doing what they should, making it easy to put things off.  

It’s pretty hard to organize your time and stay on task if your thinking is disorganized and your work/life environment is dirty, disorganized, and cluttered, all of which fuels procrastination.

Time Organization Strategies

 A popular strategy is to organize time into 30-minute chunks, give or take. 

Here’s how it works. Schedule a task you think you can get done in thirty minutes or less., and reward yourself immediately after completing it. 

Choose a reward you’ll look forward to and enjoy. Maybe your reward is taking a 10-minute walk in the fresh air, watching your favorite show after work, or enjoying your favorite snack.

You’re training yourself to become a person who gets stuff done. 

Some tasks will take less time, and some will take an hour or ninety minutes. 

Even if the thirty-minute task is unpleasant or uncomfortable, you’ll stick with it because you can put up with just about anything for thirty minutes, plus you have a well-deserved reward waiting for you at the end. 

If thirty minutes is too long at first, choose something shorter, like ten or fifteen minutes; even five or six minutes might be enough time to get you started and in flow. The goal is to jumpstart yourself into action so that you’re a doer, not a procrastinator. 

If using shorter time chunks, decide how many you must complete before enjoying your reward. If the idea is to reward yourself for every thirty minutes of action taken, you must finish three 10-minute chunks to enjoy your reward; make a game of it.

Dealing with Procrastination and a Lack of Motivation

People procrastinate when they’re not motivated. A lack of motivation can come from a place of helplessness or hopelessness. It’s hard to start when you keep thinking, “What’s the point?”

Although everyone occasionally struggles with burnout and laziness, ongoing low motivation points to deeper issues to address before change can occur. 

If you’re struggling with low motivation, ask yourself, what’s my purpose? What do I want from my life, career, relationships, or marriage that I’m not getting? If I were living my best life, what would be driving me?

By identifying the emotional “clog” that’s gumming up your motivation, you can face the situation, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it might be, find your “inspiring why,” and push through to the next level.

Being driven by an “inspiring why” decreases procrastination because you’ll do what’s necessary and take imperfect action to get what you need, want, or dream. 

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of a good coach or counselor to help you identify blocks and get clear. They will hold you accountable, inspiring you to take action toward living the life of your dreams.

Procrastination is paralyzing. It restricts your potential and limits how far you can go. At best, procrastination creates an average, mediocre life. At worst, it creates a life of quiet, fear-driven desperation. 

Every cause has an effect. If you don’t like the effects you’re dealing with, it’s within your power to change the cause. Use one of the strategies in this article to create momentum, and then keep building on it to unlock your best life.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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8 Ways to Fight Uncertainty & Fear With Gratitude Thu, 03 Nov 2022 20:30:00 +0000 Have your levels of worry, stress, and sadness been rising? If so, you’re not alone. Negative feelings have been rising since 2011, and, according to Julie Ray, managing editor for world news at Gallup, 2021 the data reveals people are now experiencing more negative experiences and less joy.  According to an NBC news poll earlier this year, 87% of people said...

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Have your levels of worry, stress, and sadness been rising? If so, you’re not alone. Negative feelings have been rising since 2011, and, according to Julie Ray, managing editor for world news at Gallup, 2021 the data reveals people are now experiencing more negative experiences and less joy. 

According to an NBC news poll earlier this year, 87% of people said that rising costs of basic necessities are a significant source of stress. They also admitted that being besieged by one unrelenting crisis after another the past two years has affected their mental health negatively. 

Within that same group, sixty-five percent reported feeling worried and stressed about the economy and money. (Keep in mind the poll was conducted in mid-February when respondents were “overwhelmingly concerned” with finances and inflation; that was eight months ago; interest rates, inflation, and prices have soared steadily higher ever since.)

People are feeling a lot more stress and a lot less happiness than ever before, which, when you think about it, is a perfect storm for misery and darkness.

For many people, the pursuit of happiness and the American Dream feel out of reach now more than ever, as anxiety and panic erode peace of mind, and stress and worry replace hope and joy. 

In a word, people feel uncertain and depleted emotionally. 

Replenishing Emotional Reserves

It’s impossible to replenish our emotional reserves by trying to control what we can’t control.  

We can’t control the Federal Reserve’s next decision…

We can’t control the price of groceries or gas…

We can’t control inflation…

But we can choose how we want to feel this moment, at least for a few minutes at a time. We can take a quick break from fear, worry, and panic every day. 

How? By setting aside a few minutes to be grateful for something. 

Someone said it’s hard to be angry and afraid when feeling grateful; gratitude and fear can’t coexist. 

Admittedly, gratitude isn’t the only thing we could or should do to improve our immediate situation. But the few minutes of peace we create for ourselves by feeling grateful eases feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety, giving us emotional “breathing room” to see opportunities that we didn’t see before because we felt stressed or afraid. 

Taking A Break From Worry and Fear 

Gratitude is a feeling, an attitude, and a habit. 

Being a person of gratitude and thanksgiving is a way of life.

A grateful person doesn’t wait for things to be “perfect” before being grateful; first, they are grateful, and then things get better. 

Gratitude And The Mind-Body Connection

Researchers are beginning to realize the emotional and well-being benefits of being and feeling grateful. 

Gratitude is more than making a list of things we’re thankful for.

Choosing to be grateful is choosing to have an optimistic, gratitude-based outlook. Being grateful isn’t something we do; it’s an identity – it’s who we choose to be. By choosing to be grateful we tend to feel grateful.  

Here are some of the many benefits of being, feeling, and expressing gratitude.

The Mental Health Benefits Of Gratitude 

An article on gratitude written by Mary Kate Lee, published on the Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs website, says: 

“Emerging evidence shows there may be an alternative approach to battling anxiety and depression without the side effects of medication: Gratitude. Although more research is needed to explore the direct effects of gratitude on the alleviation of mental strife, there is strong indication that gratitude can improve symptoms for those suffering with anxiety and depression… There are many individual benefits one may experience by being grateful, including improved physical and psychological health, increased happiness, life satisfaction, positive mood, meaning in life, and quality of sleep. Trait gratitude is also linked to a more positive outlook on life, increased optimism and hope, and having a more positive interpretation of social situations. Grateful people tend to view adversity as an opportunity for growth, which can increase resilience. This positive perspective may prevent one from hyper-focusing on thoughts or experiences, which can lead to decreased depression and anxiety over time. Experiencing gratitude can also keep a person grounded in the present, leading to increased mindfulness. People are more likely to be generous, kind, and helpful when they are grateful. This can strengthen relationships and improve workplace environments.” 

Practicing gratitude shifts our focus from the worst possible outcomes to looking for opportunities and blessings instead. 

Mary Kate Lee continues, “Gratitude is connected to systems of the brain that regulate emotions and support stress relief, such as heart rate, arousal levels, and pain. When activated, these areas of the brain can boost positive emotions and protect against feelings of anxiety and stress, leading to an overall calmer mood.”

By practicing the habit of gratitude we are transformed into a person of gratitude.

Scientists have recorded increased levels of dopamine and serotonin after intentional gratitude meditations. 

Gratitude just might be the happy pill we’ve been looking for!

The Physical Benefits Of Gratitude 

The release of “feel-good” hormones (happy hormones) affects us physically. 

Gratitude reduces stress. When feelings of stress, worry, anxiety, or panic are reduced, guess what happens? We sleep better, and our blood pressure lowers; as a result, we feel better physically and have more energy. 

People who feel better tend to live better, increasing overall physical well-being. 

For instance, if you feel better about yourself and your life and are more energetic, you’re more likely to practice healthier habits. For example, you might feel like taking a walk outside. The fresh air will flood your bloodstream with calm-inducing oxygen; your body will soak up vitamin D from the sunshine; and your brain will release the “happy hormone” serotonin.  

You’ll feel better, sleep better, and make better choices. 

Who would’ve thought that something as simple as being grateful could help turn us into a healthier, happier, and stronger version of ourselves? 

Furthermore, having less stress and lower blood puts less strain on the heart; the increased physical activity fosters restful sleep and strengthens the heart. It’s a health-inducing cycle.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful things we can do to feel happier, more hopeful, and stronger. 

8 Ways To Have Greater Happiness & Peace With Gratitude

Here are some ideas to feel happier and have more peace with gratitude: 

1. Create a morning gratitude routine where you think of at least one to three people or things you’re deeply grateful for as soon as you wake up to set the tone for your day.

2. Send a thank you card to someone who did something nice for you.

3. Send a note encouraging someone going through a tough time.

4. Meditate on one of the many faith-building promises in the Bible.

5. Make time for meaningful social connections regularly.

6. Share your worries, wants, and concerns with God.

7. Journal about your situation; find something good. It could be worse than it is, but it isn’t. Someone once said, “If you can’t find something to be thankful for, then be thankful for something you don’t have that you don’t want!”

8. Imagine how things could be better. What are one or two things you could do to improve your situation? Set a goal and start improving your life; you’ll feel empowered and more in control.

No one is denying that we’re living in difficult times. Gratitude isn’t an avoidance tactic where you stick your head in the sand and hope for the best. On the contrary! Gratitude is planting your flag in the ground and declaring, “This is how I choose to live! I refuse to be bullied by fear and uncertainty. And I’ll settle for nothing less than the best life I deserve and am willing to work for!”

Unleash the power of gratitude in your life today!

Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

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Social Anxiety Triggers Thu, 13 Oct 2022 20:30:00 +0000 If you fear being judged by others, are self-conscious in social situations, and the idea of meeting new people triggers anxiety, you may have social anxiety disorder if you’ve been having these feelings for more than six months.  According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “Social anxiety disorder is an intense, persistent fear of...

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If you fear being judged by others, are self-conscious in social situations, and the idea of meeting new people triggers anxiety, you may have social anxiety disorder if you’ve been having these feelings for more than six months. 

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “Social anxiety disorder is an intense, persistent fear of being watched and judged by others. This fear can affect work, school, and other daily activities. It can even make it hard to make and keep friends. The good news is social anxiety disorder is treatable.”

Social anxiety disorder affects around 6.8 million adults in the U.S. it’s estimated that many more people struggle with this social phobia but haven’t yet been diagnosed by a mental health provider, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). 

NIMH reports that symptoms range from mild to moderate and can last several hours or be long-lasting, interfering with everyday activities and disrupting relationships.

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) fills a person with excessive worry, making them highly nervous in their social interactions, negatively impacting their ability to function. 

Here are five common examples of how social anxiety disorder affects people and ways to manage it. 

1) Public Speaking

Most people admit fear of public speaking. So it’s not surprising that it’s a common source of social anxiety. People suffering from SAD are afraid of public speaking because of being judged or examined closely by an audience – like being put under a magnifying glass.

To help manage this fear, realize that other people in the audience struggle with this same phobia; you’re not alone. Also, speaking to smaller groups might be easier on your nervous system than speaking to hundreds. 

2) Doing Things With Friends

Going out with friends is another common source of social anxiety. But you can choose a mindset that makes it a positive and pleasurable experience. Here are some things you can do to manage this anxiety: 

● Set realistic expectations. 

● Have a plan (provides certainty) and know what to expect. 

● If meeting new people, practice what you’ll say beforehand to boost self-confidence.

● Bring a friend for moral support or to introduce you if meeting new people. 

● Plan to arrive early to get comfortable with your surroundings and not feel rushed.

3) Phone Conversations

Talking on the phone is another common trigger of social anxiety, which has worsened over time because we always have our phones with us. 

Although not always the case, fears that the person on the other end of the line is judging us causes these feelings of anxiety.  

It’s important to remember that this is not always the case and that they may have a similar experience or understanding of what you are going through.

To better manage those emotions, put some space between yourself and the intensity of those feelings by examining what might be causing them. Ask yourself these questions: 

● What does it mean if someone calls – why do I feel nervous? 

● What am I afraid might happen when someone calls? 

● What’s the underlying source of those feelings? 

● What happens in my body when I experience those feelings? 

● What can I do not to feel so anxious on the phone? 

If talking on the phone triggers nervousness or anxiety, perhaps reducing those feelings might be as simple as talking a little slower and breathing more deeply to calm your nervous system. 

Also, remind yourself that they called you because they wanted to hear from you, or you called them because they needed to hear from you about something. 

Reassure yourself that this conversation matters and that what you have to share is important. 

4) Encounters With Strangers And New People

Meeting new people is never easy unless you’re a social butterfly. 

If you feel anxious about starting conversations with strangers or new people, try these techniques to start the conversation confidently:

● Smile and introduce yourself warmly by sharing your name and asking for theirs. 

● Let them know how much you enjoy their work, if applicable, or something positive you’ve heard about them.

● Give a nice but appropriate compliment about their appearance or something they’re wearing.  

● Mention a common interest you share, such as art, sports, or music. 

● Remember their name and use it the next time you meet them and follow up on something you mentioned in your initial conversation. 

5) Placing Your Order At A Restaurant

For some people, ordering food at a restaurant can be a source of social anxiety because the person taking their order is a stranger, and they want them to like them, and they might not know how to pronounce some of the food items on the menu.

Eating in public can be stressful for someone with social anxiety because they’re afraid people are watching them and how they eat, and they worry about whether they’re talking too much or not enough; it can make them feel very self-conscious. 

But it’s a great place to practice managing those fears because the restaurant is glad you’ve come, and your server wants to make you feel comfortable and please you! Besides, many of the people eating around you share similar fears; you’re not alone, nor are you standing out like the “sore thumb” you fear. 

Final Words…

No one likes feeling nervous, anxious, self-conscious, or embarrassed, which are feelings people with social anxiety experience, and even panic in extreme cases. 

Social anxiety is a common condition many people experience to some degree. 

The good news is that although social anxiety isn’t easy to deal with, there are things you can do to reduce those feelings and improve your quality of life. Consider starting with some tips we’ve shared in this article so you may continue unlocking your best life! 

Image by Grae Dickason from Pixabay

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5 Lifestyle Choices For Better Mental Health Thu, 08 Sep 2022 20:30:00 +0000 Medicine and therapy are the most common treatments for mental health problems like anxiety and depression, but lifestyle choices are often overlooked.   Psychology Today says, “That’s a lamentable oversight because lifestyle changes—things as simple as nutrition and exercise—can have a significant impact on quality of life, for any of us, but especially for those dealing with issues...

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Medicine and therapy are the most common treatments for mental health problems like anxiety and depression, but lifestyle choices are often overlooked.  

Psychology Today says, “That’s a lamentable oversight because lifestyle changes—things as simple as nutrition and exercise—can have a significant impact on quality of life, for any of us, but especially for those dealing with issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. They can also help minimize the development of risk factors that can lead to conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension, all of which are seen at higher rates in those with mental illness, the study noted.”

Although lifestyle choices might not cure mental health problems entirely, they can help. Consider these five lifestyle choices to significantly improve mental health and emotional well-being.

Healthier Diet Choices

Food affects mental health.

According to research cited by psychology today, fruits and vegetables are associated with improved mental health. Other studies have come to similar conclusions

It seems that by simply choosing healthier food options, we can boost feelings of joy, self-esteem, more peace, less stress, etc., all of which can help protect mental health and improve physical well-being.  

Confront Drinking Problems and Drug Addictions

People with alcohol and drug abuse problems struggle with a greater incidence of health issues than the general population and have far worse health and wellness outcomes. 

The Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration, SAMHSA, reports these startling statistics:

  • In 2020, 50.0% of people aged 12 or older (or 138.5 million people) used alcohol in the past month (2020 NSDUH)
  • Among the 138.5 million people who were current alcohol users, 61.6 million people (or 44.4%) were classified as binge drinkers and 17.7 million people (28.8% of current binge drinkers and 12.8% of current alcohol users) were classified as heavy drinkers (2020 NSDUH)

According to WebMD, side effects of alcohol consumption include:

  • Worsening mental health
  • Hangovers including headaches and nausea, and vomiting
  • Post-alcohol anxiety and/or depression

Take Quiet Time

We live in a noisy world. Outside, it’s horns, traffic, and loud public places. Inside, it’s mobile phones, texting, office equipment, and people talking.

Silence is a luxurious treat that’s rarely experienced anymore.

Solitude is peaceful and good for mental well-being. Try enjoying a few minutes of quiet time daily to boost your mental health. 

Reduce Stress

Stress perpetuates mental health problems, and mental health problems perpetuate stress. But you can break this frustrating cycle by doing something to reduce your stress and anxiety levels. 

Common Stress Management Techniques That Work:

  • Rest and relaxation
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Unplug
  • Eliminate Sources of Stress
  • Practice Deep Breathing
  • Take Time to do Things You Enjoy
  • Disconnect and Unplug

Share Your Stress and Burdens

You can experience mental and emotional relief by sharing your burdens. Seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s what smart people do. There’s a saying that goes something like this: An issue that is partially shared is an issue that is half solved.  

Keeping hurts and frustrations bottled up wreaks havoc on your emotional and mental well-being. Stress and anxiety levels will rise sharply, and you will carry tension throughout your body. It will be hard to fall asleep at night and get the rest you need, leading to weariness and fatigue, all of which can result in depression. 

If you feel like you’re facing mental health problems, be sure to get the help you need so you can unburden your heart, mind, and soul. And consider trying one of these five techniques to enjoy life more and start feeling better today. 

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

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Reduce Stress! Review. Release. Live! Thu, 01 Sep 2022 20:30:00 +0000 People are stressed out; it doesn’t look like things are getting better anytime soon. Money and economics are the leading cause of stress. In fact, the stress and anxiety we’re facing is growing into a national health crisis. Americans are one of the most stressed out in the world, according to 55% of Americans...

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People are stressed out; it doesn’t look like things are getting better anytime soon.

Money and economics are the leading cause of stress. In fact, the stress and anxiety we’re facing is growing into a national health crisis.

Americans are one of the most stressed out in the world, according to

55% of Americans are stressed during the day, and 94% are stressed at work, and 63% are ready to quit their jobs to avoid work-related stress.

But here’s the deal: Life was stressful already- before rampant inflation, the housing meltdown, the stock market retreat, droughts, floods, famines, ongoing supply chain disruptions due to COVID, not to mention the ongoing war in Europe, and the global energy crisis forcing some families to choose between food, fuel, or power.

Stress is an angry 800-lb gorilla that’s knocked us to the ground and won’t get off our chest.

Life is nothing like it was for our grandparents; it’s fast and busy.

These days, both husband and wife must work to make ends meet. In many cases, there’s a single parent at the helm treading water, trying to keep the family afloat. Not to mention side hustles to bring in needed cash. And that’s before you get around to taking care of the house and raising the family.

Life is overwhelmingly busy with day-to-day survival! Gone are the days of clocking out at the end of the workday to enjoy a peaceful, much-needed evening at home, especially with email, instant messaging, and work texts!

But we’re not always our own best friend either because we waste time on social media, silly videos, and mind-numbing entertainment.

The result? Nothing ever gets better. And we’re more stressed than ever.

Will things ever change? No. Not until you reach the point where you’ve had enough.

If you’re ready to stop doing everything and start reducing the overwhelming stress in your life, read on.

1. Pay Attention To Your Day

Time matters because time = life. Every minute you spend doing something is a minute of your life force that you’re paying to do “that” thing.

So make it worth it. Don’t waste your life.

Your day is your life. What are you spending your life on? How do you spend it?

Consider a time log to track where your time goes because you’re paying bits and pieces of your life for whatever it is that you’re doing.

Don’t make it complicated. A simple piece of paper works great, or a cheap notebook. Set a timer to go off every 30 minutes during waking hours, and jot down what you’re doing.

Be honest with yourself. If you’ve been wasting time watching silly videos, write it down. Your time log is for your eyes only. You can even rip it up and throw it away in a few days when you’re finished with it.

Please be honest with yourself so you can take charge of your life to start living it on your terms.

At the end of the day, review how you spend your time. After a few days, you’ll see patterns emerge, some of which you’ll be okay, some you won’t.

2. Cross off the Unnecessary or Meaningless Things 

Make this simple. Cross off the things you want to stop doing or want to do less of because they’re just not worth spending your life on.

Perhaps you can delegate some items that need to be done, but you’re not the one who has to do them, at least all the time.

3. Add Value

It feels good to free up time. Now give yourself the gift of adding valuable activities and experiences to your new-found time. Perhaps you’ll have time for exercise, self-care, meditation, or time for your loved ones.

4. Take a Mental Detox

On another sheet of paper or two, list your worries, problems, struggles, and things you feel you “should do” but aren’t giving them your time or attention.

List things you’ve been thinking or wanting to do.

Now, put your list somewhere safe and leave it alone for a while. Take a walk or go for a drive – put some distance between you and all of those things.

Get it ALL out of your mind – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

5. Master List

Come back to the list in a few hours or the next day after sleeping on it for a while; time creates emotional space and objectivity.

You’re going to create a master list in a second but we have a little more pruning before you do. Look at your list and cross off as much as you can. Things that you can’t control or do anything about, release; let them go.

Circle stuff that needs to get done that someone else can start doing for you or at least give you a little help.

Now look at the things you want to do; they might be dreams or goals or projects; prioritize them according to importance; asterisk the ones you want to start now; make a note of the ones you’ll start a little later.

Now, look at your list again. Draw a line down the middle of a new sheet of paper; now draw a line across the page two or three inches from the bottom. In the top, left column, write the things you will do, along with noting the things you will delegate or get help with from now on. In the top, right column, list any remaining worries, concerns, or challenges along with one or two things you’ll do to tackle them to get them under control.

In the bottom left column, list the hopes, dreams, or goals you’re going to begin now – and schedule time in your calendar this week to start doing them. In the bottom right column, list your hopes, dreams or goals you’ll start in a month or two.

By the end of this exercise, which you may work through more than once, if you wish, you’ll have much shorter lists than you started with, and your spirit will feel much lighter.

Why? Because you’re taking control. The process is less about getting clarity and more about taking charge of your life – even if it’s just controlling one or two additional areas of your life.

It can be a somewhat messy, frustrating process at first, but it’s worth it because you’ll start spending your life on things worthy of your heartbeats and breaths.

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

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Are You Weighed Down Because You Dread Your Life Right Now? Fri, 15 Jul 2022 08:30:00 +0000 There are days when life overwhelms you with a flood of emotions. Remorse, bitterness, frustration, helplessness, guilt, shame, and other feelings can take you to a very dark place really fast.  Insecurity and uncertainty rise within your soul, giving way to feelings of hopelessness and fear, causing you to feel a special kind of “aloneness.” ...

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There are days when life overwhelms you with a flood of emotions. Remorse, bitterness, frustration, helplessness, guilt, shame, and other feelings can take you to a very dark place really fast. 

Insecurity and uncertainty rise within your soul, giving way to feelings of hopelessness and fear, causing you to feel a special kind of “aloneness.” 

You can feel so weighed down by despair or regret that you lose an appreciation for your life. 

During these moments, remind yourself there is a way out even though you can’t see it. Your emotional situation is temporary. Perhaps this moment is an invitation to do a little soul searching – to get to the root of your unhappiness to see what might need to change and make course corrections. 

Self-Awareness: Identify the Root of Your Unhappiness

If you’re unhappy, the first step is to start practicing self-awareness and stop living in denial. If you’re unhappy, admit it. 

Happiness is a choice, yes. But feelings of unhappiness are prompts to evaluate your life and situation. 

The goal is to find and create true joy and fulfillment. 

But that process may require you to decide to change, some hard work, and short-term pain or disappointment, which is why some people avoid the true nature of their situation and choose to be “happy” when they’re really not.

Unhappiness will eventually seep into every area of your life unless you deal with it; it’ll trap you within its own special kind of suffering that saps your motivation.

The good news is that things can turn around! But are you ready and willing to do the work to make it happen? 

Here’s an easy example. It’s common for people to dislike their jobs. If you hate going to work and force yourself to show up every day, why stay in a situation that makes you miserable most of the time when you can look for a new job? 

If your intimate relationship lacks emotional or physical intimacy or both, why continue feeling lonely, unwanted, and unhappy when you can choose to face and address the situation instead? Do whatever it takes to heal and restore the relationship. If that doesn’t work, you have some difficult choices. But at least face the situation.

Remember, you take control of your life when you take control of your choices.

You deserve to live your greatest life! You’re stronger than you realize, more caring than you know, and deserve love, joy, fulfillment, and happiness. 

There are certain things you can change immediately and others that will require you to initiate a process that eventually leads to the change you seek. 

Replace feelings of hopelessness with the belief that you’ve come through things successfully before and will emerge in a better place again because you’re resourceful, determined, gifted, and guided.

Focus on the better vision for your life and how much better things will be; things will turn out better than you ever imagined!  

Hopeful anticipation is a choice; it’s called faith. This dark moment is an invitation for you to have faith in yourself and God.

Design a Life that Demonstrates Your Values & Goals

It’s easy to become unhappy when you allow yourself to be distracted from pursuing your dreams and goals. 

Even if you haven’t written a formal list of goals on a piece of paper or in a journal, the important ones rest deeply within your heart and mind. And you know when you’re missing the mark. 

You feel anxious and unsettled when your life doesn’t reflect your values and goals because you’re not making what matters most to you a priority. Worse yet, sometimes, you knowingly make decisions and choices that compromise who you are, which makes you feel even unhappier.

But instead of living your authentic self, you turn a blind eye to your situation and keep struggling through life, moving even farther away from your hopes, goals, and dreams.  

Sometimes you care too much about what your family and friends think or what society values. Everyone shares their opinions freely and tells you how to live. 

It’s easier to just go with it than to endure the headwinds that come with charting your own path.

But chart your own path you must. You have goals, dreams, hopes, aspirations, boundaries, and expectations about how you want to live and what you want to get out of life. 

You get one life. It’s important for you to know what you stand for and what you stand against.

You have the freedom and privilege to determine what matters most to you. You get to choose your values, dreams, and goals. You have the freedom to organize your time and invest your energy into what’s most important to you! 

Be true to yourself. Live your life. Press forward. Believe. And know the sun is there even when you can’t see it through the darkest clouds that obscure hope’s warmth. 

Exercise hope even when you don’t feel like it because hope is, first and foremost, a choice.

Choose Self-Compassion

Many of your greatest fears are rooted in childhood experiences, and past influences from “authority” figures you listened to.

Those thoughts and beliefs that programmed your mental and emotional operating software are often corrupted.

You go through life feeling you’re incapable, lacking, not good enough. 

You form beliefs about yourself that become self-determining truths like coordinates programmed into a missile.

Consider your unhappy situation. How much of it do you think was shaped by your childhood programming or by society’s influences? How much of your “programming” is coded with self-doubt, negativity, and pessimism?

Guess what. It’s time for an upgrade. 

It’s an upgrade that only you can make. 

It’s time to choose “programming” that shapes you into the person you’ve decided that you are and are becoming and moves you in the direction of your hopes, goals, and dreams.

You’re a generous person who’s helped others in their time of need. The time has come for you to give yourself a little help, too. Show yourself some compassion.

Self-love isn’t selfish unless rooted in feelings of superiority or inferiority.

Love your life. Care about that which is most important to you. Give yourself quality time and beautiful words of affirmation. 

Choose to be one of your very own best friends!

You’ll stop resenting or, even worse, hating your life! 

You’ll stop living in complacency, apathy, or indifference! 

You’ll start seeing things differently because you’ve begun seeing yourself with kind eyes instead of the narrow eyes of unfair, underserved criticism.

The next time the clouds of unhappiness start forming in your heart, choose to focus on something good; return thanks for two or three blessings; and imagine your vision for your life turning out even brighter than you dreamed! 

Take charge of your mind, feelings, and focus.

You can always focus on what’s bad and on horrible outcomes. But you can always choose to focus on what’s good and successful, happy outcomes. 

With time, it’ll be easier to overcome cancerous thoughts that destroy your worth and sabotage your hope and achievements.

A Final Note

If you feel unhappy or dissatisfied with your life today, good! It’s an invitation, an opportunity to do some digging to uncover why you feel this way. 

Once you’ve identified why you feel the way you do and have analyzed and evaluated the situation to see if your feelings are justified, it’s time for the next step. If they are warranted, it’s time to shift your thinking from focusing on the negative to focusing on the positive by taking control of your mind and taking charge of your life! 

Make a list of two or three things that need to change. Make a simple plan and start taking action. If your intimate relationship needs to improve, perhaps the plan is to have a loving conversation with your significant other and explore counseling. 

The absolute worst thing you can do when you’re unhappy is nothing. Doing nothing is a breeding ground for fear and worry.

So do something, even if it’s the wrong “something.” Adjust course along the way. Don’t wait for things to be perfect before you start.

Although transformation doesn’t happen overnight because it’s a process, you can change direction instantly at this very moment! 

Be bold and believe in yourself! And do something today to make your life better, even if it’s simple as drinking more water today! Start forming the habit of self-love. 

Your life matters. You deserve to be happy. Make today count. With wisdom and diligence, start living the life you dream of today. And watch miracles happen. 

Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

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Are You Managing Stress Or Is Stress Managing You? Thu, 17 Mar 2022 20:30:00 +0000 Stress affects everyone, even superheroes. There’s no escaping it.  According to The American Institute of Stress, about 33 percent of people report feeling extreme stress 77 percent of people experience stress that affects their physical health 73 percent of people have stress that impacts their mental health  48 percent of people have trouble sleeping because of...

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Stress affects everyone, even superheroes. There’s no escaping it. 

According to The American Institute of Stress, about

  • 33 percent of people report feeling extreme stress
  • 77 percent of people experience stress that affects their physical health
  • 73 percent of people have stress that impacts their mental health 
  • 48 percent of people have trouble sleeping because of stress.
  • Stress levels for about half of all Americans are getting worse instead of better. 


You’re going to feel stressed. We all are. We can’t escape it.

With career demands, family responsibilities, and people wanting something from us all the time because we’re connected to them 24/7 by that little “smart” device that’s always within reach, stress is here to stay.

Although I can’t say for sure, it seems people are more stressed now than ever before.

Added to life’s pressure cooker of endless activities and relentless demands are a chronic lack of sleep and exercise and very little time for self-care, which, put together, is a recipe for total meltdown. 

Stress makes it hard to manage life. But it’s more than a nuisance. It kills, too. 


Here are some of the worst side effects of stress, along with what we can do to reduce our stress levels and relax more. 

Stress raises blood pressure. If you’ve ever found yourself in a highly stressful situation, all hot and bothered and with a pounding headache, you know what we’re talking about here. Not fun.

The occasional stressful event or situation really isn’t a big deal. 

The real danger lies with ongoing, daily stress because chronic stress can lead to hypertension and increased heart attack or stroke risk. 

Next, let’s look at sleep for a minute. Insomnia is a common side effect of stressful living. It’s hard to fall asleep, and you don’t sleep well when you do. 

Before long, the adverse side effects of inadequate rest begin piling up. 

You will start to feel drained and have trouble focusing or staying on task. It’s as if you’re living in a daze.
It’s impossible to function at our best without getting at least 6-8 (some research recommends 7-9) quality hours of sleep per night. 


When asked, here’s some stuff people confess stresses them most:

• Money

• Work

• The economy

• Family responsibilities

• Relationships

• Personal health issues

• Housing costs

• Job stability

• Family health problems

• Personal safety


Dealing with the source of stress is one of the first lines of defense against stress. If you think stressful people and situations will go away on their own if you avoid them long enough, think again. Never going to happen. 

Sometimes we can eliminate the source of stress, but that’s not always practical, especially when it’s a job you and your family rely on. 

Sometimes the source of stress is the people we’re “stuck” with, like the kids driving us nuts or our significant other. 

But before you put the kids up for adoption and get a divorce, give the following stress-relieving activities a try.

A quiet, relaxing stroll outside does wonders to calm the soul. Try it and see. 

Hitting the gym is a guaranteed stress-reducer, just about anything that gets you moving and sweating goes a long way to reverse the overwhelming effects of stress. 

Take five minutes to meditate or practice deep breathing exercises to self-soothe whenever feeling stressed. 

Remember to get plenty of quality sleep, too, and choose healthier eating options. 

Reduce sugar and stimulants like caffeine. 

Redefine what a situation means to you. Instead of commuting to a job you can’t stand or hate, think of two or three blessings your job provides, like food, a roof, and clothes. Change your perspective by finding something to be thankful for to help you cope until you find something else.

Becoming aware of stress and how it affects you is a great first step. Now take a few deep, calming breaths and enjoy a relaxing stroll around the block. Notice how much better you’re feeling already?

Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

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Scheduling Anxiety Away Fri, 08 Oct 2021 05:50:21 +0000 Today, to help us better understand anxiety, we are pleased to chat with Temple Grandin, professor, inventor, best-selling author and the first person to unveil insights from inside the autistic brain. She'll be joined by Michael Leip, inventor of the Panda Planner, who overcame a series of health challenges by applying evidence-based strategies to become and stay happy. Featured Material  

The post Scheduling Anxiety Away appeared first on Lifestyle.

Today, to help us better understand anxiety, we are pleased to chat with Temple Grandin, professor, inventor, best-selling author and the first person to unveil insights from inside the autistic brain. She’ll be joined by Michael Leip, inventor of the Panda Planner, who overcame a series of health challenges by applying evidence-based strategies to become and stay happy. Featured Material  

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Fit Body – Mind – Soul – Boot Camp Fri, 27 Aug 2021 02:50:58 +0000 When the masses panic, some see opportunity. Some even find purpose in panic. Bedros Keuilian, the CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, is one of those rare individuals. In the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, he revolutionized gym franchising, landing on Entrepreneur Magazine’s list of top 15 franchises and Inc. 5000's fastest growing businesses. But he’s overcome far more than economic hardship. A political refugee at age 6, he escaped a Communist country, suffered sexual molestation, anxiety, depression and panic attacks and managed to achieve a net worth of over $200 million while still being a happily-married family man.

The post Fit Body – Mind – Soul – Boot Camp appeared first on Lifestyle.

When the masses panic, some see opportunity. Some even find purpose in panic. Bedros Keuilian, the CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, is one of those rare individuals. In the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, he revolutionized gym franchising, landing on Entrepreneur Magazine’s list of top 15 franchises and Inc. 5000’s fastest growing businesses. But he’s overcome far more than economic hardship. A political refugee at age 6, he escaped a Communist country, suffered sexual molestation, anxiety, depression and panic attacks and managed to achieve a net worth of over $200 million while still being a happily-married family man.

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The Pandemic Aftermath: Anxious & Afraid Thu, 22 Apr 2021 20:30:00 +0000 How many times have we heard this year that life will never be the same after the pandemic aftermath of 2020? Or phrases like, “during these uncertain times” or “this is our new normal”? One thing is for sure, COVID-19 has left its fingerprint on history. Much like a hurricane reshapes a coastline, the pandemic...

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How many times have we heard this year that life will never be the same after the pandemic aftermath of 2020? Or phrases like, “during these uncertain times” or “this is our new normal”? One thing is for sure, COVID-19 has left its fingerprint on history. Much like a hurricane reshapes a coastline, the pandemic has reshaped our lives.

Consider what we’ve been through and experienced in recent months, from social distancing to mandatory mask-wearing and the closure of businesses, recreational areas, public areas, gyms, and even parks. And let’s never forget the countless loss of life.

When you consider everything, death, economic insecurity and devastation, uncertainty, distrust, schools in many states being closed for months, it’s no wonder so many people are battling fear and anxiety.

Uncertainty has always been a part of life. But it feels even more so now than ever before.  People need to feel safe. They want to feel in control of their lives. The events of the past year have left many with feelings of stress, anxiety, and powerlessness.

4 Ways to Guard Your Outlook & Keep Your Sanity

Even  when we’re not battling a pandemic, uncertainty is a part of life. If we’ve learned anything from COVID-19 and how governments and businesses reacted, it’s that, to a large degree, our sense of security was an illusion. We’ve come to realize that we can’t assume that certain things, like jobs and access to employment, will always automatically be there for us.

So if you feel, or have felt, worried or anxious, cut yourself some slack. Life might return to the way it was pre-pandemic, or it might not. Who knows? But you have the power within yourself to stay hopeful and positive. Consider these tips:

Be Grateful

Without minimizing the tragedy and loss that so many have experienced, what are some blessings you enjoy daily? Don’t overlook the small ones. Have you had more time to connect with friends or loved ones? Perhaps even a little more time to enjoy your pets? Perhaps you’ve had the chance to work on a project you’ve been putting off or write the great American novel. Maybe the pandemic has helped you realize what matters most to you – that you were taking certain things for granted.

Gratitude unlocks joy and hope. Despite what you might’ve lost, what are some things for which you can be grateful? Gratitude is a pillar of emotional and mental health. An optimistic outlook does wonders for your overall well-being.

Structure Your Day

Many people have been forced to throw their daily routines out the window. So what? Make a new one – perhaps one that’s more suited to your wants and needs. Open your favorite calendar or notebook, and design a schedule. Include your responsibilities AND goals, and dreams. Scheduling your day imparts a sense of control. Plus, it gives your day purpose and meaning and promotes productivity. Trade worry for peace of mind by taking control of your day. By taking control of your day, you take control of your life because time = life.

Make Relationships a Priority

Stay in touch with colleagues and loved ones via technology if necessary. Although face-to-face is better, it still isn’t possible for everyone just yet, especially with office buildings in certain states still being closed. So use technology to stay connected with people you care about.

Do whatever you can to avoid social isolation at all costs.

Connecting with friends is a great way to cope with fear and anxiety. And it’s fun, too! Initiate contact. Don’t wait for them to reach out to you.

Take Care of Yourself During and After The Pandemic

Self-Care Ideas:
  • Enjoy a hot bath or soothing shower
  • Journal
  • Meditate
  • Take relaxing walks in nature
  • Plan family dinners/meals
  • Focus on faith/spirituality rituals and practices
  • Listen to inspiring music
  • Engage in physical activity either at the gym or at home
  • Limit watching negative news
  • Connect socially regularly
  • Read
  • Volunteer
  • Start a side business – pursue your dream!
  • Set aside time for your passions and interests
  • If you have a partner, enjoy mutual massages

Remember: YOU are in charge of your life. It might not feel like it when restrictions are forced upon you. But it’s up to you how you manage your response and lead your life.

Have faith in yourself. And be a pillar of strength and encouragement for others. The pandemic has been scary for a lot of people. You’re not alone. We’re here to support each other – to make someone’s life better.

Do what you can to stay healthy, be positive, help others, and take care of yourself. These simple practices will safeguard your well-being and keep you sane because they put YOU in charge of your life, taming fear and worry during the pandemic and its aftermath.

Let your faith and courage, not your worries and fears, define your life and shape your future.

Image by Alexandra ❤A life without animals is not worth living❤ from Pixabay

The post The Pandemic Aftermath: Anxious & Afraid appeared first on Lifestyle.
