Budgeting Archives - Lifestyle https://lifestyle.org/tag/budgeting/ Mind Body Soul Fri, 19 May 2023 16:41:28 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://lifestyle.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/cropped-logo-mark-32x32.png Budgeting Archives - Lifestyle https://lifestyle.org/tag/budgeting/ 32 32 218594145 5 Ways to Simplify Your Life In 2023 https://lifestyle.org/5-ways-to-simplify-your-life-in-2023/ https://lifestyle.org/5-ways-to-simplify-your-life-in-2023/#respond Thu, 05 Jan 2023 20:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/5-ways-to-simplify-your-life-in-2023/ William James said, “The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.”  Let’s resolve to be wiser in 2023 by letting go of everything we can that doesn’t add meaning to our lives.  Let our motto be, simplify, simplify, simplify! Trying to keep up with everything is exhausting and wastes time....

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William James said, “The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.” 

Let’s resolve to be wiser in 2023 by letting go of everything we can that doesn’t add meaning to our lives. 

Let our motto be, simplify, simplify, simplify! Trying to keep up with everything is exhausting and wastes time.

Everyone complains about not having enough time these days. For some, that’s true as they juggle two or more jobs while trying to manage their household. 

But, many of us waste time on needless errands, eating out, watching TV mindlessly night after night, and on social media.

We have more time than we realize; simplifying our lives is a great way to take charge of our lives and start living lives that matter.

Here’s a short list of simple tips to begin making the most of 2023.

1. Decide on Simple Monthly Goals

If you’re a person who thrives on making and keeping New Year’s resolutions, that’s great; keep making them. But most people give up on their resolutions before January is over. 

Instead, decide on 1-3 meaningful monthly goals to which you’ll commit. Stack the odds in your favor by organizing your life into smaller, more manageable chunks. You’ll gain momentum and finally start making progress. 

2. Apply the 50/30/20 Budget Rule

Managing your finances can get complicated and overwhelming really fast, which could be why many people avoid the issue for as long as possible.

It’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed when we don’t know what to do or where to start, especially if no one taught us how to manage money or create wealth. 

There’s something called the 50/30/20 rule that might help. People who’ve never been good at managing or saving money sing its praises.

Here’s how it works: Spend 50% of your monthly income on living expenses (your needs), 30% on lifestyle expenses (your wants), and 20% on savings and debt. 

One thing that keeps so many people from starting and following a budget is that it can be so complicated! 

So, why not consider giving the 50-30-20 approach a try?

Even if you can’t follow the 50-30-20 percentages initially because you have to increase or decrease the three categories to fit your situation, you’ll feel empowered and in control of your money. But, so what? At least you’re taking control of your finances and getting started!

3. Organize Your Closet

Declutter for a simpler, happier life, starting with your closet. Life is simpler, easier, and feels happier when you clear your living space of things you no longer use or need. 

Sort through your closet to find clothes you no longer wear or items that still have tags on them that you’ve forgotten about or are not interested in. 

Many people have found Marie Kondo‘s suggestions about decluttering to be extremely helpful.

Free up space in your closet for new clothes; enjoy a well-organized, clutter-free closet.

4. Make Your Lunch The Night Before

While there isn’t anything exciting about making your lunch the night before you go to work or school, it’s a great way to simplify your life. 

It’s a money-saver, too, because you won’t be going out to eat as much or ordering takeout. Plus, it’s better for your health because you’ll make better, healthier choices. 

You’ll feel better, be less stressed, and save money. 

5. Use The Cloud

Why waste time sorting through digital files on your computer or smart device when you can simply save them to the Cloud?

Searching for documents and files can be frustrating and such a time-waster.

Saving files to the cloud is easy and convenient and frees up tons of space on your devices. There’s no shortage of file-saving Cloud options; you can upload and save just about any type of file. Plus, you can access your files from anywhere the instant you need them. Talk about simplifying your life! 

Unlock your best life in 2023 by simplifying your life to enjoy more of what life has to offer instead of wasting your energy and money on things that don’t matter or add meaning to your life.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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9 Tips To Stretch Your Grocery-Shopping Dollars https://lifestyle.org/9-tips-to-stretch-your-grocery-shopping-dollars/ https://lifestyle.org/9-tips-to-stretch-your-grocery-shopping-dollars/#respond Thu, 20 Oct 2022 20:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/9-tips-to-stretch-your-grocery-shopping-dollars/ Eighty-two percent of Americans are cutting back on groceries because of higher food prices due to inflation.  Although food frugality is seen across all income brackets, Gen Xers are the most likely to buy fewer items as they are among the hardest hit in the current economic climate.  People are increasingly concerned that their food will...

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Eighty-two percent of Americans are cutting back on groceries because of higher food prices due to inflation. 

Although food frugality is seen across all income brackets, Gen Xers are the most likely to buy fewer items as they are among the hardest hit in the current economic climate. 

People are increasingly concerned that their food will run out before they have money to buy more, rising from 35% last October to 42% in September 2022. 

Despite good harvests, food inflation remains high. Some experts expect uncertainty regarding the global food supply to persist in the coming year.

High prices are driving food insecurity and show no signs of slowing down. 

After housing expenses, food is typically the next biggest expense for consumers. To deal with rising costs, grocery shoppers are watching sales, choosing generic brands, and cutting back on food by buying fewer items altogether. 

Food insecurity is a growing worry and issue. Even before the current economic crisis, 43 million Americans faced food insecurity.

Groceries are a necessary expense, but the good news is it’s an expense we have some control over.

If you need to reduce grocery expenses to make ends meet, here are some tried and true things you can do to stretch your grocery-shopping dollars and keep your cupboards a little bit fuller. 

1. Make A Grocery Budget 

Few people enjoy budgeting, but it’s less painful than going without meals. 

Review how much you’ve been spending and how much you can spend. From there, create a weekly budget. If possible, reduce your budget by $20 a month to give yourself a cushion to get you through the months you overspend. 

2. Don’t Assume Name Brands Are More Expensive

Sure, generic brands can be cheaper by 10% to 30% and just as good in most cases, but watch for major sales as the name-brand companies compete for your loyalty.

3. Use A Cashback App 

According to an article on CNBC.com, “Ibotta and Checkout 51 are two of the most popular apps for earning cash back at the store,” with the average user earning $10-$20 a month, with claims of active users can earn $100-$300!

4. Track Prices Across Stores

You probably already know that food prices vary widely from store to store; certain stores consistently offer items for less than their competitors. Do a little sleuthing to compare prices; keep a list to ensure you always get the best prices.

It’s easy to fall into the habit of shopping at the same store; it’s fast, easy, and convenient because you know where everything is. But sometimes, you can shave $10-$15 off your grocery spending simply by being willing to shop at a couple of different stores.

Lastly, you can always shop in bulk at Costco or Sam’s Club to save money and stretch supplies; consider splitting the cost with a friend to save money and divide the items between you.

5. Save Money With Meal Planning

It just makes sense that planning your meals reduces impulse spending at the grocery store and cuts out waste.

Don’t like meal planning? Then at least shop with a few meals in mind that you’ll prepare that week.

6. Come Up With A Few Frugal Dishes 

No, you don’t have to settle for rice and beans or ramen noodles to always keep from going hungry.

Take thirty minutes to think of a few inexpensive dishes that you or your family enjoy; it very well could be rice and beans! But what about tried and true options like a big pot of homemade soup or chili? 

Meatless dishes stretch your dollar further, or, as a frugal alternative, consider reducing the portion of meat the recipe calls for. 

Enjoying frugal meals a few times a month saves money; you’ll save even more if you make enough for leftovers, stretching your grocery budget even further. 

7. Use A Cashback Credit Card 

Be careful with this tip; using credit to buy groceries isn’t a good idea unless it’s your only option. According to CNBC, the best cards offer up to 6% cashback. 

8. Cut Out Non-Essential Subscriptions 

People are more likely to cut back on groceries and dining out than cancel streaming services. Life is overwhelmingly stressful; streaming services are a perfect escape from worries, troubles, and fears, at least momentarily.

According to a recent National Research Group survey of 2500 adults, the average consumer spends $135 monthly on subscriptions.

When consumers are polled on how much they spend on subscriptions, $86 is the average amount they give, which can be as much as $100 to $200 less than they actually spend (most people forget about certain subscription services they’re being charged for monthly).

Look at your itemized credit card and bank statements to see how much you’re spending on subscriptions, keeping in mind that some bill quarterly and annually, not just monthly. Are there two or three that you can cancel? Cancel non-essential subscriptions to free up precious dollars for your grocery budget. 

9. Get A Food-Saving Vacuum Sealer (And Keep Your Subscriptions)

Do a quick YouTube or Internet search on “vacuum sealers,” and you will be amazed at the money-saving tips you’ll find on how to stretch your grocery budget by using a vacuum sealer to save your food! 

All sorts of foods that go bad quickly (avocados, berries, meat, etc.) can easily be preserved by vacuum sealing for later consumption. You might save enough money on groceries to justify keeping some of your subscriptions!

Words of Encouragement…

Life isn’t easy, especially when you have a family to feed and a household to manage. 

Inflation is out of control, and the Fed keeps raising interest rates. 

According to many experts, we’re about to face slowing economic growth and rising unemployment as we continue to battle high inflation (high prices). 

The reality is that forces beyond our control are straining our finances, affecting how we spend our dollars and how far we can make them stretch. Sometimes we’re left with difficult choices that involve painful sacrifices. 

Although the tips in this article aren’t perfect solutions or magical cures, try some of the ones you’re not already using to start saving money this week at the grocery store to keep more food on your table.

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

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Reduce Your Grocery Bill without Compromising on Nutrition https://lifestyle.org/reduce-your-grocery-bill-without-compromising-on-nutrition/ Thu, 24 Jan 2019 22:30:51 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=6297 Everyone knows what it’s like for money to be a little tight and having to cut back in certain areas. Unfortunately, it’s quite tricky to cut the grocery bill without compromising on nutrition. While opting for cheap, empty calories might seem like a good idea when facing a financial bind, it can lead to health...

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Everyone knows what it’s like for money to be a little tight and having to cut back in certain areas. Unfortunately, it’s quite tricky to cut the grocery bill without compromising on nutrition.

While opting for cheap, empty calories might seem like a good idea when facing a financial bind, it can lead to health issues that cost more in the long term. Moreover, eating poorly can sap your energy and affect mental performance. But all of this can be avoided by putting a little thought and planning into your food budget.

Plan Ahead

Impulse spending alone consumes more than 20% of your food budget. So the first thing you should do is make a grocery list and stick to it.

Plan your meals at least a week in advance and list all the ingredients you will need. Although your list doesn’t have to be strict, try to stick to it. This means that it’s okay to add a few “luxuries” to the list to reduce your chances of going overboard with impulse spending.

Whatever you do, don’t go to the grocery store hungry. Eat a meal or light snack before shopping to control cravings.

Eat what’s on Sale

Planning your meals around sales can cut your grocery bill by 10 to 20%. So go ahead and stockpile all kinds of non-perishable and frozen foods when you find them on sale. But don’t forget to check the sell-by date, and only buy what you can consume before that date.

Also, don’t be tempted to buy more than you need just because something is on sale. In fact, to ensure that you actually consume what you have stockpiled, skip grocery shopping once every month and live off what you have in your fridge and pantry. This helps to reduce food waste, which can cost you thousands of dollars annually.

Check the Cost per Unit

When comparing two products, calculate cost per ounce or cost per pound to make sure that you’re getting the best value for your money. Just because one product is cheaper doesn’t mean you should buy it. Maybe it costs less because it weighs less.

Plant-Based is Cheaper

Eating more plant based meals is one of the easiest ways to cut your grocery bill without compromising on nutrition. Even the cheapest meat and dairy products are still more expensive than a whole-food diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. A plant-based diet is also much better for your waistline and overall health.

You can reduce your food budget significantly without resorting to eating ramen noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Just plan your meals in advance, buy what’s on sale, keep your eye on the cost per unit and eat more plant-based meals!

The post Reduce Your Grocery Bill without Compromising on Nutrition appeared first on Lifestyle.
