energy Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Fri, 04 Aug 2023 18:15:39 +0000 en hourly 1 energy Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 How To Look Younger & Age Slower Thu, 06 Oct 2022 20:30:00 +0000 Aging is a part of life that brings perspective, maturity, and wisdom. In many ways, grey hair is a kind of crown that should engender respect.  But growing old isn’t the problem for most people; it’s feeling old.  Old age can usher in a new era of aches, loss of independence, loneliness, and cognitive decline. ...

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Aging is a part of life that brings perspective, maturity, and wisdom. In many ways, grey hair is a kind of crown that should engender respect. 

But growing old isn’t the problem for most people; it’s feeling old. 

Old age can usher in a new era of aches, loss of independence, loneliness, and cognitive decline. 

Although we can’t keep from growing old chronologically, we can slow the sands of time biologically, at least to some extent, by practicing certain habits that keep us looking and feeling young, strong, and vibrant! Here’s how.

1. Meditate Daily

Stress wreaks havoc on the body. Hormones like cortisol and adrenaline severely impact your mental, emotional, and physical health. And they’ve been linked with chronic diseases, like depression, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and dementia.

Meditating slows the effects of stress. Start with five or ten minutes to feel an immediate difference; you’ll be hooked.

One of the most important aspects of meditating is breathing deeply to soothe hour nervous system. Don’t worry about clearing your mind; accept whatever thoughts pop into your head. 

Although there’s a lot of talk about meditation, not much is said about the Bible and meditation. But, many Believers like to meditate on a favorite promise while practicing their deep breathing. 

Others will repeat a certain word or phrase to focus their mind or pray.

2. Volunteer

Helping others is a great way to stay young at heart because it feels good, and you’re making a real difference!

Research shows that your brain releases oxytocin whether you help your best friend or a stranger. Oxytocin is a ‘feel-good’ hormone that brightens your mood and reduces the effects of cortisol.

But another great thing about volunteering is that it boosts feelings of self-worth and confidence because it gives you a sense of purpose, which makes you feel good about yourself and your life. 

Lastly, volunteering is a great way to expand your social circle and stay connected to people with similar interests, strengthening your ties to the community.

3. Be Physically Active

Okay, you knew this one was coming. Exercise is a great way to slow the sands of time and maintain functional independence.

You don’t have to spend hours at the gym or on a bike. It can be something like walking, yoga, or tai-chi – activities that reduce stress while strengthening your body.

Some studies indicate that yoga and tai-chi may rejuvenate the immune and digestive systems.

Another great thing about physical exercise is that it protects cognitive functioning by increasing blood flow to the brain and flooding it with oxygen. 

 Other forms of anti-aging workouts include:

  • Swimming
  • Arm and leg crosses
  • Walking
  • Low-impact cardio routines
  • Standing calf raises

4. Eat Better

Eating the right food most of the time is one of the best ways to look and feel young. 

Getting the necessary vitamins and minerals lowers the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Pomegranates, berries, leafy veggies, cruciferous vegetables, and nuts are great examples of ‘superfoods.’ 

Superfoods contain high levels of antioxidants, amino acids, and loads of vitamins and minerals.

Eating the right amounts will help you sleep better, strengthen your immune system, and boost memory!

5. Drink More Water!

Drinking water and staying hydrated keeps your cells supple and healthy. Did you know that people who drink large amounts of water tend to have fewer wrinkles and soft lines than people who don’t drink enough water? 

Some drinks, such as green tea, can lower the risk of certain types of cancer. Several studies indicate that drinking at least one cup a day boosts concentration and memory and keeps your brain sharp.

You Can’t Stop Time, But You Can Slow Its Effects…

Everyone grows old; some age faster, some slower. But by practicing these easy habits, you can enjoy a youthful spirit, a positive outlook, a stronger mind, and a much younger body that allows you to live your best life well into the golden years. 

Photo by Mauro-Fabio Cilurzo on Unsplash

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Find Inner Peace In Nature Thu, 09 Jun 2022 20:30:00 +0000 Do you ever feel like life is rushing past you? Or are you so distracted by a million different things competing for your attention that you miss what’s happening around you?  When was the last time you gifted yourself a few minutes just to enjoy nature? The warm, nurturing glow of the sun as it...

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Do you ever feel like life is rushing past you? Or are you so distracted by a million different things competing for your attention that you miss what’s happening around you? 

When was the last time you gifted yourself a few minutes just to enjoy nature? The warm, nurturing glow of the sun as it slowly sets beyond the horizon, or the sound of the wind blowing outside the window, rain drops on your skin, or the stars at night. We are surrounded by elegant, graceful, calming beauty.

According to science, spending time in nature is good for the soul; it benefits our entire well-being. Walking through nature and being mindful of the green grass, trees, and flowers has been associated with helping with mental health issues such as depression, ADHD and has been shown to lower blood pressure. 

We all have “those” days when we feel overwhelmed, and stress seems to be winning. Research says that one of the best gifts we can give ourselves on those days, or any day, really, is a few amazing minutes outside. The sun restricts the release of stress homes and encourages the release of feel-good hormones like serotonin. And the negative ions in the fresh air have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Time spent in nature is never wasted; it’s one of the healthiest things you can do for your mental and emotional health. It reduces stress, relieves tension, and helps restore your energy, increasing productivity.

Here are some tips for intentionally bringing nature into your life.

1.   Match nature’s pace.

Nature is calm. It takes its time. So should you. Walk slowly through nature; breathe deeply; you’ll feel more peaceful and more relaxed immediately.

Slow down to observe your surroundings; take it all in. It might be a yellow flower growing through a crack in the concrete, a cloud floating overhead, or the fragrance of cherry blossoms. Savor it.

Nature is a kind of dance. Sink into its rhythm.

2.   Take off your shoes and socks, and breathe

Search all you want, but you’ll never find a squirrel sprinting by you in a pair of sneakers.

Consider taking off your shoes to feel the earth beneath your feet. Feel grounded and connected to something bigger than your life.

Explore your surroundings for a peaceful spot where you can regularly go for your soul to breathe.

Go there. Maybe it’s a park, garden, or someplace in the forest, or the beach. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a minute or two while being mindful of the sun on your face and the warm ground against your body.

3.   Eat outside

Why eat inside under artificial lighting when you can take a blanket and a book and enjoy a picnic outside? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.

4.   Lean against a tree

We climbed trees, hung from branches, and leaned against their trunks when we were kids. Trees are amazing. The oldest ones have been alive for thousands of years. We rely on trees to supply our environment with fresh, pure oxygen.

Why not connect with your inner child and act like a kid again. Lean against a tree with a book or a video on your phone and enjoy a few minutes of “me” time. Or, if you prefer, take a friend with you and visit for a while.

5. Visit a greenhouse

Visit a nearby greenhouse that has some of your favorite plants. Walk-in and savor the aroma of the lush vegetation. Consider buying a plant and bringing it home to enjoy.

Slow down and use all of your senses to enjoy nature. We were all born with an expiration date. So take time to savor life along the way.

Photo by Blake Verdoorn on Unsplash

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Work Out With Obi Fri, 06 Aug 2021 01:29:09 +0000 Whether our fitness battle is finding time to exercise, finding the energy to workout, or even having access to a gym, our own Obi Obadike, celebrity fitness expert who is one of the most published fitness experts over the past decade, and has graced more fitness magazine covers than any African-American fitness professional, is here to help us discover how to lose weight and gain muscle right there in your home. Free Offer: Plyometric Workout with Obi Obadike Offer Code: PLYO-T-401

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Whether our fitness battle is finding time to exercise, finding the energy to workout, or even having access to a gym, our own Obi Obadike, celebrity fitness expert who is one of the most published fitness experts over the past decade, and has graced more fitness magazine covers than any African-American fitness professional, is here to help us discover how to lose weight and gain muscle right there in your home. Free Offer: Plyometric Workout with Obi Obadike Offer Code: PLYO-T-401

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8 Healthy Eating Tips to Boost Mood, Health, And Longevity Thu, 13 Aug 2020 20:30:00 +0000 Who says healthy eating is difficult? Well, by following these eight simple dietary habits, healthy eating can become your second nature. Whole grains instead of refined foods  Whole grains retain their bran and germ. Examples: oatmeal, wheat, barley, millet, whole rye. They include many important nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Whole...

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Who says healthy eating is difficult? Well, by following these eight simple dietary habits, healthy eating can become your second nature.

Whole grains instead of refined foods 

Whole grains retain their bran and germ. Examples: oatmeal, wheat, barley, millet, whole rye.

They include many important nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Whole grains lower your risk of many diseases like diabetes.

Refined grains lose the bran and germ during processing, drastically decreasing their nutritional value.

Always look for 100% whole grain on the product label or the Whole Grain Stamp on the packaging.

Eat a variety of foods 

Many diets fail because they make you give up most of your favorite foods and restrict what you can eat.

With time you’ll start craving those “forbidden” foods. Eventually, your cravings take over and the diet goes off the rails.

However, if you eat a variety of foods in small portions, there really isn’t much that’s off limits.

Remember those foods you feel guilty eating? Well, even they can be eaten once-in-a-while if the portions are small and you stay within your daily calorie allowance.

Fruits and veggies can be your new friend 

Nature offers a banquet of low-calorie fruits and vegetables. Some fruits and veggies are “negative” foods, which means you use more calories eating and digesting them than they contain. Examples: celery, oranges, apples, lettuce, broccoli, and cabbage. These are great choices when trying to lose or maintain weight.

By the way, eating fresh fruit is much healthier than drinking fruit juice. Whole fruit contains fiber that’s filtered out during the juice-making process. Fiber slows down how fast sugar enters your system, and it makes you feel full longer, reducing your desire for unhealthy foods or snacking between meals.

Control your portion size

Is losing weight your goal? Then consider reducing your portion sizes.

To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. Here are some tricks to make portion control easier.

1. Get a smaller plate. Replace your 12- inch plate with a 9- inch one. Once you fill up your plate, your eyes will send signals to your brain that you’re eating a full plate. Smaller plates equal fewer calories.

2. Avoid supersizing when eating out. Eat a normal-sized portion because bigger portions pile on calories and pounds.

3. Consider using smaller serving spoons to help with reducing portion sizes. Less food on your plate helps you to stay within your daily calorie allowance.

Eat healthy fats 

Fats are divided into three main types; saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats. Of the three, unsaturated fats are healthy. Examples include Olive oil, Canola oil, Avocado oil

Fatty fish like tuna, salmon, herring, and mackerel contain healthy fatty acids like omega 3 and 6. Therefore, if you eat meat, include these in your diet as much as possible.

Reduce the amount of saturated fat you eat, like fatty cuts of beef, lamb, whole milk, and palm oil.

The unhealthiest fats are trans fats because the body stores them as body fat. You find them in baked goods like cakes, cookies, fried foods, French fries, doughnuts, and non-dairy creamers.

Always check the label to see how much of each fat the product contains.

Avoid added sugar

Refined sugar is a simple carbohydrate that’s associated with many diseases like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Sugar is added to many foods like ice cream, cakes, biscuits, and sodas to satisfy our taste buds.

Companies hide added sugars under different names such as dextrose and maltose. Boost your health and trim your waistline by avoiding added sugars.

Reduce red meat

Red meats, especially if they’re fatty cuts, contain high amounts of saturated fat, which is bad for your heart.

If you really want to include red meat in your diet, choose grass-fed organic meats because these animals are fed naturally without drugs and hormones.

Avoid processed meats

Processed meats like sausages, bacon, hot dogs, and canned meats are consistently linked with harmful health effects; strive to avoid them, or limit consumption.

Incorporating these eight healthy eating habits into your lifestyle (which is pretty easy), will help you to manage your weight and reduce your risk of disease. Interested in doubling your health benefits? Add regular aerobic exercise a few times a week.

By practicing these eight healthy habits you’ll feel better, be happier, and live longer!

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

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4 Ways to Enjoy Life More! Thu, 02 Jul 2020 20:30:00 +0000 There are so many ways we can improve the quality of our life. Usually, it starts by choosing a healthier lifestyle. What is a healthy lifestyle? Many people think that diet and exercise are pretty much the only important factors when creating a healthy lifestyle, but that isn’t so. A healthy life includes your physical,...

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There are so many ways we can improve the quality of our life. Usually, it starts by choosing a healthier lifestyle.

What is a healthy lifestyle?

Many people think that diet and exercise are pretty much the only important factors when creating a healthy lifestyle, but that isn’t so.

A healthy life includes your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

And although a “healthy lifestyle” can mean different things to different people, today’s post gives four ways to begin enjoying life more.

  • Healthy diet

The food we eat has a major impact on our health.

Strive to eat a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Supplement with vitamins, minerals, and fiber as needed.

When you get off track (and you will – everyone does), just get back on track by starting to eat healthy again with your next meal.

Also, regarding nutrition, remember to increase your water intake to make sure your body is well- hydrated.

Lastly, avoid alcohol, soda, and sugar because they’re known to be toxic to the body.

  • Exercise

Exercise improves your quality of life immensely because it gives you so many benefits, both physically and mentally.

Invest your time and effort on a regular exercise program that you enjoy.

Your target is to get moderate-intensity exercise for a minimum of two and a half hours a week (WebMD).

You don’t have to spend all your time at the gym. You can walk in the park, jog, cycle, swim, play sports, or start living a more active lifestyle by taking the stairs, etc.

  • Improving your mental health

People who’ve not experienced mental health issues don’t usually give much thought to mental well-being.

But, mental well-being should be a top priority because it impacts almost all other aspects of our lives.

When our mental health suffers, we’re unable to function well at home or work. If our mental health deteriorates into depression, we might not even be able to care for ourselves adequately.

Here are some easy ways to improve mental well-being;

  1. Get adequate sleep
  2. Improve fitness through regular exercise
  3. Enjoy hobbies
  4. Go out and socialize
  • Manage your stress 

Long-term stress is proven to be harmful to health.

It can lead to a variety of health issues such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, and obesity. Stress can trigger feelings of anxiety and depression, which may lead to mood swings and even deliberate self- harm.

Reducing and managing stress must be an ongoing priority in today’s world. Consider these ways to minimize your stress:

  1. Practice good self-care
  2. Meditation and relaxation techniques
  3. Getting quality time for yourself
  4. Regular exercise
  5. Enjoy hobbies like reading, music, watching your favorite movies and traveling
  6. Set limits and learn to say “No.”
  7. Get support from friends and family

Although the idea of a healthy lifestyle can mean different things to different people, everyone will benefit from a healthy diet, regular exercise, improving their mental health, and reducing their stress.

Lastly, one other thing, avoid people, activities, and situations that compel you to sacrifice your personal needs.

Your life matters. Practicing self-care and loving yourself (not in a selfish, me-first kind of way) is vital for healthy living.

Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

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Do More Without Burning Out Thu, 28 Jun 2018 22:30:14 +0000   Modern life is extremely demanding. More people that ever before are being stressed beyond their limits. We are working exceptionally long hours and putting extreme pressure on ourselves to succeed in all areas of our lives. Between work and family, there’s very little time left for self-care; and many of us are so physically...

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Modern life is extremely demanding. More people that ever before are being stressed beyond their limits. We are working exceptionally long hours and putting extreme pressure on ourselves to succeed in all areas of our lives. Between work and family, there’s very little time left for self-care; and many of us are so physically and mentally exhausted that we are very close to burning out.

What Does Burnout Look Like?

Often, people don’t realize they are burning out until their family doctor tells them to take it easy, or they’re rushed to the ER in the middle of the night for a stress induced medical emergency. And because burnout happens gradually, it’s really easy to miss the signs.

In the initial stages, burnout simply feels like fatigue and lack of energy. You feel a sense of dread whenever you think about all the things you must get done before the end of the day. Then you start having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep no matter how tired you are. This affects your memory and concentration, which makes it even harder to get work done. Soon after, the physical symptoms of burnout such as chest pains, gastrointestinal problems, shortness of breath, headaches and heart palpitations kick in.

The Health Costs of Burnout

Stress triggers the release of adrenaline and cortisol in the body. Adrenaline increases your heart rate and blood pressure giving you the energy boost you need to fight or flee from the stressful situation. Cortisol, on the other hand, increases your blood glucose.

Constant stress means that your adrenaline and cortisol levels are always high. This interferes with your immune system as well as normal bodily functions such as digestion and sleep. Eventually, adrenal insufficiency sets in and the body starts having trouble producing cortisol.

Extreme stress can also alter the physical structure of your brain, causing it to shrink and age faster. This makes your brain even more vulnerable to nerve damage.

Stop Burnout in its Tracks!

We have all experienced one or two symptoms of burnout at some point in our lives. But, how do we stop the process and ensure we don’t lose our precious gray matter?

  • Creative outlets

Having a creative outlet outside of your work is a great way to relieve stress and stay motivated. There’s something about doing what you love that produces a calming and healing effect in the body. Your outlet can be anything from a DIY project to baking as long as it’s something you love to do.

  • Take better care of yourself

Eating healthy foods and exercising helps reduce the physical effects of stress on your health and gives you a much needed energy boost. It may seem like extra work on top of your already overloaded schedule but you’ll be able to do more without burning out.

  • Ask for support

When you feel yourself burning out, you might be tempted to withdraw and start avoiding people. Sadly, this is possibly the worst thing you could do.

The best thing you can do is to ask for support at work and home. Trying to do everything yourself might help you feel in control but it’s the express lane to burn out.

We are also constantly surrounded with “you can do it” messages, making it difficult to slow down without feeling like a slacker or failure. However, if you can find a creative outlet, take better care of yourself and ask for support when you need it, you can do more without burning out and be a lot happier along the way.

The post Do More Without Burning Out appeared first on Lifestyle.
