fitness Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Wed, 20 Dec 2023 20:49:02 +0000 en hourly 1 fitness Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 The Kinetic Link with Rephel Martin Sun, 12 Mar 2023 07:10:46 +0000 At Lifestyle Magazine, we want to help our viewers reach their full fitness potential. We’re thrilled to have with us, Rephel Martin, an elite level athlete, coach, and inventor who has created a device that helps strengthen and rehab your muscles in a way like never before. Join us today as we take a look at Rephel’s innovative device.

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At Lifestyle Magazine, we want to help our viewers reach their full fitness potential. We’re thrilled to have with us, Rephel Martin, an elite level athlete, coach, and inventor who has created a device that helps strengthen and rehab your muscles in a way like never before. Join us today as we take a look at Rephel’s innovative device.

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Trapeze, Spotlights and Animal Advocacy with Carolyn Hennesy & James Craigmyle Sun, 05 Mar 2023 07:42:43 +0000 We're excited today to have Emmy award-winning actress and New York times bestselling author, Carolyn Hennesy talk about her career, passionate love of animals, and even the flying trapeze fitness routine. We're also going to meet, James Craigmyle, actor and canine trainer with shows like Court TV, and America's Top Dog and News Nation.

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We’re excited today to have Emmy award-winning actress and New York times bestselling author, Carolyn Hennesy talk about her career, passionate love of animals, and even the flying trapeze fitness routine. We’re also going to meet, James Craigmyle, actor and canine trainer with shows like Court TV, and America’s Top Dog and News Nation.

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Balancing Real Life and Motherhood with Actress Brooke Burke Sun, 27 Nov 2022 22:55:59 +0000 Being a mother of four and a fitness model is impossible, right? Not according to today's guest. Join us as we meet with a TV host, fitness guru, podcaster, author, and one of social media's most followed moms, Brooke Burke, to discuss how anyone can reach their full fitness potential.

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5 Gym-free Ways To Stay In Shape! Thu, 28 Jul 2022 20:30:00 +0000 Although the gym has just about everything you can imagine to get in the best shape of your life, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, despite easy access and affordable membership fees.  Some people are self-conscious and feel uncomfortable working out in front of people. For others, logistical issues such as transportation or travel time...

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Although the gym has just about everything you can imagine to get in the best shape of your life, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, despite easy access and affordable membership fees. 

Some people are self-conscious and feel uncomfortable working out in front of people.

For others, logistical issues such as transportation or travel time make the gym a no-go. 

While still others just don’t like training inside because they’re the outdoors type who likes fresh air and wind on their face. 

The gym isn’t for everyone. Fortunately, there are many ways you can stay in shape without ever having to step foot in the iron jungle. Here are five great gym alternatives. 

Walking and Hiking

Walking is going through a kind of rebirth in the fitness world. It’s easy on the joints, reduces stress hormones, and enhances metabolic processes. We were made to move, and walking was intended to be the main mode of transportation.

Whether it’s a twenty-minute walk around your neighbor or your favorite places in nature, like the beach or a park, or a day hiking your favorite trails, walking and hiking are great for your mental, emotional and physical health, especially if you invite a friend along. 

Don’t underestimate the wellness and mood-boosting benefits of short walks (20 minutes or less), vigorous hikes, and even adding a few minutes of power walking to your walk. Anything from a brief stroll to an energetic hike will most certainly be worth the time and the effort.

Donate Your Labor

Don’t overlook the wellness benefits of volunteering your “labor” to a charitable organization in your area that would involve a healthy dose of physical activity. Whereas some people might enjoy recreational sports on the weekend, others might enjoy supporting a worthy cause like a community garden or Habitat for Humanity; you get the idea.

Those activities impart the “helper’s high” many volunteers report experiencing. It makes you feel good knowing you’re making a difference. Plus, you’re personally benefitting from the physical activity. You will feel good on the inside and outside!

Go online and search for volunteering activities in your local area, or check with the Chamber of Commerce or a faith community. 

Household Cleaning Counts

There isn’t anything easy about washing the car, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, and other household chores! If you don’t believe me, use your fitness tracker to check your heart rate and count calories next time you clean the floor. 

Why not don your workout clothes and shoes, put on your favorite music, and move with purpose as you speed through your chores!

Join a Team

Almost every sizable town has sports leagues for adults, from hockey and basketball to softball and even cycling groups. And don’t worry – even if you’re the kid who wasn’t exactly picked first, you’ll be able to find something that matches your skill level and athletic ability. 

You’ll find yourself looking forward to the games and spending time with your teammates. Not only will you improve your physical health, but social interaction will also boost your emotional and mental health. 

If you try a sport and don’t like it, try something else. Keep exploring until you find a sport and a team that clicks. 

The Obstacle Course

Have you noticed how popular outdoor obstacle courses are becoming? They even have contests. Options are available for all fitness levels, too. 

Many are themed; perhaps you’ve heard of some of them, like Tough Mudder, Zombie Mud Run, Spartan Race, etc. Training for them will give you a great workout, not to mention how fun it is to compete in the races; it’s just you against the obstacle course and a few hundred other people having fun in the mud! Search online for options in your local area; just be sure to enter the name of your town for options conveniently located near you.

It’s okay if the gym isn’t your thing. There are plenty of other ways to get in shape and stay fit that suit your temperament and lifestyle. So have fun and start exploring as you continue to unlock your best life! 

Photo by photo nic on Unsplash

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Putting The Cerebral Back In Palsy – Special Sat, 01 Jan 2022 05:48:15 +0000 Our guests on today's episode, are comedian Josh Blue and actor RJ Mitte. Both have cerebral palsy. One uses it to make you laugh, the other make you feel, but they both make you think. Josh won the fourth season of Last Comic Standing. His material comes from a reality he's been living with since birth. RJ got a big break in his acting career when he played in the acclaimed television series Breaking Bad as Walter White, Jr., who has cerebral palsy. It has enabled him to help change how people engage and interact with individuals with disabilities and helped open doors on equal opportunity. Free Offer: "Physical Fitness and Exercise for Adults with Cerebral Palsy" Offer Code: PALSY-T-F-401 Offer Description: American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Fact Sheet "Physical Fitness and Exercise for Adults with Cerebral Palsy"

The post Putting The Cerebral Back In Palsy – Special appeared first on Lifestyle.

Our guests on today’s episode, are comedian Josh Blue and actor RJ Mitte. Both have cerebral palsy. One uses it to make you laugh, the other make you feel, but they both make you think. Josh won the fourth season of Last Comic Standing. His material comes from a reality he’s been living with since birth. RJ got a big break in his acting career when he played in the acclaimed television series Breaking Bad as Walter White, Jr., who has cerebral palsy. It has enabled him to help change how people engage and interact with individuals with disabilities and helped open doors on equal opportunity. Free Offer: “Physical Fitness and Exercise for Adults with Cerebral Palsy” Offer Code: PALSY-T-F-401 Offer Description: American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Fact Sheet “Physical Fitness and Exercise for Adults with Cerebral Palsy”

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Work Out With Obi Fri, 06 Aug 2021 01:29:09 +0000 Whether our fitness battle is finding time to exercise, finding the energy to workout, or even having access to a gym, our own Obi Obadike, celebrity fitness expert who is one of the most published fitness experts over the past decade, and has graced more fitness magazine covers than any African-American fitness professional, is here to help us discover how to lose weight and gain muscle right there in your home. Free Offer: Plyometric Workout with Obi Obadike Offer Code: PLYO-T-401

The post Work Out With Obi appeared first on Lifestyle.

Whether our fitness battle is finding time to exercise, finding the energy to workout, or even having access to a gym, our own Obi Obadike, celebrity fitness expert who is one of the most published fitness experts over the past decade, and has graced more fitness magazine covers than any African-American fitness professional, is here to help us discover how to lose weight and gain muscle right there in your home. Free Offer: Plyometric Workout with Obi Obadike Offer Code: PLYO-T-401

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How To Stick With Your Health & Fitness Resolutions In 2021 Thu, 21 Jan 2021 20:30:00 +0000 January ushers in a fresh start; out with old in with the new! We dream about the things we want to have, be, or do. We vow that things will be different this year so we create ambitious plans to make our dreams come true. According to surveys, most people give up on their resolutions...

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January ushers in a fresh start; out with old in with the new! We dream about the things we want to have, be, or do. We vow that things will be different this year so we create ambitious plans to make our dreams come true.

According to surveys, most people give up on their resolutions by the second or third week of January and resign themselves to the “realities” of life.

The fiery passion that ignited the New Year fades into a weak flicker that dies in days.

Leading the list of resolutions are health and fitness goals, for most people. Ads are everywhere for discounted gym memberships, waived fees, and new diets that promise you will lose those holiday inches in just days.

But you know how it goes because you’ve seen it all before. The gym is full in January and empty weeks later.

But you can make your fitness goals come true – you can be an exception to the statistics this year. Here’s how.

Be Simple

Making things overly complicated kills motivation and progress. Don’t over think your diet, workout clothes, or even your workout routine.

Have as few moving parts as possible.

Which is better, a complicated workout routine you struggle with and quit weeks later, or one that’s simple and easy to stick with?

Same with your diet; don’t make it complicated. Eat healthy most of the time but enjoy your favorite foods some of the time. It’s about balance and enjoying the journey.

When it comes to fitness goals, the secret to success is consistency, not perfection. So choose a workout and diet you can stick with.

Be Realistic

Transforming your body isn’t an overnight process despite what the infomercials promise. Those professional fitness models took more than a few months to sculpt their flawless bodies into perfection.

So don’t believe the hype that “All it takes is fifteen minutes a day, three times a week!” Hey, fifteen minutes a day three times a week is better than nothing, but it’s probably not enough to get the results you see in those ads.

Transforming your body takes time. So create a process that you can enjoy by setting realistic goals you will stick with.

Start small. You might aim for two to three workout a week, and avoid your favorite junk foods five days a week, allowing yourself a few treats on the weekend.

Own Your Why

Transforming your health and body is about consistency. And the reality is, some days you’ll feel like doing it, some you won’t, but you have to do it anyway.

The fiery motivation you had at the first of the year will die down, which is why you need more than inspiration to keep you going. You need a strong reason to keep you moving forward when you’d rather be sitting on the couch after a long day at work.

Some strong reasons include having more energy, being stronger, maintaining functional independence, looking and feeling good, losing weight to lower the risk of chronic disease, and boosting longevity to have many more quality years of life with your loved ones.

Own your “why” because it keeps you going when you feel like quitting.

You absolutely can achieve your fitness goals in 2021 – or at least get closer than last year. If you don’ want to be back at square January 1 next year, remember to create a fitness plan that’s simple and easy to stick with, set realistic goals, and own your why to stay intrinsically motivated on the days you feel like quitting.

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

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Achieve Your Fitness Goals in 2021 Thu, 07 Jan 2021 20:30:00 +0000 According to research, most people quit their New Year’s resolutions about the third week of January. For some reason, that fiery inspiration fades fast. We’ve all been there. Take fitness, for example. The gym is packed at the beginning of January, but not so much by the end. Sound familiar? Why do people give up...

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According to research, most people quit their New Year’s resolutions about the third week of January. For some reason, that fiery inspiration fades fast. We’ve all been there.

Take fitness, for example. The gym is packed at the beginning of January, but not so much by the end. Sound familiar?

Why do people give up on their resolutions so soon? Usually it’s because their goals are either too vague, aren’t sustainable, or they have unrealistic expectations.

Here are three ways to achieve your fitness goals in 2021.

Go Small 

Baby steps. Everybody says it. And you’ve heard it a million times before. Boring!

Listen, I get it. You’ve bought the perfect pair of shoes, several gym outfits, and headphones to go with your shiny new gym membership. You’ve even planned a week’s worth of meals. Good!

For some people, taking massive action is just what the doctor ordered. For others, after a few days, it feels like a wrecking ball is smashing their life into a million pieces.

Making a fitness resolution is a commitment to changing your lifestyle. You won’t stick with any change you can’t live with. Small changes keep you on course.

You don’t have to be in the gym six or seven days a week or eat bland meals and eliminate junk food altogether to see massive changes.

Keep it simple; make it enjoyable. Workout 2-3 times a week, and save your ice cream and brownies for the weekends. Don’t be miserable!

Go Long

Are you looking to transform your body overnight? Want six-pack abs by next Friday? Well, there’s probably an infomercial for that, especially this time of year. Do yourself a favor and don’t buy into the hype.

Unrealistic expectations leave you feeling discouraged and burned out.

The truth is, transforming your body takes time. Sure , you can start losing weight this week, but it takes a couple of months to transform your body, maybe longer depending on the shape you’re in.

Fitness is a long game; it’s a process that takes time and effort. But that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be enjoyable. The people you see in infomercials or on magazine covers spent a lot of time getting their bodies to look like that.

So what if it takes two, three, or four months to start seeing the results you want? What’s better, that it takes a little bit longer to see results, or never?

Do your best to have a realistic understanding of what you’ll have to do to achieve your health and fitness goals. This approach, going long, makes sticking with your resolutions easier.


Consistency is a secret to success. And enjoyment is a secret to consistency.

If you enjoy your fitness journey, you’ll stick with it. But if your diet and exercise routine are unpleasant, you won’t stick with them.

Don’t choose activities and foods that make you miserable!

Have fun and enjoy life! Someone said it’s about progress not perfection.

Embrace the process of transforming your lifestyle; stay the course with small changes; keep the long game in mind because this sort of thing doesn’t happen overnight – but it DOES happen. Before long, if you stick with it, you’ll have the body and health you’ve been dreaming of year after year.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

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Get a Better Workout in Less Time Thu, 06 Feb 2020 22:30:00 +0000 Some people really love working out, but most want to get their workout done as fast as possible. They’re always looking for the ultimate bang-for-your-buck workouts that get them the best results in the shortest time! Compound exercises are the easiest way to take your workout from good to great without spending more time in...

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Some people really love working out, but most want to get their workout done as fast as possible. They’re always looking for the ultimate bang-for-your-buck workouts that get them the best results in the shortest time!

Compound exercises are the easiest way to take your workout from good to great without spending more time in the gym. Working multiple muscles at the same time will help you to gain more muscle and burn more calories in less time.

Here are three of the most effective and time-efficient compound exercises.


The best thing about burpees is that they require nothing but your bodyweight so you can do them anywhere, at any time. They are great for conditioning and strengthening your entire body.

Burpees can be a bit challenging for beginners, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try them. Just add a squat in between the standing and the plank position.

Start the exercise by standing straight, then squat and place your hands on the floor in front of you and jump backward. If that’s too hard, replace the jump with a walk back. Lastly, jump forward and stand up (or drop to your knees, step forward, and then stand up).

Dumbbell Deadlift

Deadlifts are a great exercise. They target the hamstrings, glutes, lower back, upper back, and core muscles all at once, leading to huge improvements in strength and stability. This exercise improves posture and makes it easier to perform daily tasks. Lastly, deadlifts are the ultimate time-saver. Instead of using three different machines, you can get the same workout with just a pair of dumbbells.

To perform a dumbbell deadlift, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while holding a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length, brace your core and lower your torso until it’s parallel to the floor keeping the dumbbells as close to your legs as you can throughout the movement (don’t arch your back; keep it flat/straight).


Contrary to popular belief, squats don’t just work your glutes. They also work your quadriceps and calf muscles. Squats help you build lean muscle, burn fat, strengthen your bones, and build endurance. They’re really easy to perform and can be done with or without weights.

To do a proper squat, stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width, sit into a squat position, keeping your chest up and your shoulders back. To avoid injury, keep your feet angled out about 30°. Also, start by mastering a regular squat before moving to weighted squats.

The best compound exercises put multiple muscle groups and joints to work in a single move. Therefore, by combining multiple compound exercises, you can get a good workout without spending hours in the gym.

Photo by Sergio Pedemonte on Unsplash

Photo by Your House Fitness

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Putting The Cerebral Back In Palsy Fri, 17 Jan 2020 08:00:14 +0000 Our guests on today's episode, are comedian Josh Blue and actor RJ Mitte. Both have cerebral palsy. One uses it to make you laugh, the other make you feel, but they both make you think. Josh won the fourth season of Last Comic Standing. His material comes from a reality he's been living with since birth. RJ got a big break in his acting career when he played in the acclaimed television series Breaking Bad as Walter White, Jr., who has cerebral palsy. It has enabled him to help change how people engage and interact with individuals with disabilities and helped open doors on equal opportunity. Free Offer: "Physical Fitness and Exercise for Adults with Cerebral Palsy" Offer Code: PALSY-T-F-401 Offer Description: American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Fact Sheet "Physical Fitness and Exercise for Adults with Cerebral Palsy"

The post Putting The Cerebral Back In Palsy appeared first on Lifestyle.

Our guests on today’s episode, are comedian Josh Blue and actor RJ Mitte. Both have cerebral palsy. One uses it to make you laugh, the other make you feel, but they both make you think. Josh won the fourth season of Last Comic Standing. His material comes from a reality he’s been living with since birth. RJ got a big break in his acting career when he played in the acclaimed television series Breaking Bad as Walter White, Jr., who has cerebral palsy. It has enabled him to help change how people engage and interact with individuals with disabilities and helped open doors on equal opportunity. Free Offer: “Physical Fitness and Exercise for Adults with Cerebral Palsy” Offer Code: PALSY-T-F-401 Offer Description: American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Fact Sheet “Physical Fitness and Exercise for Adults with Cerebral Palsy”

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