mental well-being Archives - Lifestyle Mind Body Soul Fri, 04 Aug 2023 18:00:27 +0000 en hourly 1 mental well-being Archives - Lifestyle 32 32 218594145 Reduce Stress! Review. Release. Live! Thu, 01 Sep 2022 20:30:00 +0000 People are stressed out; it doesn’t look like things are getting better anytime soon. Money and economics are the leading cause of stress. In fact, the stress and anxiety we’re facing is growing into a national health crisis. Americans are one of the most stressed out in the world, according to 55% of Americans...

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People are stressed out; it doesn’t look like things are getting better anytime soon.

Money and economics are the leading cause of stress. In fact, the stress and anxiety we’re facing is growing into a national health crisis.

Americans are one of the most stressed out in the world, according to

55% of Americans are stressed during the day, and 94% are stressed at work, and 63% are ready to quit their jobs to avoid work-related stress.

But here’s the deal: Life was stressful already- before rampant inflation, the housing meltdown, the stock market retreat, droughts, floods, famines, ongoing supply chain disruptions due to COVID, not to mention the ongoing war in Europe, and the global energy crisis forcing some families to choose between food, fuel, or power.

Stress is an angry 800-lb gorilla that’s knocked us to the ground and won’t get off our chest.

Life is nothing like it was for our grandparents; it’s fast and busy.

These days, both husband and wife must work to make ends meet. In many cases, there’s a single parent at the helm treading water, trying to keep the family afloat. Not to mention side hustles to bring in needed cash. And that’s before you get around to taking care of the house and raising the family.

Life is overwhelmingly busy with day-to-day survival! Gone are the days of clocking out at the end of the workday to enjoy a peaceful, much-needed evening at home, especially with email, instant messaging, and work texts!

But we’re not always our own best friend either because we waste time on social media, silly videos, and mind-numbing entertainment.

The result? Nothing ever gets better. And we’re more stressed than ever.

Will things ever change? No. Not until you reach the point where you’ve had enough.

If you’re ready to stop doing everything and start reducing the overwhelming stress in your life, read on.

1. Pay Attention To Your Day

Time matters because time = life. Every minute you spend doing something is a minute of your life force that you’re paying to do “that” thing.

So make it worth it. Don’t waste your life.

Your day is your life. What are you spending your life on? How do you spend it?

Consider a time log to track where your time goes because you’re paying bits and pieces of your life for whatever it is that you’re doing.

Don’t make it complicated. A simple piece of paper works great, or a cheap notebook. Set a timer to go off every 30 minutes during waking hours, and jot down what you’re doing.

Be honest with yourself. If you’ve been wasting time watching silly videos, write it down. Your time log is for your eyes only. You can even rip it up and throw it away in a few days when you’re finished with it.

Please be honest with yourself so you can take charge of your life to start living it on your terms.

At the end of the day, review how you spend your time. After a few days, you’ll see patterns emerge, some of which you’ll be okay, some you won’t.

2. Cross off the Unnecessary or Meaningless Things 

Make this simple. Cross off the things you want to stop doing or want to do less of because they’re just not worth spending your life on.

Perhaps you can delegate some items that need to be done, but you’re not the one who has to do them, at least all the time.

3. Add Value

It feels good to free up time. Now give yourself the gift of adding valuable activities and experiences to your new-found time. Perhaps you’ll have time for exercise, self-care, meditation, or time for your loved ones.

4. Take a Mental Detox

On another sheet of paper or two, list your worries, problems, struggles, and things you feel you “should do” but aren’t giving them your time or attention.

List things you’ve been thinking or wanting to do.

Now, put your list somewhere safe and leave it alone for a while. Take a walk or go for a drive – put some distance between you and all of those things.

Get it ALL out of your mind – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

5. Master List

Come back to the list in a few hours or the next day after sleeping on it for a while; time creates emotional space and objectivity.

You’re going to create a master list in a second but we have a little more pruning before you do. Look at your list and cross off as much as you can. Things that you can’t control or do anything about, release; let them go.

Circle stuff that needs to get done that someone else can start doing for you or at least give you a little help.

Now look at the things you want to do; they might be dreams or goals or projects; prioritize them according to importance; asterisk the ones you want to start now; make a note of the ones you’ll start a little later.

Now, look at your list again. Draw a line down the middle of a new sheet of paper; now draw a line across the page two or three inches from the bottom. In the top, left column, write the things you will do, along with noting the things you will delegate or get help with from now on. In the top, right column, list any remaining worries, concerns, or challenges along with one or two things you’ll do to tackle them to get them under control.

In the bottom left column, list the hopes, dreams, or goals you’re going to begin now – and schedule time in your calendar this week to start doing them. In the bottom right column, list your hopes, dreams or goals you’ll start in a month or two.

By the end of this exercise, which you may work through more than once, if you wish, you’ll have much shorter lists than you started with, and your spirit will feel much lighter.

Why? Because you’re taking control. The process is less about getting clarity and more about taking charge of your life – even if it’s just controlling one or two additional areas of your life.

It can be a somewhat messy, frustrating process at first, but it’s worth it because you’ll start spending your life on things worthy of your heartbeats and breaths.

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

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5 Gym-free Ways To Stay In Shape! Thu, 28 Jul 2022 20:30:00 +0000 Although the gym has just about everything you can imagine to get in the best shape of your life, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, despite easy access and affordable membership fees.  Some people are self-conscious and feel uncomfortable working out in front of people. For others, logistical issues such as transportation or travel time...

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Although the gym has just about everything you can imagine to get in the best shape of your life, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, despite easy access and affordable membership fees. 

Some people are self-conscious and feel uncomfortable working out in front of people.

For others, logistical issues such as transportation or travel time make the gym a no-go. 

While still others just don’t like training inside because they’re the outdoors type who likes fresh air and wind on their face. 

The gym isn’t for everyone. Fortunately, there are many ways you can stay in shape without ever having to step foot in the iron jungle. Here are five great gym alternatives. 

Walking and Hiking

Walking is going through a kind of rebirth in the fitness world. It’s easy on the joints, reduces stress hormones, and enhances metabolic processes. We were made to move, and walking was intended to be the main mode of transportation.

Whether it’s a twenty-minute walk around your neighbor or your favorite places in nature, like the beach or a park, or a day hiking your favorite trails, walking and hiking are great for your mental, emotional and physical health, especially if you invite a friend along. 

Don’t underestimate the wellness and mood-boosting benefits of short walks (20 minutes or less), vigorous hikes, and even adding a few minutes of power walking to your walk. Anything from a brief stroll to an energetic hike will most certainly be worth the time and the effort.

Donate Your Labor

Don’t overlook the wellness benefits of volunteering your “labor” to a charitable organization in your area that would involve a healthy dose of physical activity. Whereas some people might enjoy recreational sports on the weekend, others might enjoy supporting a worthy cause like a community garden or Habitat for Humanity; you get the idea.

Those activities impart the “helper’s high” many volunteers report experiencing. It makes you feel good knowing you’re making a difference. Plus, you’re personally benefitting from the physical activity. You will feel good on the inside and outside!

Go online and search for volunteering activities in your local area, or check with the Chamber of Commerce or a faith community. 

Household Cleaning Counts

There isn’t anything easy about washing the car, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, and other household chores! If you don’t believe me, use your fitness tracker to check your heart rate and count calories next time you clean the floor. 

Why not don your workout clothes and shoes, put on your favorite music, and move with purpose as you speed through your chores!

Join a Team

Almost every sizable town has sports leagues for adults, from hockey and basketball to softball and even cycling groups. And don’t worry – even if you’re the kid who wasn’t exactly picked first, you’ll be able to find something that matches your skill level and athletic ability. 

You’ll find yourself looking forward to the games and spending time with your teammates. Not only will you improve your physical health, but social interaction will also boost your emotional and mental health. 

If you try a sport and don’t like it, try something else. Keep exploring until you find a sport and a team that clicks. 

The Obstacle Course

Have you noticed how popular outdoor obstacle courses are becoming? They even have contests. Options are available for all fitness levels, too. 

Many are themed; perhaps you’ve heard of some of them, like Tough Mudder, Zombie Mud Run, Spartan Race, etc. Training for them will give you a great workout, not to mention how fun it is to compete in the races; it’s just you against the obstacle course and a few hundred other people having fun in the mud! Search online for options in your local area; just be sure to enter the name of your town for options conveniently located near you.

It’s okay if the gym isn’t your thing. There are plenty of other ways to get in shape and stay fit that suit your temperament and lifestyle. So have fun and start exploring as you continue to unlock your best life! 

Photo by photo nic on Unsplash

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Rising Above Guilt & Regret Today Thu, 16 Dec 2021 20:30:00 +0000 Can you believe it’s Christmas next week? The year has flown by. For many people, it’s been a tough year. Let’s face it, the past two years have been challenging and given rise to feelings of guilt and regret over failed relationships, missed opportunities, or not having the chance to say “goodbye” to loved ones.  What are...

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Can you believe it’s Christmas next week? The year has flown by. For many people, it’s been a tough year. Let’s face it, the past two years have been challenging and given rise to feelings of guilt and regret over failed relationships, missed opportunities, or not having the chance to say “goodbye” to loved ones. 

What are we supposed to do? At the risk of sounding unsympathetic, we’re supposed to learn, grow, grieve, and keep engaging life. No matter how dark, sad, or bitter life has become, even if our decisions and choices are to blame for most of our pain, we are to move forward one tiny baby step at a time, through sheer will if we must because what other option is there?

Guilt and regret damage our mental and emotional well-being if they become a fruitless obsession that punishes the soul with darkness and paralyzing self-blame. We stop living and merely exist. And that’s no way to live because that’s not living at all.

Let’s give ourselves the gift of a clean slate this year, starting now.

The Difference Between Regret and Guilt

Regret is focusing on something you’ve done in the past and wishing you hadn’t done it. Maybe it was a “bad” decision that altered the course of your life or a missed opportunity that you’ve been beating yourself up for not taking.

Guilt is something you feel when you’ve done something wrong, specifically if it affects someone close to you.

Guilt rarely comes from making a mistake; regret almost always comes from something you wish you had done differently.

It isn’t easy to rise and soar above these emotions because they anchor your spirit to the ground. If you’re not careful, they’ll drag you down into oppressive darkness, imprisoning and haunting you with thoughts and feelings of what might have been.

The First Step to Overcoming Guilt and Regret

Look, this isn’t 1985, you’re not Doc Brown, and you don’t have a time-traveling Delorean (if you do, you have better things to do with your time than reading blogs in the year 2021).

No matter how much guilt or regret you feel, it’s impossible to travel back in time and fix things. Life moves in only one direction: forward.

But just because you can’t change the past doesn’t mean you can’t change your future! You are a co-creator of your reality and master of your destiny.

If you’ve been struggling with guilt, realize everyone makes mistakes! Yes, you were wrong to treat someone the way you did. Apologize to them, if possible. Taking responsibility for your mistakes releases you from the past so you can move forward. Once you’ve admitted and apologized for your actions and made any necessary restitution, learn from the situation to ensure it won’t happen again and make peace with your past so you can get busy living again.

And remember, sometimes the person from whom you need forgiveness most is you.

Getting over regret is a little different. Yes, recognizing mistakes and forgiving yourself is still part of the process, but you must also remember the truth. For example, people often regret ending relationships because they focus on the good instead of all the unhealthy stuff when they look back. Reminding yourself why you had to change things makes dealing with regret easier.

Step 2: Set a Timeline for Letting Go of Guilt and Regret

Are you ready to rid your life of guilt and regret once and for all?

An easy way to do this is by setting a timeline.

You can move on now if you’d like. But some people, for whatever reason, seem to require “emotional penance” before they can move on. If that sounds like you, how much more time do you need to be haunted by guilt and regret before you feel you have life’s permission to start living again? Another day, week, or month?

Set a length of time if you must, and then when it’s over, move on. It may seem odd, but sometimes people are so attached to their guilt or regret that they need some final moments to process it before allowing themselves to move forward in a new life that’s free of guilt and regret.

Guilt and regret are a part of life. So next time you find yourself drowning in either of these emotions, remember that you can’t change the past; we make mistakes. Learn, grow, grieve when appropriate, make restitution, forgive yourself and others, give yourself a clean slate, and start living again.

If you need to, set a timeline for all this to happen. But realize this: opening your eyes this morning was life’s way of reminding you that you’ve been through the worst day(s), but you are still here! The very fact that you woke up this morning is life’s invitation to you to start unlocking your best life. And what better time to embark upon that exciting journey than right now?

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

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Why You Should Take Time To Improve Your Mind Right Now! Thu, 09 Dec 2021 20:30:00 +0000 When you improve your mood, you improve your life. And it makes you feel much better about yourself, too! Plus, you’ll have more friends because people will be less inclined to avoid you like they do a threatening letter from the IRS.  A hopeful, optimistic mood makes everything about your life better. Here are some...

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When you improve your mood, you improve your life. And it makes you feel much better about yourself, too! Plus, you’ll have more friends because people will be less inclined to avoid you like they do a threatening letter from the IRS. 

A hopeful, optimistic mood makes everything about your life better. Here are some reasons why improving your mood is good for your total well-being and happiness.  

It Improves Your Mental Health

Your mental wellness shapes your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It reduces stress and makes it easier to cope with challenges and setbacks.

Look, you’re going to have problems. Everyone has anxiety, fears, and worries. Going through difficult times is a natural part of living. 

But, when you’re healthy mentally and emotionally, you’re resourceful and resilient! You find solutions and bounce back faster. You face stuff head-on with confident expectations.  

Being resilient means staying flexible and focused and having confidence in your abilities when life throws you a curveball.

Benefits of Boosting Your Mental Well-being And Improving Your Mood

  • You see opportunities where others see problems
  • You’re confident and have healthy self-esteem
  • You have a sense of contentment with life in general
  • You balance work and play and set boundaries
  • You build healthy relationships
  • You take care of yourself because you know and believe your life matters
  • You enjoy your life and can laugh at yourself

Improve Your Mood by Polishing Your Social Skills

We thrive when we feel connected to others. It’s how we were designed – it’s hardwired into us. So, be engaging!

You don’t have to be surrounded by people 24/7. But make an effort to enjoy companionship and friendship to boost your mood and spirit. 

Calling or texting is great. But nothing beats the mood-boosting power of sitting down with family or friends. Quality face-to-face time is priceless.

Sitting, talking, listening, sharing is great for your spirit and brain. Here’s why: studies show that our brains are wired for connectivity. Certain areas of our brains light up when we do volunteer work or spend some time with a friend.

Not only that, but the brain rewards us for being socially outgoing by signaling the release of two happy hormones, oxytocin and serotonin. Just being with your partner, friends, or even colleagues, brightens your mood. 

But guess what, it works with strangers too. Look people warmly in the eyes with a smile as you say hello or wish them a good day. 

Take a friendly second or two to smile and greet the barista or the cashier. It takes only seconds, but these little acts of cheerful kindness are terrific mood boosters. You’ll make their day and yours.

Improve Your Mood by Staying Fit

The link between the mind and body are linked; they affect each other. Taking care of your physical health nourishes your mental well-being.

Get this: Exercising for just 20 minutes causes your brain to release endorphins. These are one of the four happy chemicals that work to stabilize your mood and boost energy levels.

As added bonuses, regular physical activity also improves memory and concentration, relieves stress, and promotes sound sleep.

Don’t make it complicated. Find something you enjoy and do it several times a week. Simple but revolutionary. 

Better yet, find a group of friends and be active in a group to stay motivated and improve your mood.

Improve Your Mood by Regulating Stress Levels

Stress is a “bad guy.” Everyone knows this. Chronic stress harms our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Here’s the deal, though. Can we avoid stress? Nope. But you can use certain stress-reducing techniques to manage the pressures of daily life.

Stress coping strategies will help you to cope with life’s ups and downs, and are practical tools to reclaim your power, improve your mood, and feel good about yourself.

Consider these stress-reducing strategies: 
  • Get quality sleep nightly
  • Eat healthy food like vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans, avocados, and fatty fish 
  • Practice relaxation techniques, like mindful meditation, full-body stretching, and deep breathing
  • Make time for yourself and do something you enjoy
  • Get outside and soak in some sunshine
  • Go out with friends
  • Enjoy dates and special alone time with your romantic partner
  • Laugh more
  • Pray
  • Connect with a community of faith


Either you control your mood, or your mood will control you. Why be at the mercy of your mood when there are so many ways to improve it, feel better about yourself, and enjoy life more this very minute? 

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

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Part 6: Defeating Self-Doubt Thu, 18 Nov 2021 20:30:00 +0000 To unlock your best life, you must overcome self-doubt and start believing in yourself, which requires inspired action on your part. Here are some ideas to get you started and boost your self-confidence. Identify Where Your Self-Doubt First Started Did your self-doubt begin in childhood or an unhealthy relationship? Was it triggered by something you...

The post Part 6: Defeating Self-Doubt appeared first on Lifestyle.

To unlock your best life, you must overcome self-doubt and start believing in yourself, which requires inspired action on your part. Here are some ideas to get you started and boost your self-confidence.

Identify Where Your Self-Doubt First Started

Did your self-doubt begin in childhood or an unhealthy relationship? Was it triggered by something you can’t quite put a finger on? If so, consider seeing a counselor or therapist for help working through issues so you can finally move forward.

Assess Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Get a pen and a piece of paper and make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Then circle one or two strengths you want to improve and one or two weaknesses you want to deal with or overcome.

See Your Doctor

Self-doubt isn’t always caused by trauma or unhealthy relationships. Sometimes it’s caused by anxiety, or vitamin deficiencies or insufficiencies. Discuss your feelings of self-doubt and any anxiety with your doctor so they can run blood tests accordingly.

Eat A Healthy Diet and Be Physically Active

Eating right and getting physical activity are two things that boost confidence because you’re taking charge of your life. Starting can be as simple as drinking more water, eating more fruits and veggies, and walking more each day. Taking these inspired actions demonstrates your ability to make good choices and builds your ability to believe in yourself.


Invest in a good paper journal for you to write in every day (or most days). Write about whatever is on your mind and heart. You can write about blessings you’re grateful for, successful experiences, special moments; write about anything that inspires you.

Consider Seeking Help

On your journey of defeating self-doubt and boosting confidence, seeking the encouragement and support of a trusted friend can make all the difference. Depending on the nature of your situation and the source of your self-doubt, a counselor or life coach might be of tremendous help. Whether it’s a friend, counselor, or life coach, the support, accountability, and encouragement you receive will accelerate your effort to boost self-confidence and unlock your best life.

Set Small Goals

What are some small goals in your health, work, relationships, or finances that you’d like to work on in the coming days to get immediate results? Set mall goals that even a kid in elementary school could achieve. Guarantee your wins at the start of this journey to build momentum and success.

Take Inspired Action

Without inspired action, you’ll get nowhere. Implement. Execute. Apply. When you implement what you learn and take inspired action on your goals, you overcome self-doubt and start believing in yourself. You’ll start seeing the success you desire. Even if it’s the smallest thing like reading a blog post, taking an online course, or finding a group, just do something because small actions shape you and lead to big results.

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully, in this six-part series on overcoming self-doubt, you’ve discovered ways to defeat self-doubt, build your self-image, boost self-confidence, and ignite your ability and desire to believe in yourself again. You are capable. You can do this. And you deserve it. Now get going by taking inspired action because your life matters and YOU are worth it. You’ve got this!

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

The post Part 6: Defeating Self-Doubt appeared first on Lifestyle.

Part 4: Defeating Self-Doubt By Rising Above Your Negative Thoughts Thu, 04 Nov 2021 20:30:00 +0000 Negative thinking fuels self-doubt. You can either let negative thoughts steal your happiness or condition yourself emotionally to manage them when they charge into your mind. Use one of these nine strategies the next time negative thoughts pop into your mind. Shift. Your. Focus – You’re going to have negative thoughts. But instead of fighting...

The post Part 4: Defeating Self-Doubt By Rising Above Your Negative Thoughts appeared first on Lifestyle.

Negative thinking fuels self-doubt. You can either let negative thoughts steal your happiness or condition yourself emotionally to manage them when they charge into your mind. Use one of these nine strategies the next time negative thoughts pop into your mind.

  • Shift. Your. Focus – You’re going to have negative thoughts. But instead of fighting and resisting them (which only makes them bigger and stronger), or giving in to them, acknowledge their presence. 

Next, intentionally shift your focus away from the negative thought onto something positive, which can either be something for which you’re grateful or your preferred vision of how you see yourself and the situation. 

You might even have a quick conversation with your unwanted “negative friend” by saying, “I know that’s what you think about me and the situation, but I’m grateful for ______, and here’s the kind of life I’m creating.” And then ask the negative thought to kindly leave. 

So, for example, the negative thought that pops into your mind is, “I’m always going to be in debt!” Acknowledge its presence by saying something like, “I know why you think that way, but I am working hard and spending less, and I am becoming debt-free. It might take some time, but I am grateful for my debt-free life. Now, kindly leave.” 

When a negative thought pops into your mind, as it will, your choice is to either focus and dwell on it or focus and dwell on the vision of your preferred life and the inspired action(s) you’re taking to make it come true. Your focus creates your emotional reality. 

  • Realize that People Care Less About Your Mistakes Than You Do – You’re going to make mistakes and say or do something that embarrasses you, but guess what, people don’t care about it as much as you think they do. They forget about it long before you do. So, learn from it and move on. Better yet, laugh at it and yourself and move on. Most people are too busy thinking about their embarrassing moments to spend much time thinking about yours. 
  • Are You Overly Concerned with Your Image? We all take ourselves way too seriously. So what if you wore the wrong belt with your outfit or had to try two or three times to parallel park while cars waited for you to get out of their way, or your chair at work rolled back as you sat down, or you mangled a word or someone’s name? So what? Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? No! You’re not perfect! And neither is anyone else. So stop worrying so much about your image and start enjoying life more and more each day.   
  • Spring Clean Negativity From Your Life – Are there any negative relationships or situations in your life? Yes? Then it’s time to make some changes. Perhaps certain relationships have served their purpose, and it’s time to move forward. Or, if you can’t move on because the relationship or situation is a permanent part of your life, what can you do to heal and improve them? Can you alter your interaction or how much time you give? Whether it’s people, places, or things, it’s time to reduce or eliminate negativity and pessimism wherever you can. Start with yourself first because negative people tend to attract negative people. What improvements can you make within yourself to be a more positive person? Consider making new friends or trying new activities that align with who you’re becoming as a person.  
  • Are You Taking Decisions too Seriously? People who struggle with self-doubt usually have trouble making decisions, even the small ones, like what to wear or order from the menu, what to buy, or what to plan for date night. When making a decision, ask how important this will be in a month, a year, or ten years from now for help determining how much time you should spend on making the decision. If it isn’t important, take two seconds to order the grilled cheese sandwich (excuse me, “salad”) and get on with your life! If it is pretty serious, then maybe cancel your plans to elope to Vegas next week and spend a bit more time getting to know your “until death do us part” partner.  
  • Ask Someone You Trust – Find someone positive you trust who knows you and your situation and how you’re working to improve your life. It could be a friend, counselor, life coach – someone who is encouraging and supportive but who will also tell you the truth. Share your self-doubts and ask for their thoughts. Ask them if you’re overreacting or being too hard on yourself. Seek their opinion and advice.
  • Tell Yourself You’ll Think About it Later to Stop Thinking About It Now – Don’t let negative thoughts ruin the moment by stealing your peace and happiness. Tell yourself you’ll think about it later. Some people hold off dealing with negative thoughts until during their prayer and meditation time because they know they’ll neutralize them with gratitude and by envisioning the kind of life they desire and are creating. Tabling the negative thought for later helps keep you in the moment. Plus, you might forget about the negative thought altogether or come to realize that it wasn’t such a big deal after all. 
  • Physical Activity – Few things are as effective at clearing your mind of negative thinking as physical activity, whether going to the gym, a brisk walk, or washing the car. According to research, a single exercise session can chase away gloomy thoughts for up to 4-6 hours. Whenever negative thoughts start getting you down, get active for a guaranteed way to improve your outlook and to feel better.   
  • Take Action When You Feel Afraid – Negative thoughts can trigger panic and worry. Most people dwell on them, imagining the worst, which only makes things worst. Instead, list one or two things you can do right now to make things better and do them! Taking action puts you in charge of the situation and makes you feel empowered. Rise above fear and negativity by taking inspired action.   

You’re going to have negative thoughts. But having negative thoughts isn’t the problem. It’s what you choose to do with them that creates problems or solutions. You’re not at the mercy of your negative thoughts because you’re in charge of your mind. So the next time a negative thought pops into your head, condition yourself emotionally to manage it by trying one of these nine strategies to break the pattern of self-doubt and unlock your best life!  

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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Why You Must Take Charge of Your Thinking Thu, 26 Aug 2021 20:30:00 +0000 We are what we think. That’s what they say. Is it true – do you believe it? Maybe, maybe not. But there is a relationship between the quality of our thoughts and the quality of our life. Some people try to improve their lives with materialistic things and experiences, or they turn to mind-altering substances...

The post Why You Must Take Charge of Your Thinking appeared first on Lifestyle.


We are what we think. That’s what they say. Is it true – do you believe it? Maybe, maybe not. But there is a relationship between the quality of our thoughts and the quality of our life.

Some people try to improve their lives with materialistic things and experiences, or they turn to mind-altering substances to change how they feel or to numb their pain.

The key to a better life starts with your mind – with your thoughts, values, and boundaries. These are the driving forces behind how and why you feel and act the way you do.

Here are three tips for taking charge of your thoughts and changing them from negative to positive so you can begin unlocking your best life.

Recognize Negative Thought Patterns

Many people slip into negative thinking without even realizing it, which creates negative perceptions and beliefs. The result can be worry, stress, anxiety, depression, and physical ailments.

The first step to creating a better life is awareness. Here are some common thought patterns of people who struggle with negative thinking.

  • Minimizing achievements and magnifying mistakes and failures
  • Catastrophizing – always imagining the worst outcome
  • All-or-nothing thinking
  • Generalizing people and situations because of a single incident
  • Ignoring positive statements and focusing on the negative

Build Healthy Thought Habits

Doing something over and over again creates a habit. Thought patterns work the same way. The more you think in a certain way, the more it becomes your automatic way of thinking.

The quality of your thoughts shapes the quality of your emotions. According to research, each thought ignites a chemical reaction in your brain, triggering a certain emotion. As a result, your emotions send signals to your body, causing you to react in certain ways.

Until you take control of your thinking, that cycle repeats itself until you wake up one day and it hits you: I’m not living the life I want for myself. You look in the mirror and see a stranger. And you wonder, “How did I get here?”

Something needs to change. And that something is your thought process. Become aware of your negative thought patterns, and notice how they’re affecting your life and emotions. Be honest with yourself about the person they’re turning you into.

Because you have the power of choice, you have the freedom to think about your thinking. Psychologists call it metacognition. It’s having an awareness of your thought processes and an understanding of the patterns behind them.

Once you’re aware of your thought processes and understand the patterns behind them, you can get to work reconditioning your mindset and thoughts.

Consider Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on the idea that our thoughts, behavior, and emotions are all connected.

CBT teaches/conditions you to challenge negative thoughts and behaviors and gives you the ability to see the untruths you’ve accepted about yourself.

CBT is a combination of learning and action because you’re given assignments to complete between sessions. You will discover how thoughts influence behavior. You’ll stop living by default and start living life intentionally.

Common strategies include:

  • Coming face to face with your fears.
  • Focusing on the present through deep breathing exercises and activating your five senses.
  • Practicing new skills through role-playing or real-life experiences.

 In Summary

Negative thinking and thoughts will turn you into something that you don’t want to become. They keep you chained to self-doubt, old wounds, pain, fear, scarcity, and panic. They block you from a life of joy and abundance – from living life to the fullest.

Positive thoughts and an optimistic mindset ignite your life with power, purpose, and passion! Your mood will be cheerful. You’ll be motivated and inspired to work hard and pursue your dreams because you realize that you’re a person of value with something to offer!

You’re in charge of your thoughts. Get to work rewiring your brain by choosing to think happy, abundant, positive thoughts – thoughts that support you and make the world brighter. Will it be easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes, because a whole new life can be yours as you become aware of the relationship between your thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

You will be empowered to decide what you’re about – your values. And from there, create healthy boundaries that guide you. You will regain control of your life and begin living the life that you want and deserve.

Getting started might be difficult, but it gets easier, and it’s worth it. Do something today that your future self will thank you for!

Photo by Mark König on Unsplash

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Coping With Catastrophic Thinking Thu, 18 Feb 2021 20:30:00 +0000 Catastrophic thinking is when a person continuously thinks about irrational, worst-case outcomes. Irrational thoughts and emotions replace logical thinking. And life becomes a cycle of repetitive worry. Catastrophic thinking causes: ● Difficulty concentrating ● Loss of sleep ● Added stress ● Increased anxiety ● Worsens existing mental health conditions Pandemics, political upheaval, social unrest, and...

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Catastrophic thinking is when a person continuously thinks about irrational, worst-case outcomes. Irrational thoughts and emotions replace logical thinking. And life becomes a cycle of repetitive worry.

Catastrophic thinking causes:

● Difficulty concentrating

● Loss of sleep

● Added stress

● Increased anxiety

● Worsens existing mental health conditions

Pandemics, political upheaval, social unrest, and other crises can trigger people into catastrophic thinking.

How To Cope with Catastrophic Thinking

Get Logical

If you catch yourself slipping into catastrophic thinking, ask yourself, “What are the odds of what I’m worried about actually coming true?”

Does it make sense to worry about the worst-case outcome?

If there’s something, you can do about it, great! But many situations are beyond our control. Besides, many of the things we worry about rarely turn out the way we fear. So doesn’t it make sense to focus our thoughts and energy on things we can change or do something about?

Be Optimistic

Staying positive generates confidence, strength, and resourcefulness, qualities you need when facing a crisis. Choose to be optimistic even when tempted otherwise because it will create a better outcome in the end.


Your quality of life affects your thought and perspective. Getting enough rest and taking care of yourself boosts your ability to deal with difficult feelings and situations. Consider taking time to restore your soul with prayer and other faith practices.

Enhance Your Mental Environment

What we see and hear affects how we think. So consider taking a vacation from watching or listening to the news. Read an inspiring book. Visit a friend. Volunteer or help someone in need. Fill your mind with uplifting thoughts and activities.

Live Now

Spending too much time “living” in the future causes worry and anxiety. Take life one day at a time. You create your future by how you live today. Everyone worries from time to time. So don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s wise to plan for the future; don’t live there.

Reach Out

Isolation amplifies catastrophic thinking. Connect with friends; socialize. Take a couple of hours to support a worthy cause. Choose to make the world a better place. If you struggle with catastrophic thinking, consider searching for a legitimate online support group where you can give and receive social interaction and support.

Take a Break

When life gets hard, it’s easy to worry about worst-case scenarios. Be kind to yourself when facing difficult situations that fill your heart with worry. Give yourself a much-needed break by taking a walk in the park; enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Do something active that gets the blood flowing. Work out, enjoy a bike ride or take a hike. Do something you enjoy, whether it’s reading, getting your camera and taking pictures, cooking, or building something.

Do Something – Take Action

Taking charge of our lives makes things better. We tend to worry when we feel like life is in charge of us – when we feel out of control. Think about your life for a second. What’s an area that’s under your control? What do you have the power to do something about? Could you take action in your diet or exercise? Is there a relationship you could improve in some way? What about your relationship with yourself – could you choose to forgive yourself?

It’s Okay to Talk to a Counselor

For some people, catastrophic thinking consumes them. It affects their quality of life, work and harms their relationships. Seeing a counselor or therapist will help them break free from catastrophic thinking and start turning things around.

This article’s purpose isn’t for you to ignore the realities of daily life but to empower yourself by using these tips to take charge of your life and destiny starting right now.  Don’t let anyone but you be in charge of your peace of mind.

Photo by christopher catbagan on Unsplash

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5 Ways To Solve Problems Better Thu, 28 Jan 2021 20:30:00 +0000 Every day brings challenges and situations that trigger various thoughts and emotions within us. Some are easy to deal with and let go. However, some are difficult to experience and face, like relationship issues or the loss of a job. 20th century philosopher of science, Karl Popper, once said, “All life is problem solving.” Problem...

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Every day brings challenges and situations that trigger various thoughts and emotions within us. Some are easy to deal with and let go. However, some are difficult to experience and face, like relationship issues or the loss of a job.

20th century philosopher of science, Karl Popper, once said, “All life is problem solving.” Problem solving is about learning and growing. Here are five tips to improve our problem-solving skills.

Take a break—Whether you’re in the middle of discussing a difficult situation with someone that doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere, or are facing an overwhelming situation or challenge, take a break and step away.

Removing yourself from the situation puts space between you and the “problem,” which gives your brain a chance to be objective and process the situation to figure out a different approach. With regards to interpersonal conflict, if it becomes clear that the person won’t back down, table the conversation until a later time.

Keep a journal—Writing about the issue gives the brain a chance to sort through the different feelings you’re feeling, which makes it possible to clearly identify the source of those emotions.  Once you’ve identified the emotions you’re feeling and what’s causing them, you’ll be better prepared to know what action to take and what needs to be addressed.

Sleep on it – Sometimes, what seems urgent today won’t seem as urgent tomorrow. Sleeping on it allows you to disentangle yourself from the emotional intensity of the situation, which  prevents you from making rash decisions.

Have a chat—If you feel overwhelmed by it all, consider getting it off your chest by talking to someone you trust – someone who knows and understands you; it’s therapeutic.

Sharing your “problem” with a third party allows you to release the negative feeling and get an objective point of view, which can help you to re-focus on the problem more rationally.

Tackle it head on—This is the moment you take action. It could be talking to the person you believe has wronged you, facing the dynamics of a failing relationship, or searching for a new job that’s more suited to your likes, interests and skills.  Taking action reduces anxiety and worry, and increases feelings of confidence and satisfaction.

As Albert Einstein eloquently summed it up, “We can not solve our problems with same level of thinking that created them.” By implementing these five tips for solving problems, you’ll identify more solutions and better protect your emotional and mental health in the process.

Image by rubylia from Pixabay

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Exercise and the Brain Thu, 03 Dec 2020 20:30:00 +0000 Exercise benefits every aspect of our health. It works for weight management, boosts energy, and builds a healthier heart (not to mention you’ll look better and have more confidence.) But exercise benefits more than just the body; it’s good for the brain and improves cognitive function; a fit body generally leads to a fitter mind....

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Exercise benefits every aspect of our health. It works for weight management, boosts energy, and builds a healthier heart (not to mention you’ll look better and have more confidence.)

But exercise benefits more than just the body; it’s good for the brain and improves cognitive function; a fit body generally leads to a fitter mind.

Coping with Daily Stress

Consider the stresses of daily life and its distractions, such as annoying phone alerts that never seem to stop chirping, or construction and traffic noise, and the endless onslaught of commercials and marketing, all competing for your mind’s limited bandwidth. It’s exhausting.

Turns out, exercise is a great coping strategy for dealing with mental stress and distractions because it recharges your mind.

Researchers divided students into three groups to measure the effect of exercise on attention span. One group did two twenty-minute moderate exercise sessions between morning classes; another group performed one twenty minute exercise session. The third group didn’t do anything – they just sat in their chairs while the others exercised.

The students who did two exercise sessions scored highest on attention span.

It Doesn’t Take Much

It seems that even a little bit of exercise is healthy for the mind. A 2007 research project involving students studied the ability of exercise to improve focus and concentration. Students with at least 56 hours of physical activity each school year had higher scores than their counterparts who only had 28 hours of exercise.

Physical activity should be an essential part of the educational experience. Usually, exercise proponents cite student obesity and diabetes rates for the inclusion of exercise. However, it’s cognitive benefits are equally important.

How Exercise Works Its Magic

Here’s how physical activity sharpens the mind. During exercise, a chemical called BDNF is released into the brain. BDNF nourishes brain cells and facilitates the formation of new neural pathways.

In addition to releasing BDNF, regular exercise boosts norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter, resulting in a heightened state of alertness, increased energy, and sharper concentration.


Physical activity helps us thrive mentally and physically; we’re designed to move! Without exercise, many important physiological and cognitive functions suffer. The benefits of physical activity are essential to protecting and maintaining quality of life.

So, if you’d like to rise above the constant onslaught of never-ending distractions while strengthening your mind and body, get moving! Give yourself the gift of physical activity.

The post Exercise and the Brain appeared first on Lifestyle.
