lose weight Archives - Lifestyle https://lifestyle.org/tag/lose-weight/ Mind Body Soul Fri, 04 Aug 2023 18:27:40 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://lifestyle.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/cropped-logo-mark-32x32.png lose weight Archives - Lifestyle https://lifestyle.org/tag/lose-weight/ 32 32 218594145 10 Ways To Avoid Gaining Weight During The Holidays https://lifestyle.org/10-ways-to-avoid-gaining-weight-during-the-holidays/ Thu, 02 Dec 2021 20:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/10-ways-to-avoid-gaining-weight-during-the-holidays/ Halloween. Thanksgiving. Christmas. No wonder people gain about a pound each year on average during the holiday season. That it’s just one pound is nothing short of a Christmas miracle.  One pound. Not so bad, right? Our clothes still fit, kind of. But seven or eight years from now (and eight or nine accumulated pounds later), it...

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Halloween. Thanksgiving. Christmas. No wonder people gain about a pound each year on average during the holiday season. That it’s just one pound is nothing short of a Christmas miracle. 

One pound. Not so bad, right? Our clothes still fit, kind of. But seven or eight years from now (and eight or nine accumulated pounds later), it would be easier breaking into Fort Knox than squeezing into our favorite jeans, no matter how much we suck in. 

Here are ten science-backed techniques that help avoid weight gain during the holidays to ensure that only Santa’s belly shakes like a bowl of jelly at Christmas. 

Let’s get started!

Get Real 

Look. You make the same promise every year. Okay… I’ll have just one Christmas cookie. When have you ever kept that promise? You know the holidays are all about fun parties and tempting treats. Maybe Jesus said “no” to temptation, but us? Not so much. 

Get real with yourself by acknowledging that you’re going to eat more than usual and that you need to set goals and boundaries to minimize the carnage. 

Some boundaries might include saving holiday treats for one day on the weekends or choosing to fill up on healthy food to keep you from over-indulging on holiday snacks. 

Consider setting one or two attainable goals like boosting your physical activity or going for a short 15-minute walk after eating sugary foods. Write them down and keep them on your mirror or fridge, so you see them every day. 

 Make Smart Choices

This killer tip might be the only one you need. Snack on high-fiber foods, veggies, and proteins about an hour before leaving for a party or event. You will feel full longer and eat less scale-flattening food. 

Next, force yourself to eat smaller portions by using smaller plates once you’re at the event. And limit yourself to one or two plates. 

Lastly, eat slowly. Savor every bite. You’ll enjoy your food and feel full quicker.

Send Food Home

If you’re the one hosting the party, don’t get stuck with piles of irresistible leftovers. Why not keep the holiday cheer going by sending the extra food home with your guests instead?

Invest in disposable food containers (make it even more special by picking special holiday-themed containers), fill them up and give them to your guests as they’re are leaving. 

Reconsider Alcohol

Consuming alcoholic beverages piles on the calories. For example, a regular beer has about 153 calories, while a glass of wine has about 133 calories. That’s a whole lot of surplus energy in liquid form. 

Not only that, but alcohol can make you act irresponsibly, especially around food. So, let’s say you’d typically eat just a couple of snacks here and there. After a drink or two, you’re more likely to throw caution to the wind and eat four or five cookies, rather than just a couple as you usually would.

In fact, why not consider making this an alcohol-free holiday season? You’ll have an easier time managing your weight and will be fully present for each special moment you spend with friends and loved ones. 

Limit Temptation By Freezing Leftovers

Instead of giving your delicious, irresistible leftovers to your guests, freeze them instead to avoid temptation. Keeping them in the fridge makes it too easy to indulge. Freezing them makes it less likely you’ll reach for second and third helpings. It makes meal prep easier, too, because you’ll have a ready-to-serve dinner whenever you need it later on.

Drink Water

Drinking water might seem a little boring because it isn’t flavorful or fizzy. But, drinking water regularly throughout the day will help you lose weight because you’ll feel full and not eat as much. Plus, water has so many health benefits it’s hard to know where to start.

Water isn’t filled with artificial ingredients and sugars that increase your caloric intake and lead to weight gain. 

Try to limit yourself to one glass of soda or juice each day through the holidays. Otherwise, stick to water. You’ll feel more alert and less edgy because water washes toxins from your body.

Chew Gum

The jury is still out whether chewing gum curbs appetite. But some people will chew gum after a meal to make it less likely to indulge in second and third helpings, which is so easy to do during the holidays.

TV And Eating

Eating while you’re watching TV has been linked to overeating and making poor food choices. You get caught up in your favorite show, and before you know it, your fingers are scraping the greasy bottom of that bag of chips. 

But it’s not just mindless TV watching that gets you. It’s the commercials for processed snacks and sugary drinks that trigger your cravings and influence what you put in your cart when grocery shopping.

Get Your Steps

Even if your schedule makes it impossible to get to the gym regularly during the holidays, decide to stay active. Use the stairs. Park farther away at the mall. Be intentional about getting more steps in the coming weeks to burn extra calories. As an added bonus, physical exercise eases stress and tension caused by all the holiday hustle and bustle.

Reduce Stress

The holiday season really is merry and bright. But it’s also full of stress and anxiety.

Stress can trigger cravings and overeating, especially with unrestricted access to so much comfort food. 

Studies reveal that there’s a direct link between stress-related eating and obesity. So be mindful of holiday stress and take time for self-care. It can be as simple as taking a walk, five minutes of meditation, listening to uplifting music, or reading your favorite book. You might even book a massage. 

The holiday season really is the most wonderful time of year for so many people. And there are so many ways to enjoy the traditions we’ve come to know and love that don’t set us back but set us up for the New Year ahead. Use one or more of these ten tips to support your health and fitness goals and avoid gaining weight during the holidays.

Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

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Lose Weight YOUR Way (Well, Kind Of…) https://lifestyle.org/lose-weight-your-way-well-kind-of/ Thu, 04 Mar 2021 20:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=6403 How many people do you know who are on a diet? And how many of those people always seem to be on a diet? (And is that person you? ) Maybe we should stop dieting because clearly it isn’t effective. And maybe we should stop judging ourselves while we’re at it too. The last thing...

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How many people do you know who are on a diet? And how many of those people always seem to be on a diet? (And is that person you? )

Maybe we should stop dieting because clearly it isn’t effective. And maybe we should stop judging ourselves while we’re at it too. The last thing we need is more stress, guilt, anxiety or shame in our lives.

Hey – it’s your life. You have every right to take charge of your health by losing/maintaining weight in a way that supports your needs and preferences.

Here are four general guidelines to follow when creating your own weight maintenance plan.

1. Decrease high glycemic food consumption

Sweets and simple carbs are so yummy! And the good news is you can still enjoy them just not all the time. Even Dwayne Johnson is famous for his epic cheat days!

These foods are crammed full with sugar. And they really mess with your blood sugar levels because of how quickly they’re absorbed into the blood stream, which paves the way for insulin resistance, diabetes, and weight gain.

Must you give them up altogether? No. Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. So enjoy them occasionally in moderation if for no other reason than to keep yourself sane. Depriving yourself of your favorite foods will drive you crazy. Rewarding yourself with your favorite foods strengthens your will power and commitment to eat well most of the time.

Some people can eat just a bite or two of their favorite sweet or salty treat to get their “fix.” But if you know you’re not a one-Oreo-type of person, it’s probably best to avoid this strategy.

The point is, you don’t have to give up the foods you enjoy (unless you’re under doctor’s orders).

2. Don’t starve yourself – eat nutritious foods most of the time when hungry

People vigorously debate how/if fasting affects metabolism by slowing it down, which would burn fewer calories, leading to weight gain. You’ll have to decide for yourself if fasting is for you.

One of the reasons fasting works for many people is because it reduces how many calories they eat during the day. Fewer calories usually leads to looser pants because you’re burning more energy than taking in.

However, one thing you can do is to enjoy nutritious meals. Mind your portions and only eat until comfortably full to practice responsible calorie restriction.

3. Reach for healthy snacks

A donut or bag of chips once in a while won’t force you to send your favorite pants to Goodwill, as long as you’re reaching for healthy snacks most of the time.

A handful of Almonds and an apple make a great choice. You’ll feel better too.

4. Maintain muscle mass

Food is just one part of the equation. Exercise is the other. And although most people are familiar with treadmills, bikes and jogging, let’s not forget about lifting weights to maintain lean muscle.

Maintaining and adding muscle keeps the metabolism fired up. As we age, we lose muscle mass, slowing metabolism. So remember to add weight-bearing exercises to your fitness routine. It doesn’t have to be anything major either unless you’re training for a competition.

By keeping the above guidelines in mind, you can create a healthy lifestyle that matches your preferences and likes. All it takes is eating well most of the time and moving more, along with getting enough rest, and reducing stress.

Keep these tips in mind to create a healthy lifestyle you can live with:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat only when you’re truly hungry and only until full
  • Know what you’re eating and why
  • Enjoy your meals! If you don’t like what you’re eating, you won’t stick with it.
  • Reach for healthy snacks most of the time like nuts, fruit or crispy vegetables

Don’t be a slave to dieting. Create a lifestyle that serves you because we only get one shot at this thing called “life.” We should enjoy it, not dread it. So take care of your body by fueling your life with food and activities that bring you joy.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

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How To Reduce Belly Fat https://lifestyle.org/how-to-reduce-belly-fat/ Thu, 01 Oct 2020 20:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=6382 Your belly fat, the fatty tissue surrounding your abdominal region, can be divided into two main parts; Subcutaneous fat – 90% of your body fat is subcutaneous. It is in the layer beneath your skin. It’s the fat you can pinch with your fingers. Visceral fat – 10% of your body fat is beneath your...

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Your belly fat, the fatty tissue surrounding your abdominal region, can be divided into two main parts;

  1. Subcutaneous fat – 90% of your body fat is subcutaneous. It is in the layer beneath your skin. It’s the fat you can pinch with your fingers.
  1. Visceral fat – 10% of your body fat is beneath your abdominal wall; you can’t pinch it. This fat is mainly in your Omentum, which is the flap of tissue lying under the abdominal muscles and spaces surrounding the main abdominal organs such as your liver and intestines.

Usually, visceral fat is considered more dangerous and is found mostly in people who are obese. Visceral fat influences the production of cholesterol and triggers inflammation, and increases blood pressure and insulin resistance.

If your body is apple-shaped, your belly fat is mainly visceral. Research shows that people with more visceral fat have a 50% higher risk of dying from non -communicable diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. This risk is much less in those who carry their weight throughout the body.

What are the reasons for accumulating belly fat?

Even if your weight is “normal,” you can still have visceral fat and be at risk of getting heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other inflammatory diseases because this kind of fat is so harmful.

Here are some things that increase belly fat:

  • Genetics – Heredity determines where your fat is deposited in the body. If one of your parents carried more fat in their abdomen, hips, and thighs, your tendency to accumulate fat in those regions will tend to be higher than a person without that family history.
  • Following menopause – Menopause occurs when ovaries no longer release monthly eggs (ovulation) in females. Dysfunctional ovaries cause a reduction in estrogen levels. Reduced estrogen increases levels of the stress hormone cortisol. These two things lead to increased deposition of belly fat in post-menopausal females.
  • Increased cortisol (stress hormone) – Cortisol is produced in your adrenal glands, which are situated near the kidneys. Cortisol is released in stressful conditions such as fear, infections, and traumatic events. Cortisol increases your blood sugar level and regulates energy expenditure. Stress triggers cortisol, which encourages increased fat deposition in your belly.

There’s an enzyme in your fat tissue that converts inactive cortisone into active cortisol. The gene for this enzyme is expressed differently in people. When someone is chronically stressed, this gene is expressed more, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. The signs of high cortisol levels are insomnia, increased infections, low sex drive, bowel symptoms, and of course, high amounts of belly fat.

  • Increased insulin levels in the blood – A high amount of insulin in the blood can increase fat deposition in your belly. A diet that is high in sugar and refined carbohydrates spikes blood sugar, which increases the release of insulin. Type II diabetes is associated with insulin resistance, which also correlates with excess belly fat.

By eating a healthy, balanced diet of whole foods, engaging in regular physical activities, and reducing your stress levels, you will reduce fat deposits around your belly. And you’ll enjoy a healthier and happier lifestyle because not only will you look better, but you’ll feel better too!

Image by Shutterbug75 from Pixabay

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How To Order Healthy Takeout Meals https://lifestyle.org/how-to-order-healthy-takeout-meals/ Thu, 16 Apr 2020 20:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=6358 One of the biggest hurdles to eating healthier is that it often requires planning and a trip to the grocery store and meal preparation. It’s one of the reasons why 1 in 3 adults in the US eats takeout (pre-COVID-19). Most people prefer home-cooked food to restaurant food, but that’s not always an option. Sometimes,...

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One of the biggest hurdles to eating healthier is that it often requires planning and a trip to the grocery store and meal preparation. It’s one of the reasons why 1 in 3 adults in the US eats takeout (pre-COVID-19).

Most people prefer home-cooked food to restaurant food, but that’s not always an option. Sometimes, people are too busy or tired to get behind a stove and prepare something healthy; while this is great for food-delivery apps, it’s not so great for your health or waistline.

Also, it doesn’t help that many fast-food restaurants are unimaginative or have limited healthy options; it’s mostly dull salads drenched in high-fat dressings. Sure, ordering that chicken salad might make you feel better about yourself because you’re making a “healthier” choice, but it likely has more calories than a cheeseburger!

However, all hope is not lost. There are workarounds you can use to make your takeout healthier.


Fast food restaurants tend to highlight their meat options more than their vegetarian options, but most offer a vegetarian menu.

Taco Bell, for instance, has a menu that is certified by the American Vegetarian Association. Vegetarian options are often healthier than their meat options.

Even if a restaurant doesn’t offer vegetarian options, you’re still better off ordering a dish that contains some veggies or that comes with a veggie side.

Eat the veggies first; otherwise, you might end up throwing them away because you’re too full! Also, filling your stomach with healthy food first leaves less room for the less healthy options on your plate.

Whole Grains 

Always go for the whole grain option if there’s one. Choose whole grain bread over white bread, multi-grain oatmeal over regular oatmeal, and brown rice over white rice. Even if they’re prepared the same, at least you’ll get more nutrients and fiber from the whole grain option.

Baked, Steamed, Roasted or Grilled over Fried

Grilled, roasted, or baked foods are almost always healthier than fried food because they contain less fat. Frying adds more fat to the food, while the other meal prep options either keep the original amount of fat or allow excess fat to drip off.

Steamed spring rolls, dumplings, and rice, for instance, are healthier than their fried alternatives. Similarly, a baked potato is more nutritious than fries as long as you don’t load it with too much junk.

Sauce and Dressing on the Side

Fast food sauces are high in sugar, sodium, and fat, not to mention calories, so use sparingly.

Asking for sauces and dressings on the side allows you to control how much you use; it’s a great way to keep healthy salads healthy.

Also, when possible, pick vegetable-based sauces like marinara sauce over cheese or cream-based ones.

The Breakfast Menu

Some restaurants let you order from the breakfast menu all day! Therefore, if the only ‘vegetarian’ options on the dinner menu are wilted salads, salty fries, and milkshakes, try the breakfast menu. Your order may take a bit longer to prepare but it’s a small price to pay for healthier food.

Takeout may never be as healthy as a home-cooked meal, but that doesn’t mean you’re stuck with only double-fried, drenched in sauce options, either.

Keep your to-go orders healthy by opting for vegetarian, whole grain, baked, steamed, roasted, or grilled foods rather than the tempting fried foods you see in the commercials.

Remember, ask for sauces and dressings on the side and use them sparingly.

These simple tips will make your takeout options much healthier, boost your energy, and are an easy way to maintain a trimmer waistline. Taking charge of your takeout options is something you can control, especially when you start feeling you’re at the mercy of life’s uncertainties.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

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Put Away the Scale for Now https://lifestyle.org/put-away-the-scale-for-now-2/ Thu, 02 Jan 2020 22:30:00 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=6344 Tracking your weight can be frustrating, especially if you have more than a few pounds to lose because weight can fluctuate by more than a few pounds a day. To complicate matters, when you’re thirsty, your body panics and retains water, causing you to weigh even more. When you’re adequately hydrated, your body drops the...

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Tracking your weight can be frustrating, especially if you have more than a few pounds to lose because weight can fluctuate by more than a few pounds a day.

To complicate matters, when you’re thirsty, your body panics and retains water, causing you to weigh even more. When you’re adequately hydrated, your body drops the water weight, causing you to weigh less.

Although these little fluctuations are utterly pointless in the long term, they can mess with your motivation. 

Fat Loss Not Weight Loss

Muscle takes up less space than fat, which is why two people can weigh the same but look totally different.

By replacing fat with muscle you can lose inches around the belly, arms, thighs, and hips without losing a single pound on the scale. This is known as body recomposition, where you end up with a completely different ratio of fat to muscle, which is excellent news if you’re trying to lose weight.

The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism runs, meaning you’ll burn more calories and lose fat faster.

But please don’t obsess over the number on the scale when building muscle. It’s so easy to freak out when you see a couple of extra pounds on the scale despite looking noticeably leaner in the mirror. 

Body Recomposition

Body recomposition is simply the process of replacing body fat with muscle, which is achieved by combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Spending hours on the treadmill may help you lose body fat but does very little for muscle growth. You need to combine running (or another aerobic activity) with weight training for body recomposition to take place.

Start with lighter weights so you can learn proper form and technique. It helps to have a trainer at this stage. Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, challenge yourself by lifting heavier weights.

Nutrition plays a huge role in adding lean muscle mass. You need between 0.5 and 0.8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight for muscle growth. Stick to lean sources of protein, such as chicken breast, beans, lentils, and Greek yogurt.

Lastly, although some people have success staying on track by weighing themselves daily, others find that twice a month works great. Get a scale that measures body fat percentage and muscle mass.

 Don’t be afraid to seek professional advice if you’re not getting the results you’re expecting. Everyone’s body responds differently to exercise and nutrition. So, have fun figuring out what works for you until you’ve successfully designed a healthy lifestyle that you can stick with and enjoy.

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Why Everyone Should Run a 5K https://lifestyle.org/why-everyone-should-run-a-5k/ Thu, 08 Aug 2019 22:30:24 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=6323 More than 8 million people run 5Ks every year, making it the most popular race in America. If you’re not a runner, you’ve probably wondered what’s so special about a 5K.   The K in 5K stands for kilometer; a 5K is basically a 3.18-mile run. It’s the perfect run for a beginner because it...

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More than 8 million people run 5Ks every year, making it the most popular race in America. If you’re not a runner, you’ve probably wondered what’s so special about a 5K.  

The K in 5K stands for kilometer; a 5K is basically a 3.18-mile run. It’s the perfect run for a beginner because it isn’t too easy or hard.  It provides a reasonable physical challenge that new runners can complete in as little as 7 weeks of training.

Benefits of Running a 5K

There are three main reasons why everyone should consider
running a 5K.

  • Cardiovascular function

Preparing for and running a 5K improves cardiovascular function. The heart becomes more efficient at doing its job. Also, you’ll be gradually increasing your stamina and reducing your cardiovascular risk as you train.

  • Weight loss

Running a 5K helps to get rid of stubborn fat by forcing the body to use up energy reserves. It also helps with controlling insulin and blood sugar, and lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

  • Mental health benefits

Running a 5K can be exhausting, especially if you’re a beginner. However, physical exhaustion triggers the release of neurotransmitters, which give you a sense of relief and boost mood, making it a great way to reduce stress.

From couch to 5K

You don’t have to be an experienced runner to run a 5K. Even a complete beginner can run one as long as they’re committed to prepare for it.

Start with a medical check-up

Obesity and certain heart conditions can be a hindrance to running long distances. If you’ve not been exercising and have chosen the 5K as your entry point into the world of fitness, you should get a medical examination first.

When you’ve been cleared medically, start with short distances and progressively build up. And remember, it’s not a good idea to endure chest or joint pain when running.

Keep it simple

Although you might be tempted to buy the latest running gear when first starting, it might not be necessary. Start with the basics like a good pair of running shoes and some music. Give yourself a chance to fall in love with running before investing a lot of money.

Train progressively

Keep track of your progress each time you go running; set a goal to run a little bit farther each time. You can start with jogging and then advance to running once your body has adapted to this new activity.

Pay attention to rest and recovery

As a novice, don’t run two days in a row. In fact, to avoid
injuries, start by running once or twice a week and then every other day until
your body adapts to the new training schedule.

Pay attention to hydration and proper nutrition

Dehydration makes you feel exhausted and gives you muscle cramps. So stay hydrated during and after your run. You’ll also have more energy if you follow proper nutrition by eating fruit, vegetables, and healthy proteins.

Don’t wait too long

You don’t need to run the entire 5K every time you do your practice run to be ready for the race. You’ll know it’s time to sign up for a race when you can run more than 2 miles continuously.

Remember, a 5K is meant to be completed and not necessarily won. So, the most important thing of all is to have fun!

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High Intensity Interval Training Will Change the Way You Exercise! https://lifestyle.org/high-intensity-interval-training-will-change-the-way-you-exercise/ Thu, 11 Jul 2019 22:30:13 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=6319 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the top five fitness trends in the world, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. It combines short bursts of intense activity with periods of less intense activity or rest. High intensity exercise raises your heart rate to above 90% and forces your body into an...

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the top five fitness trends in the world, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. It combines short bursts of intense activity with periods of less intense activity or rest.

intensity exercise raises your heart rate to above 90% and forces your body
into an anaerobic state. This depletes the glycogen in your muscles much faster,
and forces your body to start burning fat for energy.

Why is HIIT so Popular?

It’s Faster

You can be
in and out of the gym in less than 30 minutes. Sounds like a dream, right?

Twenty minutes of HIIT exercise is equivalent to 40-50 minutes of regular cardio exercise. This makes it ideal for people with busy schedules who only have time to squeeze in a short workout.

It Works

HIIT is one
of the best ways to get in shape within a short time. Your body burns more fat
during HIIT and keeps burning it for up to 48 hours after your workout. This
means that you’ll see results much faster!

HIIT is also one of the few workouts that burns fat while retaining muscle mass. This makes it the perfect cardio exercise for bodybuilders or anyone wanting to preserve their hard-earned muscles.

It Can be Done Anywhere

for work and don’t have access to gym equipment? No problem, just do a HIIT
workout. As long as you can do a high intensity activity
such as sprinting, jumping jacks, burpees or mountain climbers, you can do a
HIIT workout.

HIIT Workouts for Beginners

Running + Power Walking

This starter
workout involves running as fast as you can for one minute (or a few seconds)
and then power walking for 2 minutes. Repeat these two exercises five times for
a short but effective 15-minute workout. You can do this work outside or on a treadmill.


Tabata is a
type of HIIT exercise that involves pushing yourself hard for 20 seconds and
resting for 10 seconds. This cycle is repeated 8 times for a total of 4

The high
intensity exercises can be jumping jacks, burpees, pushups, mountain climbers
or squats. If you do a 4-minute round of each of these exercises, you should
have a 20-minute HIIT workout. 


You can do a
HIIT workout when cycling by simply alternating between standing and sitting
pedaling. Stand and pedal as fast as you can for 30 seconds and then sit and
pedal at a moderate pace for 30 seconds.

If you’re doing conventional cardio but haven’t been seeing the results you want, try HIIT. It might just be the jolt your body needs!

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Getting Back on Track after a Period of Overindulgence https://lifestyle.org/getting-back-on-track-after-a-period-of-overindulgence/ Thu, 03 Jan 2019 22:30:10 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=6294 The holidays are a festive time of non-stop partying and feasting. We’re constantly surrounded by sweets, snacks and yummy gifts of food from our friends and family. And in the spirit of the season, we gratefully accept and overindulge in foods that we would normally refuse. However, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying the holidays...

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The holidays are a festive time of non-stop partying and feasting. We’re constantly surrounded by sweets, snacks and yummy gifts of food from our friends and family. And in the spirit of the season, we gratefully accept and overindulge in foods that we would normally refuse.

However, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying the holidays and indulging in special treats or rich foods. We just need to make sure we don’t eat that way the rest of the year!

Some people go on one of those guilt-ridden juice cleanses and deprive themselves of their favorite foods in January to atone for eating poorly during the holidays. But this kind of all or nothing approach rarely works because it’s unsustainable. A better approach is to set small, realistic goals that slowly reset your mindset and body.

It’s Really Not a Big Deal

A couple of days of overindulgence is really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. So don’t treat it like a major catastrophe or as an excuse to eat more junk food because the “week is lost as far as healthy eating goes.” Instead of wallowing in guilt or regret for falling off the wagon, just hit the reset button.

Hit the Reset Button ASAP

A quick rebound is the biggest predictor of long-term health success. A weekend or two of over-indulgence won’t affect your long-term health goals if you get back on track as soon as possible.

Just don’t let a few bad eating choices become the new normal for your eating habits moving forward; start eating nutritious meals again as soon as possible.

One Meal at a Time

Getting back on track is more manageable when you do it one meal at a time. Just focus on making one nutritious meal, and then another, and then another.

A few days of eating nutrient rich food like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and whole grains is all you need to cleanse your palate and blunt cravings for sweet and greasy junk food.

Work Out

Healthy eating and fitness go hand in hand; nothing revs up your metabolism like a good workout. If you want your body to burn carbs and fat more efficiently, slowly incorporate, or reintroduce, exercise into your routine.

To be consistent with an exercise program, it helps to remember the mental and emotional benefits of working out to stay motivated.

And when you feel stressed and are tempted to comfort yourself by overeating or scarfing down a pint of your favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, stop flirting with temptation and go for a walk or run immediately instead to conquer any cravings for comfort food.

We all overindulge from time to time but it’s really no big deal. Health and fitness is not a predefined road that requires perfection. Just focus on making your next meal healthier, throw in some exercise and before you know it you’ll be back on track in no time.

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Less Treadmill & More Weights! https://lifestyle.org/less-treadmill-more-weights/ Thu, 27 Dec 2018 22:30:46 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=6293 When you’re new to fitness, weight lifting can seem daunting because it’s physically challenging and you must learn new exercises for each major muscle group; it’s not as easy as pushing “start” on the treadmill. Not to mention the horror stories of torn muscles and injured joints (which is only a concern if you’re performing...

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When you’re new to fitness, weight lifting can seem daunting because it’s physically challenging and you must learn new exercises for each major muscle group; it’s not as easy as pushing “start” on the treadmill. Not to mention the horror stories of torn muscles and injured joints (which is only a concern if you’re performing the exercises incorrectly and/or are using weights that are too heavy).

Weightlifting increases muscle mass, so it’s great for your health and transforming your body. In the long run, it torches more calories than pure cardio because it keeps one’s metabolism elevated over a longer period of time than does aerobic activity long after the workout is done. Plus, the more muscle you add, the more calories you burn because muscle uses more energy than fat does.

Additionally, weightlifting improves posture and strength, making everyday activities easier.

Lastly, weightlifting is a great way to challenge yourself to create a strong work ethic because it takes grit to stick with it.

What to Expect

It goes without saying that weightlifting isn’t a walk in the park; it takes time and dedication to master correct form but the time and effort are worth it.

Most lifters rely on 4 main exercises known as the Big Four: the squat, bench press, overhead press, and dead lift. These lifts are incorporated into nearly all routines because they use multiple muscles at once.

For example, the bench press relies on the chest muscles, shoulders and triceps. It’s the perfect lift for less experienced weight lifters who lack the knowledge and experience to perform isolation routines that are designed to target individual muscles.

Getting Started

There are plenty of great resources online about the Big Four and how to do them. However, if you’re a complete beginner, your best bet is to join a gym and get a personal trainer.

While the weight lifting culture at some gyms is not exactly welcoming to beginners, the benefits of lifting correctly offset the discomfort of being a newcomer. In fact, most people are more than willing to offer help if you ask but otherwise they won’t bother you.

At the end of the day, learning to lift weights is just like learning anything else. It is challenging in the beginning but if you stick with it, it will be incredibly rewarding in more ways than you can imagine, especially with regards to weight loss, body composition and the great numbers you’ll get at your annual physical.

Women can Lift Weights Too

Many women consider weight lifting to be a man’s sport. They fear that lifting weights will make them look bulky and massive. However, this is a terrible and unfortunate misconception; weightlifting actually makes the bodies of women look shapely and toned. Weightlifters who look massive and bulky usually become that way by using steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. If you don’t take drugs, you won’t become huge and bulky.

In closing, the thing to keep in mind is that building muscle turns your body into a fat burning machine. It does this by increasing lean body mass, which in turn increases the amount of calories you burn daily. Combined with a modest calorie deficit, this means you will burn fat as fuel, resulting in a more toned and shapely body (and a healthier one, too because appearance isn’t everything).

A healthy diet, plus weight lifting is more effective for weight loss than a healthy diet alone. It’s because weight lifting burns fat while cardio burns both fat and muscle.

If you want to start lifting weights, talk to a personal trainer or coach. Remember, it’s easy to injure yourself when first starting; using correct form is more important than how many pounds you lift. So do yourself a favor, to prevent injury and make steady progress, seek advice from someone who knows what they’re doing as you begin your journey to total body transformation.

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No Time For The Gym? Just Keep Moving https://lifestyle.org/no-time-for-the-gym-just-keep-moving/ Thu, 13 Dec 2018 22:30:49 +0000 https://lifestyle.org/?p=6291 When someone makes a decision to get fit, they usually join a gym. Unfortunately, gyms, fitness classes, and running are not for everyone. For starters, some people just don’t have the time, while others are nervous or self-conscious and would rather take some time to build their confidence before doing jump lunges in front of...

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When someone makes a decision to get fit, they usually join a gym. Unfortunately, gyms, fitness classes, and running are not for everyone.

For starters, some people just don’t have the time, while others are nervous or self-conscious and would rather take some time to build their confidence before doing jump lunges in front of a jam packed gym of spectators.

This is where non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) comes in, which is basically any activity that isn’t sleeping, a sport or exercise.

The idea behind NEAT is that you don’t need to become a fitness fanatic to stay fit; you just need to keep moving.

Not having enough time for the gym isn’t an excuse to become a couch potato. There’s still a lot you can do to stay fit.

Cook your Meals from Scratch

You probably already know that it’s easier to eat healthy when you make your meals from scratch. In addition to controlling how much sugar and fat that goes into your food, there’s also an additional benefit: you do a lot of standing and walking around during meal prep.

Sure it seems like a small thing, but standing lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other diseases that are caused by a sedentary lifestyle. It can also lower stress and boost energy levels.

Take up an Active Hobby

Engaging in an active hobby can help you stay fit while enriching your life. Gardening, hiking, cooking, dancing, or pretty much any hobby that gets you off the couch, benefits your life and health. Whether you prefer to be indoors or outdoors, you can find an active hobby that plays a role in helping you stay fit.

Skip Some Conveniences

We’ve grown accustomed to the convenience of modern life, such as food delivery services. Unfortunately, while certain conveniences make life easier and free up time, they also take away valuable opportunities to stay active.

For example, a grocery delivery service robs you of all the moving around and lifting involved with grocery shopping. It might not seem like a big deal at first, but when you think about it, these conveniences can add up to create a sedentary lifestyle.

To stay active and be fit, consider giving up some of the conveniences that you don’t really need. You might even save some money in the process!

Walk More

You’ve heard it a million times but it deserves another mention. There’s probably no better way to stay fit without hitting the gym than to walk.

So, park a couple of minutes away from work or the store and walk. Plan the walking route in advance so you don’t find yourself in an unwalkable or unsafe area.

Walking is good for the heart, lowers the risk of coronary artery disease, and is a great for stress reduction; many people aim for 10,000 steps a day.

The bottom line is that it’s possible to enjoy better health and wellness without spending hours a day at the gym.

Just get off the couch and take up an active hobby, cook your own meals, walk more and generally find creative ways to leverage the power of non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) that fit easily into your lifestyle.

The post No Time For The Gym? Just Keep Moving appeared first on Lifestyle.
