Prayer Requests
Lifestyle Magazine is produced by the Christian ministry Faith For Today. We appreciate the support of our viewers and want to support you with prayer.
Do you have a concern over which we can join you in prayer? You may share your request with us by clicking here to “Add Your Prayer Request“.
Praying for Faith
If you would like to join the Faith For Today prayer team, praying for the success of this ministry as well as the needs of others you can join us on Facebook at “Faith For Today.” This page is dedicated to the work of Faith For Today ministries. Prayers, articles and blogs are posted for those in need of inspiration themselves. This a community dedicated to uplifting the Lord, Faith for Today ministry, all those involved in this community and the world itself through intentional prayer.
If you would like to join the “Faith For Today” community and receive updates on topics related to Faith For Today please “Like” our “Faith For Today” Facebook page, and if you would like to receive inspirational messages delivered directly to your email inbox please fill out this short form. We will respect your privacy and will not share your information.