Some places on earth are known for their long, cold winters. Denmark is one of those places with cool summers and notoriously long, dark winters. 


After a while, living in icy darkness wears on a person. Maybe that’s why the Danish people are known for a concept called Hygge living (pronounced Hue-gah).

Hygge is a Danish word from an old Norwegian word for well-being and protection from the outside elements. 

The Danish people can’t do much about their relentless winters, so they try to make their homes a warm haven of comfort and love. Although it might be brutally dark outside, there’s a cozy glow inside their homes. 

But Hygge is more than about being safe and warm inside out of the cold. To the Danish, it means much more. 

Hygge is about creating a cozy emotional environment of comfort, friendship, joy and laughter, and homemade food, which is achieved throughout the year but most appreciated in the cold winter months.

Holiday Coziness

Creating a warm, cozy, peaceful environment that fills your soul with contentment is perfect for the cold holiday season upon us. 

Here are some ways to bring holiday coziness into your life and home over the holidays.

For Your Soul: Host family and friends – The holidays are the perfect time to reconnect with loved ones – to remember and celebrate what matters most in life. Don’t stress over being the perfect host! Hygge get-togethers are relaxed, friendly, and homey. 

For Your Heart: Warm lighting – Bathe your environment in warm, soft light by lighting candles, having a fire, stringing up some lights, or playing a peaceful ambiance youtube video on your TV in the background. 

For Your Body: Get Cozy – Put soft, fluffy blankets on your sofa and chairs for you and your guests to cuddle up with and relax while enjoying the candles, music, fire, and each other’s warm company, or to enjoy your favorite book or movie when you’re alone. 

For Your Comfort: Food – Enjoy your favorite holiday meals and treats with some good old-fashioned baking and cooking (or take out, if that’s more your style). Comfort foods like stews, savory bread, cakes, cookies, and pies with their soul-warming scents will fill your home, making you feel cozier and cared for, honoring memories of the past while creating new ones for the future. 

Enduring Hope

For some people, the holidays are as cold and dark inside their hearts as it is outside because of loss, heartache, or fear. It’s easy to feel left out and isolated during this time of year when everyone seems so happy and festive. 

But for the person who feels isolated and alone, surrounded by fear and darkness, fighting back the tears and hanging on for dear life, there’s hope; don’t give up.

Consider these ancient words of wisdom from Jeremiah 29:11, “‘For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” (AMP.) 

Believe in hope when it’s hard to believe in anything else.

Life gets better.

The gift of a brighter future is yours, and it’s either waiting for you to claim or is on the way. So, hang on tightly and don’t let go. 

May the warmth of hope comfort your heart and soul with fearless peace.

And may these timely words of Agnes M. Pharo uplift us all in the days ahead and into the New Year:  

“It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace.”

Photo by Katie Azi on Unsplash

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