Lifestyle #2908

Hollywood To Real Life

We have two guests today both with inspiring stories.  Actor and musician Wally Kurth very well may be the only actor to simultaneously play recurring roles on two different soap operas, Days Of Our Lives and General Hospital.  However, he maintains that the most important roles he plays are husband and father. Actor, comedian and author, Geri Jewell shattered the glass ceiling for people with disabilities on television as being the first person with a disability to be cast on network television. As a star with cerebral palsy she shares her experiences from the The Facts Of Life and Deadwood television series. Free Offer: Physical Fitness and Exercise for Adults with Cerebral Palsy Offer Code: PALSY-T-F-401 Offer Description: American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Fact Sheet “Physical Fitness and Exercise for Adults with Cerebral Palsy”

Lifestyle #2906

What’s Your Why?

We have two men on the show today with very different careers.  One is a personal trainer, the other’s a drummer.  They both talk about merging their faith with their passions.  Alec Penix, author of Seven Sundays, and celebrity trainer who’s worked with the likes of singer and fitness model, Shawn Mendes, and Julianne and Derek Hough from Dancing with the Stars shares his spiritual journey with us.  Also, prodigy drummer winner of America’s Most Talented Kids joins us.  Cole Marcus co-starred in the movie I Can Only Imagine as the drummer “Robby” for the band MercyMe.  He’s a drummer, composer and actor.  He shares his story as a person of faith.  As a kid both guests were bullied and share their perspective to bulling. Free Offer: Carenotes: Bullying plus We’ll give you the first week of Alec’s Four Week Wellness program for FREE: Click Here Offer Code: BULLY-T-F-401 Offer Description: (1)This pamphlet would be helpful whether the child in your life is being bullied or is the bully. This can help the child overcome the effects of bullying and offers tips on how to communicate with the child.  (2) link includes the first week, 3 exercise videos, and 1 video with spiritual message.

Lifestyle #2905


It’s rare when you see a film that accurately portrays the life of a person with a physical or mental disability.  Today we’re meeting a director who happens to be disabled that’s changing that.  Our guest is documentarian, Jenni Gold, director and producer of CinemAbility The Art of Inclusion, a film that explores the history of how disability is portrayed in media and the power that the media has to shape people’s perceptions. The film includes an incredible cast of A-list stars; Ben Affleck, Jamie Foxx, Geena Davis, Gary Sinise, Jane Seymour and many more. We will also meet actor Tobias Forrest who was able bodied for about 22 years and then had a spinal cord injury. We’ll hear his perspective on being both able bodied and disabled life. Free Offer: “CinemAbility” show DVD Offer Code: LM2905-D-F-401 Offer Description: Lifestyle Magazine 2905 “CinemAbility” show DVD

Lifestyle #2904

My Days: Happy And Otherwise

Marion Ross played Mrs. Cunningham on the popular TV show, Happy Days, becoming one of America’s favorite most iconic moms. But what was it like playing the idyllic mom while in real life being a single mom of two, divorced from an alcoholic husband? Find out as we talk to Mrs. C on this edition of Lifestyle Magazine. Free Offer: CareNotes pamphlet “Getting Help With an Addiction” Offer Code: NEWEPI-T-F-401 Offer Description: This CareNotes is written for those who have reached a moment of crisis or decision-someone who is ready to face an addiction and seek help but is not sure how to proceed, or what to expect. This CareNotes will provide helpful guidance and encouragement to individuals and their loved ones in the journey toward recovery. “Know that there is great reason for hope,” asserts the author. Tackling an addiction can be “the best of times”-because it marks the first step toward freedom and is, many say, the most difficult, the most courageous, and the wisest thing they’ve ever done. By Jim Auer

Lifestyle #2902

Impressions Of A Human Jukebox

Forbes has listed Ventriloquist Terry Fator as one of the highest paid entertainers. He’s our guest today with his buddy “Winston” the turtle. Terry shares his journey on how he started ventriloquism and how he makes a difference to make life better contributing to charities through the Terry Fator Foundation. He is joined by his wife, Angie, and they share their story of how they met and their diehard love for each other. Free Offer: Mantras For Marriage by Mike and Gayle Tucker Offer Code: MANTRA-P-F-401 Offer Description: Mike and Gayle Tucker share the “mantras” or “slogans” that have become the guiding principle of successful marriages. Learn how to create a mantra that fits who you are as a couple and where you wish your relationship to be.

Lifestyle #2805

Life, Love And Everything Else

Juggling marriage, career, and children takes great care and effort. Our guests today make it look easy. But is it really? We’ll find out when we talk about life, love and everything else with singer Debby Boone and actress Daphne Maxwell Reid.

Lifestyle #2802

Jaclyn Smith

Our guest today, Jaclyn Smith, was made famous by her role in the iconic 1970s television series, Charlie’s Angeles. Not only has she been one of the most successful actresses in the history of television, she was one of the first women to build a business empire, and she’s done it all while raising a family. Free Offer: CareNotes pamphlet “Gaining the Strength to Deal With Breast Cancer” Offer Code: BREAST-T-F-401 Offer Description: Image result for gaining the strength to deal with breast cancer-CareNotes

Lifestyle #2727


Our topic today is rather serious. There is no other force on the planet that is as devastating as war. And of its victims, none are more seriously affected than the children.  Our guest today, Kim Phuc, understands this first-hand. She is the subject of an iconic photograph that is found on the cover of the book that she has just released entitled Fire Road: The Napalm Girl’s Journey through the Horrors of War to Faith, Forgiveness, and Peace.   Free Offer: Touch Points pamphlet Forgiveness-Power to Begin Again Offer Code: FPTBA-T-F-401 Offer Description:  Unable to accept or give forgiveness for things in life is a very common problem people have. It contributes to anger, mental and physical pain, guilt, and though the answer is a simple one, it isn’t often put into practice. In this tract, Larry Yeagley explains, from his experiences as a chaplain, how to get people to respond and experience forgiveness with others and with God. Accepting forgiveness and giving it are vital to mental freedom.

Lifestyle #2725

Treasure Overflowing

Inspirational artist MARi Burelle has overcome a lot in her life – an abusive past along with serious health issues. But through the darkness, she found the light.  She’s here to share her journey, the touchstones that helped her shift her life situations and the hope and positive messages that infuse her music, including her latest release, “Treasure”. Free Offer: The National Domestic Violence Hotline Awareness Brochure Offer Code: TNDVH-T-F-401   Offer Description:  “Can an abusive partner change?”

Lifestyle #2719

Faith In Times Of Struggle

Sergio and Sandra Amaral have two sons. Ten years ago, when their older son Gabriel was 19 he had a brain hemorrhage due to a rare disease called Artery Vein Malformation (AVM). Tragedy often brings couples closer or tears them apart. They share their journey through this tragedy, how they were imp acted by their trust in God, and how their choice to work together for Gabriel has made their marriage stronger.   Free Offer: “Responding to Life’s Challenges with Resilience and Strength” Offer Code: LIFE-T-F-401   Offer Description: Resilience doesn’t simply mean “bouncing back” from a trauma, loss, or disaster. It also means being proactive whenever possible and planning for or preventing such circumstances. CareNotes author Mary Kendrick Moore helps readers call upon the strengths and abilitie s needed to respond helpfully and hopefully to life’s challenges in sections titled: “Acknowledge your loss and fear,” “Believe in your ability to foster resilience,” “Exercise your brain,” and “Find support among those you trust.”

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