As kids, we all had big dreams of what our lives would be like when we grew up.  We wanted to be astronauts, doctors, actors, and more.  We wanted to explore the world, make a difference, and achieve something great. We believed that anything was possible and that we could make our dreams come true!…

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Warren Buffet once said, “In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: Integrity, intelligence and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.”  Even if we’re not looking to hire someone, what he said about integrity applies to most situations and relationships.  Defining integrity can be daunting…but…

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Emotional maturity is understanding your feelings and wisely applying that understanding in your life.  People with emotional maturity are good at handling difficult situations calmly and in a non-inflammatory manner. Emotionally mature people know when to reach out for help or acknowledge they need a break to avoid burning out.  This level of self-awareness is…

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Traumatic events can trigger powerful feelings like anxiety, stress, nervousness, sadness, anger, and more.  There are many kinds of trauma. It can be personal, like an assault or abuse, or a global crisis, like a natural disaster, a pandemic, or even war.  Trauma takes an emotional and mental toll. But the good news is that…

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How satisfied are you with your life? Take a few seconds to really think about that question. Have you been dreaming of doing something completely new? Ever feel trapped or stuck in a rut and can’t find your way out? Forging a new path and taking your life in a new direction sounds exciting, but…

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The mind-body connection is real and strong…very strong.  How you feel in your body physically affects your mind. And what you think and imagine affects how you feel physically and emotionally. We are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual creatures; everything is interconnected. How we move and interact with our surroundings affects how we feel, think,…

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Feeling trapped or stuck or having to start over in life can overwhelm you with fear, worry, and anxiety. Whether chosen or forced, having to make a change can make you panic. It’s easier to do nothing…to stay in a familiar situation because it feels safer than the unknown. That’s one way to look at…

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How satisfied are you with your life? Maybe you’re more satisfied with certain areas of your life than others, but feeling dissatisfied with life is a common experience for many people.  Sometimes it’s glaringly apparent why you’re dissatisfied with life. But sometimes, it’s hard to put a finger on it. In those cases, by exploring…

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Sometimes we put off making big decisions. Why?  Why do we waffle back and forth and procrastinate on life-changing decisions, potentially losing out on opportunities, resulting in our lives being directed and shaped by other people’s choices and agendas?  It’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of indecision and second-guessing when facing big decisions. …

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Self-defeating habits are thoughts and behaviors that keep us from unlocking our best life. They keep us stuck and frustrated and eventually flood our lives with regret. It’s tricky. After all, we might not even know we’re doing them because we do them automatically without thinking. We feel the effects because they affect our dreams,…

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What is happiness? The dictionary says it’s “A state of well-being and contentment.” That’s a good start, but how can you know if you’re happy? What does happiness look like?  Although happiness is in the mind of the “beholder,” you’re probably happy when the following things are true about your life:  Happiness is more than…

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What good parent doesn’t want their kids to be happy and successful? But how do we do that, exactly? We compliment and affirm, support them, tell them to chase their dreams, and teach them to live for something bigger than themselves. What else can we do? According to experts, we should teach them how to be…

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