Do You Suffer from Sinus Infections? Here’s what You Can Do Sinus infections can be very uncomfortable. They can make your eyes, nose, cheeks and forehead feel swollen for several days or even weeks. But first things first; what exactly are the sinuses?  Well, they are small cavities in the skull that are connected to…

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Human brains are moldable. They are constantly breaking and forming new neural connections between brain cells, and can shrink or expand as you learn new things. Just a few years ago, this was thought to be impossible. This isn’t just another cool fact that’s good to know. Knowing how your brain works can actually help…

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Hi there, my name is Lynell LaMountain, and it’s my privilege to work with an awesome production team and amazing people as one of the co-hosts of the award-winning television show, Lifestyle Magazine. Look, life can get pretty stressful at times; we all get stressed, overwhelmed and even burned out. Life can stack up on…

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We’ve all felt it: the hair-prickling, teeth-gritting feeling of our skin brushing against something unpleasant, or the overpowering aroma of last night’s dinner at the bottom of the sink, or bits of sand or dirt underneath your feet as you step out of the shower. Or maybe you get a little squeamish listening to someone…

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1 in 7 people suffer from moderate to severe migraines. Pulsing, throbbing migraine pain can last anywhere from four hours to three days. As if that weren’t bad enough, migraines can cause extreme sensitivity to smell, sound, light, and additional symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. But Aren’t Migraines Just Bad Headaches? No, migraines are…

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Everyone likes to vent once-in-a-while when feeling angry or upset because it feels good and it’s a great way to reduce stress…or is it? Although venting sounds good in theory, psychologists claim it doesn’t make you feel any better but might actually make you feel worse! Although experts are uncertain why this happens, they do…

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People have a love /hate relationship with onions. Let’s consider the humble onion. Onions come in many colors, white, red and yellow, and each is as healthy as the other. In fact, they are super healthy. Why? Well, according to Victoria Jarzabkowski, a nutritionist from the University of Texas,  onions offer people abundant sources of…

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It seems everyone wants that “youthful complexion”, which is why so many people search for wrinkle removing creams and skin tightening procedures as they age. In ancient times, people used herbal formulas to maintain their youthful skin and appearance, but the modern era ushered in easier, not necessarily healthier, ways to satisfy those desires. Today,…

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Perhaps you wish you were friendlier, and more open and sociable, but the idea of interacting with other people fills you with fear and dread. If this is the case, you could be dealing with social anxiety. It’s More than Nerves Social anxiety is more than occasional nerves and self-consciousness. It’s a constant and intense…

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You probably have a favorite sleeping position that you naturally get into after crawling under the covers and getting ready to fall asleep. However, did you know that your sleeping position could impact your health? It can affect your breathing, cause neck and back pain, tummy trouble and shorten your lifespan! Sleeping on Your Back…

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Everyone has an aunt or uncle who can “feel” when the weather is about to change. In fact, more than two thirds of people who suffer from joint pain believe there is a connection between weather patterns and their creaky joints. But is this just an old wives tale? Could so many people be mistaken…

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Every parent knows how challenging it is to get a child to go to bed and fall asleep. Children’s bodies don’t abide by the clock, and bedtime is almost always an ordeal. It can be tempting to let your kids stay up until they fall asleep, but science says that’s not a good idea. When…

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