Lifestyle #3206

Just Show Up with Martha, Gary & Bailey Wade

Martha Nix Wade has had tremendous success as a former child actress, co-starring in such shows as The Waltons, Days of Our Lives, and many others. But while Martha’s life appeared to be picture perfect, she was suffering years of abuse and then would have to face a new tragedy in her adulthood. Join Martha, her husband, and daughter today as they tell their moving story of loss and hope.

Lifestyle #3204

Music and Healing with Jonathan Cilia Faro

Sometimes we face trauma in our lives that affects us in such a way that we’re changed forever. But today’s guest has used his own life trauma, to spread hope to tens of thousands of people, through his musical talents. Join us today, as we welcome professional musician and opera singer, Jonathan Cilia Faro.


5 Traits Of Ambitious People

Some people know what they want and are determined to make it happen no matter what.  They’re ambitious; driven. And will work nights and weekends – even holidays – to achieve their goals, while others are okay with dreaming and drifting, accepting whatever life hands them, and hoping for the best along the way.  Why…

Lifestyle #3026

My Days: Happy and Otherwise with Actress Marion Ross Special

Today we are airing a fan favorite Lifestyle Magazine show from our archives. Marion Ross played Mrs. Cunningham on the popular TV show, Happy Days, becoming one of America’s favorite most iconic moms. But what was it like playing the idyllic mom while in real life being a single mom of two, divorced from an alcoholic husband? Find out as we talk to Mrs. C on this edition of Lifestyle Magazine.

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