Making life harder than it needs to be is silly! But that’s what a lot of us do. Maybe we do it because it makes us feel more in control…or because we want everything to be perfect. Whatever the reason, here are four ways people make life way harder than it has to be. Do…

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There are so many ways we can improve the quality of our life. Usually, it starts by choosing a healthier lifestyle. What is a healthy lifestyle? Many people think that diet and exercise are pretty much the only important factors when creating a healthy lifestyle, but that isn’t so. A healthy life includes your physical,…

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You might as well add “boredom” to the list of things we’ve survived these past few months. Staying cooped up at home with nothing to do is enough to drive one mad! And it has. We’ve all been bored. Boring zoom meetings. Boring meals. Boring stories. Boring jokes. Ugh! But boredom is more than a…

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Self-help “wisdom” is everywhere these days. New self-help books pop up every day, and social media is overflowing with inspirational quotes from self-help experts. Although people want to improve their lives, many are skeptical of self-help books and personal development gurus because they wonder if it really works. The good news is that research shows…

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Caring for an aging or ailing loved one is never easy – but throw in a fulltime job, kids of your own, and a busy household, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed fast. Nearly half of all caregivers have trouble balancing work and caregiving, and 20 to 40% of them suffer from depression. But just…

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Your brain is a powerful machine that can convince you of pretty much anything, including things that aren’t true! It can take a particularly rough morning and turn it into “I have the worst luck in the world!” or a slightly strange look from a stranger becomes “he /she doesn’t like me” or a myriad…

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If you want to see what you’re made of and how much you can take, self-shelter in close quarters with friends or loved ones for a few days or a month. Oh wait, that’s what you’re doing now, so…how’s it going? Staying indoors for days on end makes you restless and irritable, especially if you’re…

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People are afraid. How can they not be? Images of cities turned into ghost towns, fatigued hospitals, medical tents popping up across the country, and grim projections that more than 100,000 people in the United States might die from COVID-19, perhaps 200,000. People are out of work; paychecks have stopped. Businesses have shuttered; the hopes…

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Everyone knows the health risks of obesity, how it leads to a myriad of harmful health conditions, including hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and worst of all, death. However, few people know that being lonely and socially isolated is much worse for physical health than being obese or smoking 15 cigarettes a day,…

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Physical fitness gets a lot of attention and for good reason. It can literally keep the doctor away by preventing obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other diseases that are caused by unhealthy lifestyles. However, being physically fit is only half the battle; the other half is emotional fitness. What is Emotional Fitness? Do…

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Pets. There’s just something about them that makes us feel good! So good, in fact, that pet owners visit their doctor less often than non-pet owners. While this is true, few people know the reasons why, until now. Healthier Heart and Lower Blood Pressure Pet ownership, especially dog ownership, is associated with a lower risk…

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Are you really healthy if you’re in great physical condition but other parts of your life are filled with pain or discomfort? Sure, you might’ve passed those doctor-ordered medical tests with flying colors, and were deemed healthy. But if you’re feeling stressed out or are struggling with relationships and loneliness, although you might be healthy…

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