Most people don’t like change…they resist it or fight it because they find comfort in the familiar – and change is anything but familiar. Whether we like it or not, change is happening all around us. Sometimes it’s the result of our choices or consequences. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere and smacks us up…

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Your outlook determines what you believe to be true about yourself, life, and others. It’s your perception and reality, real or not. Your attitude can be a pathway to peace and inner calm or worry and chaos. An optimistic outlook is essential to enjoying a life of health, success, and happiness. Here are six ways…

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How many times have we heard this year that life will never be the same after the pandemic aftermath of 2020? Or phrases like, “during these uncertain times” or “this is our new normal”? One thing is for sure, COVID-19 has left its fingerprint on history. Much like a hurricane reshapes a coastline, the pandemic…

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Anger can get a bad wrap. It’s healthy to vent your anger sometimes. It can even protect someone who’s trying to hurt other people or us. Anger becomes an issue when it gets out of hand and starts controlling you. This can damage your health, relationships, career and cause run-ins with the police. Recognizing that…

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Are you perfect? Me either. Have any flaws? Welcome to Earth. Everyone on this planet has character defects, also known as shortcomings that compromise their goals, dreams, and relationships. Identifying defects in our thoughts and behavior isn’t always easy because of the tendency to blame others or rationalize our actions. Common Character Defects offers…

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Catastrophic thinking is when a person continuously thinks about irrational, worst-case outcomes. Irrational thoughts and emotions replace logical thinking. And life becomes a cycle of repetitive worry. Catastrophic thinking causes: ● Difficulty concentrating ● Loss of sleep ● Added stress ● Increased anxiety ● Worsens existing mental health conditions Pandemics, political upheaval, social unrest, and…

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Every day brings challenges and situations that trigger various thoughts and emotions within us. Some are easy to deal with and let go. However, some are difficult to experience and face, like relationship issues or the loss of a job. 20th century philosopher of science, Karl Popper, once said, “All life is problem solving.” Problem…

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Fear is a parasite that feasts on your hope and dreams. Whether it’s the fear of loss, missing out on something, or the fear of rejection, fear drains your soul of life and joy. Fear paralyzes. How much does fear rule your life? Is it turning you into a person you don’t like? Is it…

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Think about it for a second…how long do you beat yourself up for a mistake or wrong decision? How long do you punish yourself for taking the wrong path? Does getting down on yourself make things any better? No. It only fills your life with misery and frustration, maybe even bouts of depression. And while…

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Are you stressed or overwhelmed by life? If you answered yes, then this article is for you! Being overwhelmed by difficult situations can take a huge toll on your life, leaving you mentally exhausted and drained. This type of stress can be dangerous to your health if you don’t manage it properly. We can all…

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Every summer, many people put aside their work, daily stresses and responsibilities and escape on a vacation, somewhere far away from reality. It may be a secluded retreat in the mountains, a camping trip with the kids, an arranged tour in another country, an Alaskan cruise, or days relaxing at an exotic beach or resort….

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When we were young, our parents had their ways of telling us that we won’t always get what we want. There were times that we resented them for it, but as we got older, we realized those denials actually had nuggets of wisdom in them. It’s easy to conclude that life’s out to get us…

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