Life today is rife with diet culture. So many people seem to be at war or have an unhealthy relationship with food. The rules are continually changing, and foods that were good a couple of years ago are now on the bad list. This obsession with diet is exhausting, and it doesn’t seem to be…

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Some foods are wearing a “healthy” halo they don’t deserve. People mistakenly believe they’re the healthier option because that’s what the commercial claimed, and they eat them without question. Not all “health foods” are healthy but are considered healthy because of clever marketing. For instance, due to a successful marketing campaign in the 90s, many…

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It’s SO confusing! With so many new diets and workout routines popping up all over the place, especially around January 1, it’s hard to know which is the “right” one. Should we go with Paleo? Gluten-free? Vegan? Vegetarian?  Should we join a spin class, buy a Peloton, take up Pilates, enroll in yoga, or become…

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We’re living in the age of health and fitness technology. From the fitness bands telling us how our workout is going to the calorie trackers telling us how our diet is coming along, technology has earned its place in health and fitness. There are hundreds of thousands of fitness apps in the app stores, with…

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After 40, some parts of our bodies become tighter and stiffer while others become rounder and squishier! There are a couple of reasons why this happens. The metabolism slows by about 5% every decade after the age of 40. You will have to eat 100 calories less every day to maintain your weight, and much…

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Tracking your weight can be frustrating, especially if you have more than a few pounds to lose. Besides, body weight can fluctuate by a few pounds a day, making it even more frustrating! When you’re thirsty, your body panics and retains water, causing you to weigh more. When you’re adequately hydrated, your body drops the…

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More than 8 million people run 5Ks every year, making it the most popular race in America. If you’re not a runner, you’ve probably wondered what’s so special about a 5K.   The K in 5K stands for kilometer; a 5K is basically a 3.18-mile run. It’s the perfect run for a beginner because it…

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the top five fitness trends in the world, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. It combines short bursts of intense activity with periods of less intense activity or rest. High intensity exercise raises your heart rate to above 90% and forces your body into an…

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We’ve known for a while that exercise boosts mood. That’s why going for a walk at the end of a stressful day makes us feel better and happier. But, just how many minutes of physical activity does it take to improve mental wellbeing? Are we talking about an hour or two? Turns out, scientists have…

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When most of us think about core strength, the first thing that comes to mind is abs. Having a flat tummy and six-pack are nice, but the benefits of core strength go far beyond aesthetics. Your core muscles help you stay upright. They affect every movement that requires stability and balance, including bending over to…

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One thing that concerns people who are considering a vegetarian diet is a nutritional deficiency. They worry that they won’t get enough vitamins and minerals such as zinc. The Standard American Diet contains lots of zinc from animal sources like meat and dairy. A vegetarian diet, on the other hand, commonly has lots of fiber…

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Intermittent fasting is all the rage in the fitness industry. However, it’s just a fancy term for a certain kind of dieting where you eat all your meals within a time-restricted window. For example, you can fast for 16 hours and eat normally for the remaining 8 hours. The proponents of Intermittent Fasting claim that…

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