Raising Fit Kids & Teens Physical activity is such an important part of a child’s development. Sadly, less than 25% of American children get the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity a day. Most kids and teens have too much screen time and too little physical activity. As a result, one-third of…

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So, your workout has been going great and you’ve not skipped a day in a while. In fact, you’re killing it! But then you catch a cold or stomach bug and get sick, and can’t decide whether to work out or take a break to give your body a chance to heal. On one hand,…

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Sure, cold weather might seem like the perfect excuse for trading an active outdoor lifestyle for a cozy indoor lifestyle of hot chocolate and marshmallows. It isn’t easy braving the cold when a crackling fire and your favorite blanket are beguiling you to stay in because, baby, it’s cold outside. Is it any wonder that…

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Everyone knows what it’s like for money to be a little tight and having to cut back in certain areas. Unfortunately, it’s quite tricky to cut the grocery bill without compromising on nutrition. While opting for cheap, empty calories might seem like a good idea when facing a financial bind, it can lead to health…

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So, you kicked off the New Year with a great resistance workout and left the gym beaming with pride, but now your muscles are so stiff and sore that it hurts to even walk. Should you give your body a break or grind through the pain and keep going, forcing your body to adjust to…

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The holidays are a festive time of non-stop partying and feasting. We’re constantly surrounded by sweets, snacks and yummy gifts of food from our friends and family. And in the spirit of the season, we gratefully accept and overindulge in foods that we would normally refuse. However, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying the holidays…

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When you’re new to fitness, weight lifting can seem daunting because it’s physically challenging and you must learn new exercises for each major muscle group; it’s not as easy as pushing “start” on the treadmill. Not to mention the horror stories of torn muscles and injured joints (which is only a concern if you’re performing…

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Some people LOVE running. And some people only run if they’re being chased. Maybe you fall somewhere in between these two extremes and are considering running to improve your health. The idea of taking up running can be an exciting goal. But the actual act of running? Well, not so much for some people. In…

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When someone makes a decision to get fit, they usually join a gym. Unfortunately, gyms, fitness classes, and running are not for everyone. For starters, some people just don’t have the time, while others are nervous or self-conscious and would rather take some time to build their confidence before doing jump lunges in front of…

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Physical therapy is a safe and effective treatment for many health conditions, from chronic pain to sports injuries. It strengthens your muscles and makes you more flexible, bringing relief to the hurting areas. Physical therapy is so much safer than pain medications, which only provide temporary relief and come with cardiovascular and stomach bleeding risks….

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If you have an active lifestyle, you’ve probably heard the term “electrolytes” more than a few times. Fitness experts are always talking about how important it is to replace electrolytes after a hard workout. But, what exactly are electrolytes and why do you need them? What Are Electrolytes? Did you know that your body conducts…

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Learning how to eat healthy isn’t nearly as complicated as people think. By practicing these simple habits, healthy eating will become second nature. Eat A Variety Of Foods Many diets don’t work in the long run because they either cut out healthy food groups entirely (example, carbs) or severely restrict what you can eat. With…

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