How to Land on Your Feet, Not Your Feelings

In this episode of the Podcast, host Roy Ice speaks with David Dennis about his new book, “Gameness: Land on Your Feet, Not on Your Feelings”. Dennis discusses his traumatic past, his father’s premature death and being removed from his home by Child Protective Services and his mother’s death in a house fire. Dennis shares how he overcame a childhood filled with loss and trauma and inspires and encourages people to live an extraordinary life. His story offers inspiring insight into the never-quit mindset and turning adversities into advantages.


How To Become More Decisive

Sometimes we put off making big decisions. Why?  Why do we waffle back and forth and procrastinate on life-changing decisions, potentially losing out on opportunities, resulting in our lives being directed and shaped by other people’s choices and agendas?  It’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of indecision and second-guessing when facing big decisions. …


How To Overcome Self-Defeating Habits & Be Happy

Self-defeating habits are thoughts and behaviors that keep us from unlocking our best life. They keep us stuck and frustrated and eventually flood our lives with regret. It’s tricky. After all, we might not even know we’re doing them because we do them automatically without thinking. We feel the effects because they affect our dreams,…


How To Know If You’re Happy Or Not

What is happiness? The dictionary says it’s “A state of well-being and contentment.” That’s a good start, but how can you know if you’re happy? What does happiness look like?  Although happiness is in the mind of the “beholder,” you’re probably happy when the following things are true about your life:  Happiness is more than…

How is the Media Making You Fight?

In this episode of the Podcast with Roy Ice, we delve into the topic of conflict and how the media is contributing to it. Our guests, Nolan Higdon & Mickey Huff, both professors and authors join us for a discussion on fake news, junk food news, and promoting constructive dialogue instead of destructive dialogue. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the anger and conflict in society, then this is the episode for you. Tune in to learn more about how the media is affecting our behavior and what we can do to combat it.

Lifestyle #3214

JimPressions with Actor Jim Meskimen

Our guest on this episode has entertained so many with his comedic talent and countless performances in films, TV and video games. As the son of the famous “Happy Days” mom, Marion Ross, he had to navigate all of the challenges of growing up as a Hollywood kid. Learn how he was able to escape substance abuse and the many common pitfalls that so many have fallen into. Here to show off his improv skills and give us insight into art communities is the incredible Jim Meskimen.


5 Ways To Build Your Child’s Self-Worth

What good parent doesn’t want their kids to be happy and successful? But how do we do that, exactly? We compliment and affirm, support them, tell them to chase their dreams, and teach them to live for something bigger than themselves. What else can we do? According to experts, we should teach them how to be…

Lifestyle #3215

Family Affair with Kathy Garver

We all handle rejection differently, but it’s important we keep moving forward regardless. Join us today as we talk with acclaimed actress Kathy Garver, to hear her thoughts on self-image and discuss her passion for living every minute.

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