
Foods That Should Lose Their Health Halo

Some foods are wearing a “healthy” halo they don’t deserve. People mistakenly believe they’re the healthier option because that’s what the commercial claimed, and they eat them without question. Not all “health foods” are healthy but are considered healthy because of clever marketing. For instance, due to a successful marketing campaign in the 90s, many…


There’s an App for That!

We’re living in the age of health and fitness technology. From the fitness bands telling us how our workout is going to the calorie trackers telling us how our diet is coming along, technology has earned its place in health and fitness. There are hundreds of thousands of fitness apps in the app stores, with…


5 Reasons Pet Owners Are Healthier & Happier!

Pets. There’s just something about them that makes us feel good! So good, in fact, that pet owners visit their doctor less often than non-pet owners. While this is true, few people know the reasons why, until now. Healthier Heart and Lower Blood Pressure Pet ownership, especially dog ownership, is associated with a lower risk…

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