
Breakfast: The Most Important Meal Of The Day?

How many times have you heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Everyone, from talk show hosts to health care practitioners, seems to have an opinion on the matter. So let’s look at the research. How Important Is Breakfast? There are many conflicting studies on this subject. A study published in…


Are Raw Foods Safer and Healthier?

You’ve probably heard about the raw food diet, which involves eating mostly raw and unprocessed foods. Refined and pasteurized foods are completely out of the question, so the diet is made up of mostly fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. Those who support this diet claim that the process of cooking food destroys enzymes and nutrients….


The Truth About Cholesterol

There’s so much confusion surrounding dietary cholesterol. Some people believe it’s harmful and should be avoided at all costs, while others believe it’s totally fine. Cholesterol is essential for good health. The liver actually produces cholesterol, which aids in the production of essential hormones, bile and vitamin D. So, why does cholesterol get such a…


Are Your Teeth and Bones Getting Enough Calcium?

Calcium is a tricky mineral. It’s the most abundant mineral in the human body and is present in many different foods. However, people still suffer from calcium deficiency, low bone mass and osteoporosis. Insufficient calcium intake doesn’t produce symptoms in the short term, making it really difficult to know when you’re not getting enough. Also,…

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