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June 27, 2024

Is Stress Affecting Your Weight? How to Manage Your Mindset for Weight Loss

Globally, health experts agree that incidences of stress and obesity are rising. In the US, recent studies show that up to 1 in 5 adults often or always feel lonely, anxious, or depressed. Similarly, obesity is growing rampant, with two-thirds of all adults in the US qualifying as such.  As it happens, the fact that these two issues are on the rise at the same time is no coincidence. Health experts have found that excess weight and heightened stress levels perpetuate a toxic cycle, where one encourages the development and progression of the other. This is concerning since the World Health Organization (WHO) notes that obesity-related complications are responsible for nearly three million deaths from around the world every year. With this in mind, it’s important to understand how stress and weight are connected and how to cultivate a positive weight-loss mindset.  Where weight and stress meet Although stress is primarily mental and weight is physical, they are undeniably linked, where one’s symptoms manifest in the other. To start, when the body is stressed, it causes hormonal changes. Chief among these fluctuating hormones is cortisol, which regulates the body’s fight-or-flight mode. During this period, the metabolism naturally slows. High cortisol levels also cause slower production of the hormone leptin, which controls feelings of satiety and hunger. Without enough of this, appetites can increase and lead to weight gain. Stress can also demotivate a person from pursuing weight management methods like diet and exercise. Meanwhile, eating is a self-coping method for…

Time doesn’t stop for anyone. Everyone ages. All the money in the world can’t buy another second of time. But that doesn’t mean you can’t control how well you age.  Here are five simple ways to age better.  Grip Strength Grip strength might not be an exciting topic but it’s related to multiple health and…

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The quality of your sleep affects your quality of life. Period. Sleep isn’t a luxury or a guilty pleasure. Your body, mind and soul require rest to be healthy and for you to be at your best. We spend up to a third of our life sleeping. During sleep, our brain is hard at work…

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Most people don’t like change…they resist it or fight it because they find comfort in the familiar – and change is anything but familiar. Whether we like it or not, change is happening all around us. Sometimes it’s the result of our choices or consequences. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere and smacks us up…

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Although there isn’t anything wrong with taking dietary supplements, it’s always best and healthiest to get our protein, vitamins, and other nutrients from whole foods instead of from powders and pills. B-12 The good news is that the body doesn’t need very much B-12. But, vegans can struggle with getting enough. A vitamin B-12 deficiency…

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Upgrading your beliefs, habits, standards, relationships, and goals are all forms of personal growth. Most people have something they want to improve about their life. Here are a few tips for figuring out where to start. Try not to be one of those people who say they’ll get around to it “someday.” Start Where You…

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Very few people like to feel vulnerable (capable of being emotionally wounded) or ask for help (feeling weak or incapable). But we all have limitations. And besides, there’s not a person on the planet who knows everything there is to know, right? So why should we ever feel weak, helpless or vulnerable when asking for…

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The heart is one of the most important vital organs of the body. So why don’t people take better care of it?  Heart disease is the leading cause of death in United States. About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year. Since taking care of your heart is important, here are five easy things…

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Your outlook determines what you believe to be true about yourself, life, and others. It’s your perception and reality, real or not. Your attitude can be a pathway to peace and inner calm or worry and chaos. An optimistic outlook is essential to enjoying a life of health, success, and happiness. Here are six ways…

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A whole-Food plant-based (WFPB) diet isn’t just for vegans and vegetarians. And it’s not a secret agenda to lure meat-eaters away from their slabs of juicy steaks either. The great thing about a WFPB diet, is that it’s about giving you MORE food choices, not fewer, unlike so many other diets. There isn’t anything mysterious…

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The year 2020 forced people into an introverted lifestyle. For some, “social distancing” has become social isolation. Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut spending too much time on your own? Are you tired of screens and functioning in a “virtual” world? Well, here are four ways to ease social connection back into…

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