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June 27, 2024

Is Stress Affecting Your Weight? How to Manage Your Mindset for Weight Loss

Globally, health experts agree that incidences of stress and obesity are rising. In the US, recent studies show that up to 1 in 5 adults often or always feel lonely, anxious, or depressed. Similarly, obesity is growing rampant, with two-thirds of all adults in the US qualifying as such.  As it happens, the fact that these two issues are on the rise at the same time is no coincidence. Health experts have found that excess weight and heightened stress levels perpetuate a toxic cycle, where one encourages the development and progression of the other. This is concerning since the World Health Organization (WHO) notes that obesity-related complications are responsible for nearly three million deaths from around the world every year. With this in mind, it’s important to understand how stress and weight are connected and how to cultivate a positive weight-loss mindset.  Where weight and stress meet Although stress is primarily mental and weight is physical, they are undeniably linked, where one’s symptoms manifest in the other. To start, when the body is stressed, it causes hormonal changes. Chief among these fluctuating hormones is cortisol, which regulates the body’s fight-or-flight mode. During this period, the metabolism naturally slows. High cortisol levels also cause slower production of the hormone leptin, which controls feelings of satiety and hunger. Without enough of this, appetites can increase and lead to weight gain. Stress can also demotivate a person from pursuing weight management methods like diet and exercise. Meanwhile, eating is a self-coping method for…

According to, resentment is “the feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, person, etc., regarded as causing injury or insult.” The crazy thing is that even if your feelings of resentment are merited, the only person resentment hurts is you. Resentment is a kind of emotional suffering. Who wants that? Here are…

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Anger can get a bad wrap. It’s healthy to vent your anger sometimes. It can even protect someone who’s trying to hurt other people or us. Anger becomes an issue when it gets out of hand and starts controlling you. This can damage your health, relationships, career and cause run-ins with the police. Recognizing that…

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According to science, by eating more fruits and vegetables, we reduce our risk of certain diseases such as cancer and extend longevity by years. By eating healthier foods, we reduce the consumption of junk foods, processed foods, and preservatives. And it’s so easy to plug into the power of fruit and vegetables! Here’s the good…

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How many people do you know who are on a diet? And how many of those people always seem to be on a diet? (And is that person you? ) Maybe we should stop dieting because clearly it isn’t effective. And maybe we should stop judging ourselves while we’re at it too. The last thing…

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Are you perfect? Me either. Have any flaws? Welcome to Earth. Everyone on this planet has character defects, also known as shortcomings that compromise their goals, dreams, and relationships. Identifying defects in our thoughts and behavior isn’t always easy because of the tendency to blame others or rationalize our actions. Common Character Defects offers…

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Catastrophic thinking is when a person continuously thinks about irrational, worst-case outcomes. Irrational thoughts and emotions replace logical thinking. And life becomes a cycle of repetitive worry. Catastrophic thinking causes: ● Difficulty concentrating ● Loss of sleep ● Added stress ● Increased anxiety ● Worsens existing mental health conditions Pandemics, political upheaval, social unrest, and…

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Sometimes we get so busy “doing” life that we fail to live. Have you ever wondered if you’re really living? Are you focusing on what matters most to you or on the demands of others? You won’t unlock your best life until you make your life a priority. What Matters Most Being an “influencer”, wearing…

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We live in an age of distraction and overwhelm. It seems everything and everyone is competing for our attention and mental bandwidth. In fact, experts estimate we’re bombarded with 5, 000 to 10,000 ads daily. And that’s not including everyone who comes into our lives wanting or needing something, spreading us way too thin. If…

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Every day brings challenges and situations that trigger various thoughts and emotions within us. Some are easy to deal with and let go. However, some are difficult to experience and face, like relationship issues or the loss of a job. 20th century philosopher of science, Karl Popper, once said, “All life is problem solving.” Problem…

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January ushers in a fresh start; out with old in with the new! We dream about the things we want to have, be, or do. We vow that things will be different this year so we create ambitious plans to make our dreams come true. According to surveys, most people give up on their resolutions…

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We hear a lot about “whole foods” these days. Eating less processed foods and more whole foods is healthier for us. A whole food is any food that remains in its natural form, free of any artificial additives, preservatives, or other man-made ingredients. Examples include fruits and vegetables. Processed foods are stripped of their natural…

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