How do you feel about your life, and how things are going? I’m sure you’re a wonderful person, living an extraordinary life! But, have you ever noticed how some people seem to quit on themselves because it takes too much effort to become more than they are? So they sink into lukewarm complacency. Others look…

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There are days when life overwhelms you with a flood of emotions. Remorse, bitterness, frustration, helplessness, guilt, shame, and other feelings can take you to a very dark place really fast.  Insecurity and uncertainty rise within your soul, giving way to feelings of hopelessness and fear, causing you to feel a special kind of “aloneness.” …

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Discipline is self-control. There are plenty of urges and forces that seek to control us today. But the most important control of all is self-control. Taking charge of your life, regardless of what’s happening around you or within you, exercising your freedom and power of choice to live YOUR life, not someone else’s, is the…

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Please enjoy this week’s guest post written exclusively for Lifestyle Magazine by Sophia Emma on balancing work and life! The US comes in 13th on a list of countries with the worst work-life balance, according to a World Economic Forum article on the topic. One main reason behind this is that Americans work very long hours….

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Is your opinion of yourself high, low, or somewhere in between?  What beliefs about yourself have you accepted or convinced yourself are true? Your opinion of yourself and your place in the world is a self-determining prophecy that affects your happiness, success, and relationships.   Your beliefs about yourself affect everything you do and can even…

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Do you ever feel like life is rushing past you? Or are you so distracted by a million different things competing for your attention that you miss what’s happening around you?  When was the last time you gifted yourself a few minutes just to enjoy nature? The warm, nurturing glow of the sun as it…

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Please enjoy this week’s guest post written exclusively for Lifestyle Magazine by Sophia Emma on five in-demand post-pandemic careers! During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, The International Labour Organization’s ILO Monitor revealed that approximately 114 million jobs were lost. Working hours were also drastically reduced to the point that even those who remained employed found their…

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There are over two billion Google searches for “happiness” and over four billion for “I want to be happy.” You can decide what that means if it means anything.  According to Merriam-Webster, happiness ranges from a state of well-being and contentment to a pleasurable or satisfying experience. No wonder there’s a relentless pursuit of happiness….

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Whoever said, “Old habits die hard,” wasn’t wrong. We all go through seasons of life when we want to change certain things about ourselves and live a better life. We want to eat better, exercise more, procrastinate less, work less, worry less, have more passion and excitement, be more spiritual, or simply drink more water…

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According to CNBC, 33% of Americans file taxes at the midnight hour. And the states with the most procrastinators? Texas and California are first and second with Maryland coming in third.  Some of us are chronic procrastinators. Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow, right? ! How often do we wait until…

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Do you dream of retiring one day? What do you imagine life will be like when that day finally comes? Lazy days at the beach? Living in an RV traveling from coast to coast? Exploring the world? Taking dream vacations? Or perhaps more time to serve your community of faith?  Retirement means something different to…

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What do you imagine when you dream of retirement? Beach house? Traveling the world? Time to enjoy your hobbies and passions?  Finding happiness in retirement goes far beyond relaxing in your chair and sipping your favorite beverage. Here are six crucial tips to enjoy retirement more. Safeguard Wealth With Budgeting Everyone knows that money can’t…

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