2020 is almost over. It started pretty well, didn’t it. We made our resolutions and watched the fireworks light up the January sky, but then things went downhill pretty fast after that. The next thing we knew, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving us with no choice but to stay in quarantine…

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Don’t you like to get things done? Yes, of course, because being productive makes you happier. Sometimes it’s easy to fall into the habit of spending time on wasteful activities, fooling ourselves that being busy is being productive. But all it does is keep you stuck and slow down your productivity. The goal of productivity…

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Every summer, many people put aside their work, daily stresses and responsibilities and escape on a vacation, somewhere far away from reality. It may be a secluded retreat in the mountains, a camping trip with the kids, an arranged tour in another country, an Alaskan cruise, or days relaxing at an exotic beach or resort….

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Self-help “wisdom” is everywhere these days. New self-help books pop up every day, and social media is overflowing with inspirational quotes from self-help experts. Although people want to improve their lives, many are skeptical of self-help books and personal development gurus because they wonder if it really works. The good news is that research shows…

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