A certain kind of peace comes from knowing yourself, being comfortable in your own skin, and liking yourself. How well do you know yourself? Are you living your life or the life someone else expects you to live? Self-awareness requires soul searching. So here are five great tips for getting to know yourself better so…

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Sometimes, life just hurts. And while the holiday season fills many people with gratitude and warm fuzzies, for others, it seems to make their pain worse, and their hearts feel a little colder.  If you’re someone who feels on top of the world and abundantly blessed, you don’t need to finish reading this post; enjoy…

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Regret is a bitter pill to swallow. Most people make decisions or fail to take advantage of opportunities that end in painful outcomes or feelings of missing out. Regret creates disappointment. Who wants to reach the end of life’s journey with a soul overflowing with sadness and missed opportunities? Here are six healthy ways to…

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We are what we think. That’s what they say. Is it true – do you believe it? Maybe, maybe not. But there is a relationship between the quality of our thoughts and the quality of our life. Some people try to improve their lives with materialistic things and experiences, or they turn to mind-altering substances…

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A positive role model is someone you respect. But it’s more than just having someone to look up to. It’s about finding someone you feel is worthy of modeling. It can be more than one person. You can have positive role models for your personal and professional life or your intimate relationship. They influence how…

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One of the most well-known personality tests is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It’s a psychometric assessment designed to measure preferences in how a person perceives the world and makes decisions. The test is based on Carl Jung’s book Psychological Types published in 1921 A mother-daughter team did the original work for the Myers-Briggs Type…

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Upgrading your beliefs, habits, standards, relationships, and goals are all forms of personal growth. Most people have something they want to improve about their life. Here are a few tips for figuring out where to start. Try not to be one of those people who say they’ll get around to it “someday.” Start Where You…

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At the end of the day, it’s not about what life does to you, but what you do with your life today that matters. Although it’s impossible to predict everything that will happen to you on any given day, there are things you can to do create an outstanding day. As the old saying goes,…

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Time equals life. We only have so much of it. It’s one thing to relax and enjoy life, but it’s another to let little interruptions pillage our productivity and steal precious minutes of our life. We need to guard our time by dealing with these five common time thieves. Social Media/Emails/Texts There isn’t anything inherently…

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Sometimes we get so busy “doing” life that we fail to live. Have you ever wondered if you’re really living? Are you focusing on what matters most to you or on the demands of others? You won’t unlock your best life until you make your life a priority. What Matters Most Being an “influencer”, wearing…

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Every day brings challenges and situations that trigger various thoughts and emotions within us. Some are easy to deal with and let go. However, some are difficult to experience and face, like relationship issues or the loss of a job. 20th century philosopher of science, Karl Popper, once said, “All life is problem solving.” Problem…

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There’s a lot a talk about “self-care” these days. All it means is that you take time to look after your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellness. It’s hard to enjoy life if you don’t love yourself enough to care for your needs.  Many people do a pretty good job taking care of others but…

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