
7 Tips For Making The Most Of Your Mistakes

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”  Everyone makes mistakes. But only a fool keeps repeating the same ones.  It’s not that we make mistakes that matters but what we do about them. Mistakes can either break us or build us; block our…


Enjoy A Quiet, Peaceful, And Cozy Holiday

Some places on earth are known for their long, cold winters. Denmark is one of those places with cool summers and notoriously long, dark winters.  Hygge-Living After a while, living in icy darkness wears on a person. Maybe that’s why the Danish people are known for a concept called Hygge living (pronounced Hue-gah). Hygge is…


Lead & Inspire With Kindness

When was the last time someone was kind to you?  There’s an old saying that says, “Kindness is contagious.” Being kind and doing kind things light up the brain’s pleasure centers for the person being kind and the recipient.  Kindness triggers the brain to release serotonin and oxytocin. Serotonin makes you feel happier, and oxytocin…


Give Someone A Cozy-Feeling Christmas

John Bunyan wrote, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”  The holiday season is here, and along with it, gift-giving. As lovely as it is to receive a gift, most people say they gain more pleasure from giving gifts than getting them. What better time…


To Be Thankful, Or, To Be Grateful?

We hear the words “gratitude” and “thanksgiving” so much that I wonder if they’ve become little more than self-help platitudes and warm-sounding seasonal cliches. Have we lost a meaningful appreciation for the true spirit of thankfulness and gratitude? And what do they really mean anyway, aren’t they the same thing? Emotion And Attitude Gratitude comes…


The Art of Patience

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “To lose patience is to lose the battle.” defines patience as “the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.” That’s a tall order.  Doesn’t it seem like a tidal wave of frustration, irritability, and impatience is…


5 Ways To Endure Life’s Trying Times

Everybody has “stuff” to deal with. For some, it might be money worries, relationship problems, parenting challenges, etc. You name it; everyone is going through something. Life isn’t easy. Imagine how life would be if we were more patient, gracious, understanding, and kind, and much less critical and judgmental because we’re in this together; everybody…

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