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June 27, 2024

Is Stress Affecting Your Weight? How to Manage Your Mindset for Weight Loss

Globally, health experts agree that incidences of stress and obesity are rising. In the US, recent studies show that up to 1 in 5 adults often or always feel lonely, anxious, or depressed. Similarly, obesity is growing rampant, with two-thirds of all adults in the US qualifying as such.  As it happens, the fact that these two issues are on the rise at the same time is no coincidence. Health experts have found that excess weight and heightened stress levels perpetuate a toxic cycle, where one encourages the development and progression of the other. This is concerning since the World Health Organization (WHO) notes that obesity-related complications are responsible for nearly three million deaths from around the world every year. With this in mind, it’s important to understand how stress and weight are connected and how to cultivate a positive weight-loss mindset.  Where weight and stress meet Although stress is primarily mental and weight is physical, they are undeniably linked, where one’s symptoms manifest in the other. To start, when the body is stressed, it causes hormonal changes. Chief among these fluctuating hormones is cortisol, which regulates the body’s fight-or-flight mode. During this period, the metabolism naturally slows. High cortisol levels also cause slower production of the hormone leptin, which controls feelings of satiety and hunger. Without enough of this, appetites can increase and lead to weight gain. Stress can also demotivate a person from pursuing weight management methods like diet and exercise. Meanwhile, eating is a self-coping method for…

Life gets more stressful every day. It can be a million little things competing for our time or one huge thing we never saw coming. One minute everything is great, and the next minute our whole world is upside down.  Life isn’t easy. Of the many techniques to cope with stress, deep breathing is among…

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Hot fluffy pancakes slathered with butter, drenched in mouth-watering maple syrup, with a few berries thrown in for nutritional penance to tame our guilt. Wow. We do love our carbohydrates, don’t we? Maybe pancakes aren’t your thing but everyone has their nutritional Kryptonite. Some people swear by carbs them. Others curse them, believing they’re downright…

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), alcohol is a significant cause of death in the U.S. More than 95,000 people die every year due to alcohol-related causes. Alcoholism is a disease referred to as alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse, and alcohol use disorder.  Alcoholism is drinking so much alcohol that the body becomes addicted,…

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There are over a billion Internet searches on “anxiety,” which, according to, says:  “Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and can be beneficial in some situations. It can alert us to dangers and help us prepare and pay attention. Anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness or anxiousness and involve excessive fear or anxiety.” Get…

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Although the gym has just about everything you can imagine to get in the best shape of your life, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, despite easy access and affordable membership fees.  Some people are self-conscious and feel uncomfortable working out in front of people. For others, logistical issues such as transportation or travel time…

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We hear a lot about “Metabolic syndrome” these days.  The metabolic process regulates many body functions that, in turn, determine your quality of health.  Metabolic Syndrome According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, “Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that together raise your risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other serious health problems. Metabolic…

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There are days when life overwhelms you with a flood of emotions. Remorse, bitterness, frustration, helplessness, guilt, shame, and other feelings can take you to a very dark place really fast.  Insecurity and uncertainty rise within your soul, giving way to feelings of hopelessness and fear, causing you to feel a special kind of “aloneness.” …

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Discipline is self-control. There are plenty of urges and forces that seek to control us today. But the most important control of all is self-control. Taking charge of your life, regardless of what’s happening around you or within you, exercising your freedom and power of choice to live YOUR life, not someone else’s, is the…

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Please enjoy this week’s guest post written exclusively for Lifestyle Magazine by Sophia Emma on balancing work and life! The US comes in 13th on a list of countries with the worst work-life balance, according to a World Economic Forum article on the topic. One main reason behind this is that Americans work very long hours….

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Is your opinion of yourself high, low, or somewhere in between?  What beliefs about yourself have you accepted or convinced yourself are true? Your opinion of yourself and your place in the world is a self-determining prophecy that affects your happiness, success, and relationships.   Your beliefs about yourself affect everything you do and can even…

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There’s a lot of talk about stress these days. People feel anxious and overwhelmed by all kinds of stress, from financial worries to relationship issues to world events.  Chronic stress is the problem – stressful feelings that won’t go away but stay with you daily. Chronic stress interferes with your ability to be happy. Although…

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Do you ever feel like life is rushing past you? Or are you so distracted by a million different things competing for your attention that you miss what’s happening around you?  When was the last time you gifted yourself a few minutes just to enjoy nature? The warm, nurturing glow of the sun as it…

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