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June 27, 2024

Is Stress Affecting Your Weight? How to Manage Your Mindset for Weight Loss

Globally, health experts agree that incidences of stress and obesity are rising. In the US, recent studies show that up to 1 in 5 adults often or always feel lonely, anxious, or depressed. Similarly, obesity is growing rampant, with two-thirds of all adults in the US qualifying as such.  As it happens, the fact that these two issues are on the rise at the same time is no coincidence. Health experts have found that excess weight and heightened stress levels perpetuate a toxic cycle, where one encourages the development and progression of the other. This is concerning since the World Health Organization (WHO) notes that obesity-related complications are responsible for nearly three million deaths from around the world every year. With this in mind, it’s important to understand how stress and weight are connected and how to cultivate a positive weight-loss mindset.  Where weight and stress meet Although stress is primarily mental and weight is physical, they are undeniably linked, where one’s symptoms manifest in the other. To start, when the body is stressed, it causes hormonal changes. Chief among these fluctuating hormones is cortisol, which regulates the body’s fight-or-flight mode. During this period, the metabolism naturally slows. High cortisol levels also cause slower production of the hormone leptin, which controls feelings of satiety and hunger. Without enough of this, appetites can increase and lead to weight gain. Stress can also demotivate a person from pursuing weight management methods like diet and exercise. Meanwhile, eating is a self-coping method for…

Willpower is “the ability to control one’s own actions, emotions, or urges.” And self-control is “restraint exercised over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires.” Imagine the kind of life you could unlock if you were that person.  Well, you don’t have to imagine because here are ways to strengthen your powers of willpower and self-control.  Willpower Strength…

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Avoiding problems is a band-aid approach to handling life’s challenges that makes things worse. According to Christina Smith, LMHC, “Avoidance is a maladaptive coping skill that offers the mind an escape from uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and/or experiences. It may seem like avoiding discomfort could be helpful, however, it results in never addressing the actual issue….

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Some people know what they want and are determined to make it happen no matter what.  They’re ambitious; driven. And will work nights and weekends – even holidays – to achieve their goals, while others are okay with dreaming and drifting, accepting whatever life hands them, and hoping for the best along the way.  Why…

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The only way to make progress in life is to make decisions. But that’s harder than it sounds unless you’re making little decisions.  When making big decisions, sometimes you think you have everything figured out and know what to do. Easy.  But there are times when knowing what to do can be a real struggle…

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Ghandi said, “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”  Although exercise is proven to change our body, mind, attitude, and mood, how many people get physical activity regularly?  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 46.9 percent of adults aged 18 years and over meet the…

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William James said, “The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.”  Let’s resolve to be wiser in 2023 by letting go of everything we can that doesn’t add meaning to our lives.  Let our motto be, simplify, simplify, simplify! Trying to keep up with everything is exhausting and wastes time….

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Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.”  Everyone makes mistakes. But only a fool keeps repeating the same ones.  It’s not that we make mistakes that matters but what we do about them. Mistakes can either break us or build us; block our…

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Some places on earth are known for their long, cold winters. Denmark is one of those places with cool summers and notoriously long, dark winters.  Hygge-Living After a while, living in icy darkness wears on a person. Maybe that’s why the Danish people are known for a concept called Hygge living (pronounced Hue-gah). Hygge is…

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When was the last time someone was kind to you?  There’s an old saying that says, “Kindness is contagious.” Being kind and doing kind things light up the brain’s pleasure centers for the person being kind and the recipient.  Kindness triggers the brain to release serotonin and oxytocin. Serotonin makes you feel happier, and oxytocin…

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John Bunyan wrote, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”  The holiday season is here, and along with it, gift-giving. As lovely as it is to receive a gift, most people say they gain more pleasure from giving gifts than getting them. What better time…

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C.S. Lewis, the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, describes his grief and sadness after the passing of his wife in his book, A Grief Observed, “Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything.”  Loss, sadness, and grief affect every part of life and can leave you feeling hollow and empty.  The holiday season…

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We hear the words “gratitude” and “thanksgiving” so much that I wonder if they’ve become little more than self-help platitudes and warm-sounding seasonal cliches. Have we lost a meaningful appreciation for the true spirit of thankfulness and gratitude? And what do they really mean anyway, aren’t they the same thing? Emotion And Attitude Gratitude comes…

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