Lifestyle #2909


Our guests today are actors Bill Hayes and Susan Seaforth Hayes. These daytime award-winning stars from Days of Our Lives share their stories about being married on television, but also in real life. This super couple talk about secrets that keep their marriage strong. Free Offer: Mantras For Marriage by Mike and Gayle Tucker Offer Code: MANTRA-P-F-401 Offer Description: Mike and Gayle Tucker share the “Mantras” or “slogans” that have become the guiding principle of successful marriages. Learn how to create a mantra that fits who you are as a couple and where you wish your relationship to be.

Lifestyle #2806

Unwanted Children

Ten children, all fostered, died in his arms. One of his own sons died. His other son was born with brittle bones. His days are spent caring for unwanted children. We’re about to meet the man who has one of the biggest heart you’ve ever seen. Our first guest is Mohamed Bzeek, a foster parent who takes in terminally ill children, often caring for them until they die. He was recently given the International Benevolence Award. Also joining us is actress, Adel René, from Showtime’s Twin Peaks. She will share her incredible story of caring for her brother when he was diagnosed with ALS. She’s an active volunteer with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation and the Make a Film Foundation. Free Offer: The Healing Power of Love by Jerry D. Thomas Offer Code: HPOL-P-F-401 Offer Description: Jesus taught people that they had been given precious talents. His own life showed that every moment can influence eternity, that every moment is a treasure to be spent making someone’s life better and heaven more real.


3 Steps To Jump Start Happiness

Everyone who is emotionally and mentally healthy wishes for a happy and fulfilling life, and to feel good about the future despite their current circumstances. Happiness is within reach; it just boils down to how willing we are to make any necessary changes in our lives to be truly happy. Although there can be many…

Lifestyle #2617

Happiness Over A Lifetime

What creates happiness over a lifetime? Does it change throughout? Our guest today, Harvard psychiatrist George Vaillant and author of Triumphs of Experience: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study, has answers to those questions and more. Free Offer: “Joy-The Secret of Being Content” Offer Code: JOY-T-F-401 Offer Description: Find out what real joy is in the Touch Points pamphlet, “Joy-The Secret of Being Content.”

Lifestyle #2615

5 Ways To Be Happy

Today’s guest, Patricia Lorenz, author of the book The 5 Things We Need to be Happy has a list of Five Ways to Be Happy, but there is something that’s not on the list that may surprise you. Free Offer: CareNotes pamphlet “Discovering the Healing Power of Laughter” Offer Code: LAUGH-T-F-401 Offer Description: When we feel as though we’re drowning in our misery, our God throws us a rope-our sense of humor. The author reminds us that in the light of humor, our problems may not disappear but our load will seem less burdensome.  Written by Terry Loncaric (

Lifestyle #2503

Discovering Joy

Imagine having everything you ever dreamed of, yet feeling so alone, so lost, so desperate for connection, that you were willing to take your own life. Our guest today was right there, willing to take that last step. Join us to find out what stopped Jason Davis as he shares from his book, Your Love Pursues: A Memoir.

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